
=== Nando_ is now known as Nando
bray90820So whenever I try to uninstall i386 from 22.04 I get an error00:10
bray90820dpkg: error: cannot remove architecture 'i386' currently in use by the database00:10
buttermeltedhi, did ubuntu switch to snap completely and what should i use by default? havent used ubuntu in 10 years00:25
rboxtyhere are snaps and there are deb packages still00:26
buttermeltedwhat should i use by default?00:26
buttermeltedand is there still a graphical deb package manager, seemst there is only ubuntu software which seems to be snap00:27
leftyfbbuttermelted: why not just install ubuntu and try it out?00:27
buttermeltedi did00:27
buttermeltedthats why im asking00:28
leftyfbbuttermelted: is there a piece of software you are looking for?00:28
buttermeltedi am asking if there is still a graphical deb package manager, there was one by default in ancient times00:28
expatjedibuttermelted, experienced users always use the pure command line options to install programs but some programs hard to install and require search so use snap if you don't have time. Basically snap does what apt does00:29
Unit193Synaptic is what you're likely talking about.00:29
buttermeltedok thx00:29
buttermeltedbut the base system is installed over deb?00:29
buttermeltedseems weird to have 2 systems00:29
expatjedisnap is not a system00:30
expatjediubuntu is based on debian but not pure deb00:30
buttermeltedi mean all the components are installed with deb packages? why is it so hard to understand my question :D00:31
expatjediThat's not completely accurate. Have you ever heard gnu/linux term?00:31
Unit193buttermelted: Mostly everything is a package, there's a few snaps installed that can likely all be listed with `snap list` or something.00:32
Unit193It's usually browsers, lxd, etc.00:32
buttermeltedok, i just now read that snap installs all dependencies in a container. seems to work like windows00:32
expatjediWe don't use that word on this server. It's forbidden :)00:33
Unit193No it isn't.00:33
Unit193buttermelted: It's like flatpak if you know anything about that one?00:33
expatjedibottom line I recommend to use APT to install programs. They install with all dependencies and works faster, starts faster00:35
buttermeltedso if the dependencies are all duplicated in their containers, do the programs use more memory because the each load the same dependencies?00:35
bparkeranyone have an answer to this question? https://superuser.com/questions/1770099/fractional-display-scaling-get-and-set-in-terminal00:36
bparkerfor 22.0400:36
expatjedialmost every desktop envoriment has its own program to set that scale00:39
expatjediMay i ask why do you want to set it in command line00:39
grybparker: hi00:40
Unit193Certainly more disk space. :>00:40
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grybparker: i think you may have misunderstood00:40
grybparker: fractional scaling looks like a boolean to me; the 125% is 'scaling', it is another preference00:41
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bparkerexpatjedi: because the setting does not persist, there is somehow no way to set a default, so I want to make a script that changes it when it gets reset00:41
bparkeralso I just want to know how to change it programmatically00:41
bparkergry: then I'd like to know how to set both00:42
leftyfbbparker: what do you mean it doesn't persist? It should. Creating a script to set it on boot is a hack to work around an issue that should be addressed properly00:42
bparkerleftyfb: I mean it doesn't persist. there is absolutely no way to make it do that within ubuntu's own settings00:43
bparkeryou would think this is a really simple thing that should already exist but believe me it doesn't00:43
bparkerit just blows me away00:43
bparkerso all I can do is hack around it00:43
grybparker: https://www.x.org/releases/X11R7.5/doc/man/man1/xrandr.1.html has a parameter for scale, i think00:43
bparkerdoesn't work00:43
bparkeralready tried00:43
bparkerno --dpi X setting in xrandr has any effect00:44
bparkeron my system at least00:44
gryhow does the settings gui do it, then? where is its source code?00:44
bparkerno idea.00:44
bparkerI don't know how to find it either00:44
buttermelteddo you people use btrfs or still ext400:44
leftyfbbparker: what troubleshooting have you done to figure out why it's not persisting? Which GPU do you have? Which driver? Did you confirm it's supported?00:44
bparkerconfirm what is supported?00:44
