=== madmax_ is now known as madmax [00:18] mparillo: thank you for laying that case out [00:19] I mean, the Qt 6 megarelease has not happened yet, much less been tested [01:41] Hi [01:42] is it possible to install kubuntu on hp zbook 17 g3? [01:44] mesto: Most likely, download it. It's a live .iso image, so you can boot it and find out. [04:58] Thanks for your reply 😊 (re @IrcsomeBot: No, Kubuntu Backports PPA needs to have a Qt version compatible and tested with the larger Ubuntu project, so Plasma 6 will not come to Kubuntu backports in coming weeks. To test on Kubuntu, you would want to compile Qt 6.6 first, then KDE Frameworks, and the Plasma (I think). At that point, it is no longer recognizably Kubuntu.) [08:39] comment dezoomzer l'ecran de son pc [09:12] Login is temperamental! Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Sometimes I have to reboot, and reboot. [09:12] If I log back in from the screen lock it will only work if I hit the arrow. Enter appears to perhaps do a backspace. [09:12] nb. This behaviour many have started after upgrade to Mantic. [09:58] After trying a few things, I added backports and this solved the issue. (re @Anarchotaoist: Login is temperamental! Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Sometimes I have to reboot, and reboot. [09:58] If I log back in from the screen lock it will only work if I hit the arrow. Enter appears to perhaps do a backspace. [09:58] nb. This behaviour many have started after upgrade to Mantic.) === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [10:16] Off-topic, but I have been running one laptop on Plasma 6 on KaOS off-and-on since the summer and daily since 2023-09-23, and another laptop with Arch with Plasma 6 off-and-on for a couple of weeks. This will not be like the introduction of KDE 4 (which later got renamed to Plasma 4). === ubuntu is now known as Guest6360 === Guest6360 is now known as jscript === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === lordievader_ is now known as lordievader === root is now known as Guest1940 [13:38] Hi all [14:19] Hi. after many years i've now got zoom (screen sharing) working in Wayland - which was the only stopper for me using it on my work laptop [14:20] seems good so far.... [14:20] I had to enable titlebar in firefox also (as was missing minimise, etc buttons) [14:20] the desktop effects seems smoother [14:22] (for firefox - minimise/max, etc buttons i used this -> https://discuss.kde.org/t/firefox-minimise-and-full-screen-buttons-missing-since-switch-to-wayland/6845/5 ) [14:22] (running 23.10 btw) [14:23] after the news that redhat is dropping Xorg i thought i'd better start to use it [14:28] (and I have nvidia (hybrid) - the vulkan demos also seem faster - i.e I can move the vkcube windows around the screen with 0 slowdown) [14:29] so far this seems like a painless change... [16:30] how do i update bios? [20:36] I'm using Kubuntu 22.04.3 and I wish to use X11 rather than Wayland. I can't find any way of doing this. [20:38] I'm using x11 -- just never turned on wayland [20:38] !wayland [20:38] Wayland is a display server protocol (an alternative to X11) and library. Unlike Xorg, Wayland provides no central server component, but desktop environments' compositors make use of it (e.g. mutter, kwin, weston). For more info, see https://wayland.freedesktop.org and !xwayland [20:39] !xwayland [20:39] XWayland is an X server which allows for running classic X11 applications on top of !Wayland. It can be installed side by side with xserver-xorg, and enables switching between classic X and XWayland sessions upon graphical login. [20:39] MrBellisarius: ^^^ [20:43] OK. I've been using X11 for about 30 years, and I'm quite happy with it. I've just installed Kubuntu on a computer I use a lot from a remote windows computer. I normally do this by MobaXterm. I'm getting a lot of problems which appear to be related to wayland. As I'm more than happy with X11, the simple solution would be to switch to X11...if [20:43] possible. === lordievader_ is now known as lordievader