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bryceh@teward, hiya, I posted a Q for you to lp: #2040404 about some nginx/mod version conflicts20:07
tewardbryceh: bug or question?20:07
tewardbecause i may not see it with the massive amount of crap in my inbox20:07
brycehteward: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nginx/+bug/204040420:12
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 2040404 in nginx (Ubuntu) "Merge nginx from Debian unstable for noble" [Undecided, Fix Committed]20:12
tewardbryceh: refer to nginx-full from Debian.  you might have more than one dependency in place here.  `libnginx-mod-http-geoip2 (>= ${libnginx-mod-geoip2:Version}~),`is defined explicitly for nginx-full now in Debian for the geoip2 module versions20:16
tewardand that's the *only* dependency string20:16
tewardthe only conflict SHOULD be on nginx20:17
tewardrefer to https://salsa.debian.org/nginx-team/nginx/-/blob/main/debian/control#L129 as example20:17
tewardthis might be the way forward since -core exists in Debian too but we add geoip2 to it20:17
bryceh@teward, ok just dropping the << depends.  Yes that seems like it would fix this.20:18
tewardwhich is what i said in the bug reply but said to refer to my IRC discussion with you here20:18
brycehgreat thanks20:19
tewardwhen in doubt, go back to the original 'template' which was nginx-full minus external mon-core modules.20:19
tewardesp. since this is a huge restructure of the packages in Debian that we're now adopting downstream here in Ubuntu20:19
tewardso originalTemplates are good ;)20:19
tewardthanks for spearheading this massive undertaking :D20:19
brycehwe'll get there :-D20:22
tewardbryceh: if it STILL fails with the same error (becasue the version string is wrong or not matching things right, etc.) then talk to the buildd admins because something messy is up with our buildds 20:34

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