leftyfbfractional scaling00:45
bparkerit's a gtx750 using nvidia driver00:45
bparkerleftyfb: well I'm already using it so I'd say it is supported00:45
bparkerand how I know it's not persisting is because every time the resolution changes, it resets back to 100%00:45
joe_Have you turned your graphics to discrete in bios from Hybrid?00:45
grybparker: at https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/gnome-control-center/+git/gnome-control-center somewhere00:45
leftyfbbparker: why is the resolution changing?00:45
bparkerI knew that was coming... sigh00:45
bparkerjoe_: there is no hybrid graphics, it's a desktop00:45
bparkerleftyfb: because I turn PIP on and off in my monitor settings whenever I want00:46
joe_My bad lol00:46
bparkerand it changes the desktop resolution00:46
bparkeralso sometimes I change it for games00:46
buttermeltedis F2FS still a thing?00:46
leftyfbbparker: xorg or wayland?00:46
bparkerxorg but I'd like to know how to do it for both in the future00:47
bparkerbuttermelted: yes, I think android uses it heavily00:47
Unit193I use ext4 due to better error recovery.00:48
Unit193bparker: I suppose that's for me. :P00:51
buttermeltedf2fs seems to be considerable faster in some applications00:56
buttermelted5-10 years ago it was hardly faster than ext400:57
bparkergry: not everyone is a dev unfortunately00:59
grySometimes just writing a bug report helps the dev to get moving01:00
bparkermay be but that's not what I'm trying to accomplish right now01:01
bparkerI just want to know how to set the scaling via command-line01:01
topcat001bparker: are you on gnome wayland?01:08
ecapihow does ubuntu differ from debian?03:51
rboxits got different packages03:52
ecapiwee they approved by rascul?03:52
lotuspsychje!discuss | ecapi03:54
ubottuecapi: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!03:54
kotgcUbuntu 22.04 won't run my Bluetooth dongle?04:03
ecapi!discuss kotgc04:04
kotgcI've tried 3 and posted on Stack Exchange, but Stack Exchange deletes my support question?04:04
kotgcecapi, ?04:04
kotgcHere's the USB Bluetooth dongles I've tried: https://dpaste.org/wTQft04:05
kotgcHere's the dmesg output when I connected this new 3rd USB Bluetooth dongle https://dpaste.org/EXaLo04:06
rboxi dont see any usb dongles plugged in to usb in that log04:08
rboxits helps you just paste what happens when you plug it in04:08
rboxnot everything under the sun04:08
kotgcrbox, looks like this 3rd USB Bluetooth dongle is not recognised.04:10
rboxwell that might explain why it's not working04:10
kotgcThe shop said this 3rd USB was Linux compatible: PC-T7 USB Wireless Bluetooth 5.0 Audio Transmitter for Windows Linux PC Computer04:11
kotgcWell the USB ports work, so it seems to be an Ubuntu issue.04:11
rboxif nothing shows in dmesg04:13
rboxit has nothing to do with ubuntu04:13
toddcany usb features disabled in bios04:17
kotgctoddc, not that I'm aware of04:18
toddckotgc: since It did not show up tho there was a lot to sort thu and three devices grasping at straws might look at bios options04:20
WhyDItGoSeriously rbox - I addressed this earlier, but I'll be more blunt: What's the point of just telling people what's wrong/what you think is wrong? These folks (myself included) came here for HELP. It is unhelpful to just say "Well, [*sarcasm*]04:20
rboxif the hardware is broken04:22
rboxnot much to help with04:22
kotgcI just plugged the 3rd USB Bluetooth device into my Mac Mini and the USB is also not found. I do see a Blue LED light come on the USB Bluetooth dongle though.04:23
kotgcGuess I'll refund this 3rd USB Bluetooth dongle.04:24
toddckotgc: and repost dmsg after boot just before plugging in usb blutooth device may help as rbox said it is much easier to find and spot a issue  also I have seen newer devices that have not been included in linux and had to got to maker for a driver04:25
kotgctoddc, yes, this link https://dpaste.org/EXaLo is dmesg after a reboot without the USB Bluetooth dongle. Then ~30 seconds later I inserted the USB Bluetooth dongle, then copied dmesg to dpaste.04:27
WhyDItGo@toddc's comment strikes at what I'm getting at with you rbox - you ASSume something is "Known Bad" before attempting any troubleshooting/verification of issue. I've encountered this as well where something played like it wasn't showing/working "like normal", and it boiled down to either something like needing to compile your own firmware, or USB drives that are prevented from "auto mounting" to be worked with until manually04:29
