[01:50] hello from greece. new user here. i try hard and still don't manage to run stremio. can you help me? [01:56] !info stremio | GSmyrlis [01:56] GSmyrlis: Package stremio does not exist in mantic [01:57] yes what can i do to install and run ti? [01:59] GSmyrlis: where are you puling stremio from and is there support for stremio in your present install ? [01:59] i have xubuntu last edition [02:00] i am trying to install the last stremio version from their site [02:00] isn't this possible on this OS? [02:01] GSmyrlis: Pass us the stremio link. [02:05] https://dl.strem.io/shell-linux/v4.4.164/Stremio_v4.4.164.deb [02:05] obtained from here: [02:05] https://www.stremio.com/downloads [02:05] i downloaded ubuntu version [02:06] I'm guessing you got: stremio : Depends: libmpv1 (>= 0.30.0) but it is not installable ? [02:06] yes [02:11] The SONAME changed for the library due to a change in API, you can download an older version of libmpv1 but of course you won't get updates. Or you could wait for Streamio to fix it. [02:12] tried to download an older version, but couldn't because even for that i had another "Depends" of another lib [02:13] and i trully got tired of finding other stuff, because even the libmpv1 couldn't be downloaded from sudo apt-get install libmpv1 -t jammy.... this just couldn't happen [02:14] i Couldn't also run the windows version from the wine... when it installed, afterthats i got crashes [02:16] Speaking of which, is there a snap or flatpak of it? [02:18] nope, i didn't saved [02:23] My idea of rebuilding old mpv against the current release wouldn't really help.. [02:27] so do we have a solution? [02:27] sorry the tab closed :/ [02:33] GSmyrlis: As Unit193 says ^ file a report with Streamio to have them fix their app. [02:34] What? I don't remember saying that.. [02:34] Unit193: Sorry was "Or you could wait for Streamio to fix it.". [02:36] i have this backtrace.txt: [02:36] 0x11f62c88 qt5webenginecore+0x1f62c88: int    $3 [02:36] Modules: [02:36] Module    Address            Debug info    Name (143 modules) [02:36] PE    00400000-0047f000    Export          qtwebengineprocess [02:36] PE    00cd0000-00eef000    Deferred        rpcrt4 [02:36] I could also mention https://snapshot.debian.org/package/mpv/0.34.1-1/#libmpv1_0.34.1-1:2b:b5, but that'd be a *terrible* idea. :3 [02:37] Threads: [02:37] process  tid      prio    name (all IDs are in hex) [02:37] 00000038 services.exe [02:37]     0000003c    0 [02:37]     00000040    0     wine_rpcrt4_server [02:37]     0000004c    0     wine_rpcrt4_io [02:38] !paste | GSmyrlis [02:38] GSmyrlis: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [02:39] !paste | GSmyrlis [02:39] so isnt there any way? [02:39] to run stremio on xubuntu? [02:39] only send an email to stremio or stuff like that? [02:39] sorry because irc also lagged in my device [02:40] It's your best bet. [02:41] any other ideas? [02:41] so stremio couldn't be runnable even from ubuntu? [02:41] even its windows version? [02:41] 1. Try the libmpv1 package from above link instead. 2. Rebuild mpv 0.34.1 package on current X/Ubuntu [02:42] thanks! where is the link? [02:42] for libmpv1? === ghost is now known as Guest757 [08:11] elo [08:11] hi [08:11] motherfuckers [08:11] hey [08:11] jebac [08:11] was [08:11] debile [08:11] stupid fuckers [08:11] essa [08:11] essa