WhyDItGomounted then suddenly it shows that "normal" wasn't normal04:29
rboxits nto detecting the devcie at all04:30
rboxfirwmare problem or mounting problem it would detect it04:30
kotgcI'm refunding this USB Bluetooth dongle which isn't recognised on Ubuntu nor MacMini.04:32
kotgcNot sure how to find an Ubuntu compatible USB Bluetooth dongle though, as I've tried CSR and Edimax https://dpaste.org/k6bOE.04:33
rboxand what does dmesg look like when you plug one of those in04:34
WhyDItGo@kotgc Having looked it up; looks like there are a few different "Versions" of these dongles (4.0, 5.0, etc.) that appear they *should* be plug n play. Just be aware if you buy another, you might run into the same issue if the hardware lies outside of the built-in hardware support shipped with Ubuntu & still have to find files & Frankenstein it to work. All the best!04:34
kotgcThanks. If anyone knows a USB Bluetooth dongle that works with Ubuntu 22.04, please let me know. I've asked on Stack Exchange but they delete my support question as the question is deemed as 'brand advertisement'.04:35
WhyDItGoYou may be better off posting seeking a product recommendation on one of the many related subreddits on Reddit (not my favorite, but that's usually a great source for peer input on hardware (and not seller just saying "It works!")04:36
kotgcWhyDItGo, thx, I'll research there.04:37
WhyDItGo@kotgc Did you see this: https://medium.com/codex/bluetooth-5-on-linux-overview-of-kernel-supported-dongles-and-chipsets-c6f2b632b236 ? I missed that the title you mentioned is the 5.0 version - this may be why; possibly a bit too new & 3rd party enough to fall outside built-in support04:39
kotgcThis Ubuntu Bluetooth dongle issue has been going on for maybe 1 year. I've read so much, I need a break and will come back another time.04:46
kotgcWhyDItGo, No Bluetooth on the MOBO, just a USB Bluetooth dongle.05:09
lxcangkotgc: may I ask what do you use BT for?05:50
lxcangkotgc: context is that I'd rather go through the troubleshoot of hardwiring my iPhone with an Ethernet05:51
kotgclxcang, I use a Bluetooth solar keyboard with my Mac. I was hoping to use it on Ubuntu too.05:56
astern-thow to change ubuntu to  xubuntu06:57
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boc_thWhat does the user named "backup" belong to? I need to remove it and create my own with the same name.09:14
boc_thit's nigh impossible to find anything, all the hits are about making backups09:20
ravagelook at /var/backups09:33
ravageat least thats the homedir of that user09:34
ravagesystemctl status dpkg-db-backup09:36
CosmicDJboc_th47: I would not remove system users...09:37
ravagethe backup script /usr/libexec/dpkg/dpkg-db-backup does run as root though i think. so i dont know if it really used09:37
geirhabackup user is included in the passwd file installed by the base-passwd package09:39
geirhaso there are probably various deb packages that assume it exists, and that uses it09:40
boc_th47this seems like php1-tier system "design"09:46
geirhayou need to give it a specific uid? is that why you want to remove and recreate it?09:50
ecapii havent coded in over 2 weeks feels wierd10:27
iron_Hi. Is there any way to install VirtualBox on an Ubuntu server without the GUI dependencies? I have tried various posts on the subject, but apt still seems to prompt for all dependencies11:30
Parismaybe it's not possible but there are other headless command line virtual emulator11:39
Parislike qemu or others.11:39
buttermeltedhi, if i plug my microphone into my combo jack on the laptop i cant activate the speakers again. i can do so in windows though11:42
grybuttermelted: can you activate speakers in 'alsamixer' command output11:43
buttermeltedi tried pavucontrol11:46
buttermeltedand it says its blocked11:46
buttermeltedsounds like a driver issue to me, because in windows you have to activate/deactivate the automatic switching11:47
buttermeltedis there a search word for it so i can google it?11:49
buttermeltedand to be honest i am pretty disappointed with the driver situation. this is a 2018 laptop but the fingerprintreader doesnt work11:49
buttermeltedand there is no way to make it work11:49
buttermeltedand mobile broadband doesnt work either :(11:51
buttermeltedvery sad11:51
grybuttermelted: hm11:54
grybuttermelted: can you tell me more about your system. ubuntu what version? what desktop?11:54
buttermeltedx380 lenovo yoga11:55
buttermeltedi think there is absolutly no way to make fingerprint reader work11:55
buttermeltedthere is some hope for the mobile modem. fibocom l850 is the card probably11:55
krumelmonsterWhy do I get the message "33 additional security updates can be applied with ESM Apps." for 22.04 when it still has standard maintenance until 2026?12:17
krumelmonsterIt sounds as if the system did not have the required security updates12:17
lotuspsychje!pro | krumelmonster12:19
ubottukrumelmonster: Ubuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. For details please see https://ubuntu.com/pro and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq12:19
krumelmonsterdoesn't really answer my question lotuspsychje12:29
krumelmonster22.04 should still be in standard maintenance according to https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle so from my understanding, this message is 3 years early12:30
ravageYou still get all the updates from the main repo12:35
ravagePro adds additional updates from universe12:35
ravageThose were contributed by the community only before12:37
ravageAnd of course still can. It just did not really happen much12:38
ograkrumelmonster, the links in that bot factoid surely answer your question in pretty detailed manner ...12:55
BluesKajHi all13:18
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gyhhow to use it?14:45
lotuspsychje!ask | gyh14:46
ubottugyh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:46
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pickanickdoes apt upgrade have an --assume-yes option ? I'm not finding option details in "man apt"14:52
ravagethe man page references the apt-get pages14:54
pickanickand about eight other references14:56
pickanickit turns out that -y is documented in apt-get.14:56
ravageIt references section 8 of the apt-get manpage14:57
pickanickah I see  upgrade (apt-get(8))  is supposed to be understood as "look in apt-get 8 for details"14:58
pickanickThanks, that helps ....  The learning never ends!15:00
pcrafford-admI am using Palo Alto Globalprotect on Ubuntu 22.04 to connect to our corp network. It seems that all deb applications that need access to internet work fine ( chrome, firefox Deb etc. ) However Most things installed via snap do are not able to connect to the internet. I have managed to narro it down to DNS lookups since if I connect directly to a web server using IP it works fine. Has anyone experienced this before?15:06
ravagefirefox is a snap on Ubuntu 22.0415:10
ravageso if firefox works snap cant be the problem15:10
ravageunless you use maybe dns over https with it15:11
ravagein general snaps use the systems's dns servers15:12
pcrafford-admFirefox snap does not work, I installed the deb and it worked. ( I prefer the snap though ). When I disconnect from vpn everything works15:13
ravagesounds like some "feature" your vpn tool has then. i would ask their support15:13
pcrafford-admThank you, I will give that a try.15:17
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nteodosioQuestion: Is there a quicker way to install package and dependencies specific version? E.g. if I try apt install update-manager=1:16.04.18 it complains that it depends on that version of update-manager-core and then I have to list it too in the command line (and then rinse and repeat for other dependencies...).17:00
nteodosioOutput example is termbin.com/loagu.17:02
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hwpplayer1I have 8GB RAM and 512 GB SSD I installed zram by running sudo apt-get install zram-config zram-tools command. How can I give 32 GB Zram or is it possible ? Thanks19:43
JanChwpplayer1: you only need one of 'zram-config', 'zram-tools' or 'systemd-zram-generator'19:46
hwpplayer1okay then what should I do ?19:47
hwpplayer1JanC: Thanks19:47
JanCprobably only install one at a time19:48
JanCsay, you uninstall 'zram-config' & keep 'zram-tools'; then the configuration is in /etc/default/zramswap19:50
hwpplayer1I will install zram-tools again wait please19:50
hwpplayer1Then Can I give 32 GB RAM for Zram ?19:51
JanCalso, zram can only be part of RAM, preferably no more than 10-25% (so no more than 2 GiB)19:51
hwpplayer1Can't I give 32 GB for a Zram ?19:52
JanConly if you have a lot more than 32 GiB RAM19:53
hwpplayer1Okay thanks19:53
JanCare you sure you want zram? what are you trying to do?19:53
arraybolt3FWIW I've assigned more zram than I had RAM in the past.19:54
JanCit would just ignore that then, I suppose19:54
arraybolt3It compresses things and only takes as much room as it needs - the size you set is just a "maximum size" it can grow to taking.19:54
arraybolt3Kind of like a VM disk image with thin provisioning.19:54
JanCI don't see how that would be useful though19:55
arraybolt3So something like `zramctl --find --size=32G` should work on an 8GB machine.19:55
hwpplayer1I have 8GB RAM and 512 GB SSD and I want to run Android Studio and develop Android apps19:55
arraybolt3JanC: If you're using zram as swap, it can be very handy. For instance, if the uncompressed RAM shrinks down to 33% of it's size when compressed, you could theoretically store 24GB or so in 8 GB of RAM.19:55
arraybolt3But not if you only allow the ZRAM device to store 8GB of "real" RAM max.19:56
arraybolt3You'd need to make the ZRAM device around 24GB for it to be able to saturate RAM.19:56
arraybolt3(Now you probably don't want it to *actually* saturate RAM but you get my point.)19:56
JanCthe size you give is the size _after_ compression19:56
arraybolt3No, before.19:56
arraybolt3You can know by making a zram device, formatting it as swap, then `swapon`ing it.19:56
arraybolt3Then look at the size of the swap device you just made - it will be the same as the size you specified to zramctl.19:57
arraybolt3Not an undefined size.19:57
arraybolt3If it were the size after compression, then the device would be of unspecified "real" size and would suddenly stop accepting new data once it filled up.19:57
arraybolt3But because it's the size before compression that you specify, it has a known amount of data it can store, and then the actual memory in RAM it uses up is learned only once you actually fill it. Usually the compression ratio is quite good though.19:58
topcat001I usually get at leat 2x, often 3x or more20:24
masberhi, is ubuntu 23.10 using wayland by default?20:46
masbervar XDG_SESSION_TYPE says wayland20:46
masberbut then I tried to install hyprland form sources and it fails because wayland is not installed?20:47
masberI don't understand20:47
leftyfbmasber: yes. Wayland is default and is currently running on your machine20:48
masberok, then it is not the latest version20:49
leftyfbmasber: that is not the issue20:49
leftyfbaaaand, they're gone20:50
leftyfboh actually. Maybe it is. "you will also need to build the latest wayland, wayland-protocols, and libdisplay-info tagged releases from source20:50
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nuhuei have an issue with server 23.10 which is really odd, i kinda need to send images of the freeze to show you when it does what it does21:38
nuhueafter booting onto the USB, mid start-up the screen flashes 4 times21:38
nuhuethen the screen is frozen..21:38
ecapi!discuss | nuhue22:06
ubottunuhue: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!22:06
nuhueim looking for support22:06
nuhueto fix22:06
nuhuethe issue on boot22:06
masberhi, I am trying to install hyprland in ubuntnu 23.10, apparently I am missing this package "gbm" or "Generic Buffer Management (GBM)" any idea which repo do I need to install it?22:25
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bray90820so on ubuntu 22.04 I am getting an ssh error22:32
bray90820Failed to add the host to the list of known hosts22:32
elias_abray90820: Have you updgraded to 22.04 or is it a totally new installation?23:01
bray90820New install just did it yesterday23:01
elias_abray90820: Well- if you have not transferred your ssh keys to your new installation the behaviour you describe is expected.23:03
bray90820It asks me if I wanna add the ssh key I hit yes and it gives me that message23:03
elias_abray90820: Oh - sorry. I read your message hastily.23:04
telgareithFor interactive programs, specifically parted or fdisk, is piping actions on separate lines to stdin the correct way to automate it?23:04
elias_abray90820: does syslog contain anything about the reason?23:05
bray90820elias_a: Doesn't look like it23:08
expatjedihey fellas, hope everyone is cool tonight23:15
ecapi!discuss | expatjedi23:16
ubottuexpatjedi: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!23:16
expatjediI just say hello23:20
topcat001bray90820: Check that permissions on ~/.ssh are 60023:27
topcat001700 rather23:27
topcat001It should be safe to remove (or just move) the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file23:29
bray90820topcat001: Thanks but IO ended up purging and reoinstalling openssh and things seem to work correctly now23:55

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