[00:34] Well now the upgrade prompt showed right up. Didn't change anything. [01:04] Fixed a crash in the IPv6 settings saving :D [01:04] Got some erratic behavior with the IPv4 settings sadly, and need to change the behavior of some of the widgets. [01:06] Heh, nice! [01:06] But makes sense. [01:06] Definitely feels like a Monday over here. I'll be finishing up with this $dayjob thing, doing redshift-qt, then probably jetting. [01:06] arraybolt3: Could you just give me commit access to your Salsa repo? [01:06] Sure. [01:07] one sec [01:07] I mean, it doesn't *have* to be in Salsa. It could also be our own repos. :P [01:07] I put it in Salsa for the sake of Debian, but yeah I guess it doesn't have to be there. [01:07] Tell you what though, openMSX not having a Salsa repo ended up requiring a Holy Hacky Solution Batman earlier :P [01:07] (between that and Google) [01:08] hah :D [01:08] ok lesse if I can figure out what button to press in GitLab... [01:08] hmm... maybe the big red one that says DO NOT PRESS [01:10] *click* [01:10] tsimonq2: should be there now [01:11] btw did autopkgtests pass without drama for openMSX? [01:12] They *didn't* pass but I didn't get a chance to look into it yet. I still have the build log, I'll punt it to you over Matrix. [01:12] fun [01:13] arraybolt3: This is about your ~30 min warning, if you need something uploaded by me tonight. :) [01:13] probably won't have anything tonight then, but tomorrow quite possibly. [01:16] Sweet. [01:16] arraybolt3: Also, I see your tagging scheme is simply the Debian version number, no `debian/` prefix. As you wish, following your scheme. ;P [01:16] hmm... I should fix that... [01:16] I didn't think about that when tagging [01:17] I'll push what I need to, then the repo is all yours. :) [01:17] feel free to diverge there and even overwrite my tags if you'd like/have time to [01:17] I'll change it otherwise [01:17] Just give me a few minutes to finish up. [01:17] so that it has debian/ at the start (it really should for consistency's sake, I just forgot) [01:17] arraybolt3: I want you to remember this one, so it's on you ;P [01:17] +1 [01:17] No worries either way. I appreciate your work! [01:19] aaaaaand with that, rudimentary IPv6 editing support should be done! Of course I can't figure out how to make it work yet, but it doesn't crash and *does* behave more like plasma-nm now so it's at least 70% likely to be usable by someone who knows what they're doing [01:19] (obviously I'm going to be working on testing that properly later) [01:19] Nice!!!! [01:20] arraybolt3: Also, since you're going to make this mistake one day and I want you to have it in your notes, could you change all simon@tsimonq2.net entries to tsimonq2@debian.org in the commit itself, and force push? [01:20] sure [01:20] If you're really irked, I'll do it myself. I just doubt you gave me force push access. :P [01:21] not irked at all, though I did set you as "Owner" so you probably *do* have force-push access, but I'm happy to do it [01:21] of course GitLab probably has branch protection applied against my will on everything so YMMV [01:22] *shrug* :) [01:22] Almost done. Just gotta test it. [01:35] arraybolt3: Repo is all yours. I tested my patch and it works. Uploaded to Debian, tag is pushed pre-maturely. [01:35] Woot! [01:35] Thank you! [01:35] Of course :) [01:36] arraybolt3: You're more than welcome to throw these in Backports Staging, by the way. [01:36] If you don't get to it, cool, I'll do it tomorrow. [01:36] (Both... Backports Stagings... :P) [01:36] Anyway, that you have full rights for. Feel free to self-move into Backports. [01:37] (Copy, keeping existing binaries, wait for the publisher to start running for that package in "-release", then delete it from the Staging PPA.) [01:37] On that note... [01:37] * tsimonq2 EOD [01:37] I'll be around on Telegram/Matrix if you need anything. [02:05] Thanks for everything! [02:10] ls [02:11] (gah, IRC client got focus rather than my terminal) [04:57] -queuebot:#lubuntu-devel- Unapproved: rejected lubuntu-update-notifier [source] (lunar-proposed) [0.6.0~23.04.2] [06:41] * guiverc doing an noble install; calamares reports location as New York?; yet I get a reply from ping (just noting, may not be a bug, just random 'cosmic radiation' ??? (ubuntu websites give 50x errors somewhat regularly currently) [07:51] Usually my location is reported as New York. [07:51] And I think that's a "default" location since that's where you're "put" if you don't have Internet, so it might be like an "ultimate fallback" or something. [07:51] Every so often I get stuck in Denver though... and sometimes it'll switch in the same day [07:51] new york appears if location can't be determined (except for Dan; he gets it always :) [07:57] One time the geolocation put me literally in a lake. [07:58] So yeah, it's shaky, especially over cellular. [08:01] i occasionally find my geolocation to be subiaco WA (west aust); which is 2119 miles (by road, 3410 km) away on the other side of the country.. It is however the location of my ISPs head office which I suspect is why... [08:03] [matrix] I guess my geolocation has yet to put me in the wrong country or continent *yet* so... [08:05] mine neither (to my knowledge anyway) [08:06] nor in the ocean (or water; not even a lake) [08:07] [matrix] Granted, the time it put me in a lake, Cala didn't show it, I visited the geolocation site directly for debugging purposes, punched the coordinates into Google Maps, and then grumbled in confusion [08:07] [matrix] *the coordinates it gave me [08:08] it has never put me in my actual suburb, or within maybe 8km of where I am... but I actually take comfort in that (usually has me in melbourne, 15-30km away from where I am in melbourne) [08:09] i've never noted geolocation accurate here....dynamic IPs anyway [11:52] Since the geolocation is IP based some of the onus is on the ISP responsible for that IP space to report it correctly. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [14:18] When it rains, it pours, huh? [14:18] It's going to be a long day. :P [14:28] [telegram] my locations were correct..ran 2tests [14:36] I think I'm going to try to debug the XFS installation failure. Hunting Calamares bugs is always fun and productive. [14:38] This one could potentially get pretty low-level. Best of luck. :) [14:39] arraybolt3: Your updating issues may be solved by the recent ubuntu-keyring upload. [14:40] ah, that makes sense potentially [14:40] re low-level - I know C++, Qt, QML, and Python, so in theory I should be OK. (Theory and practice are all-too-often different though) [14:41] What I'm really trying to say is, it could be a change in GRUB causing this. [14:41] oh good point [14:41] [telegram] Or xfs [14:41] I figured it was alpha6's fault [14:42] but yeah, any of those could be a problem [14:42] [telegram] Maybe, it works fine for other file systems though. [14:43] oof, alpha6 broke our theming [14:43] installer is fullscreen [14:43] [telegram] #blamesimon [14:43] [telegram] XD [14:44] arraybolt3: I made the installer fullscreen XD [14:44] :O [14:44] * tsimonq2 runs [14:44] That is NOT how you fix buggy QML :P [14:44] [telegram] Lol [14:44] * arraybolt3 grabs tsimonq2 with a seal rescue net and disentangles him [14:44] (reference to https://www.youtube.com/@OceanConservationNamibia) [14:45] XFS not booting on bios is a known bug in mantic and noble [14:45] It's the GRUB bootloader that's not installing is the problem. [14:46] hmm, erroring with "unknown filesystem" though, so perhaps it is the same bug? [14:46] mkukri: you don't happen to have a bug number handy do you? [14:46] nah the bug i know of is a boot failure and the fix is on the way (in proposed now) [14:46] ah ok [14:46] [telegram] I feel like I tested that in mantic at some point. [14:47] [telegram] It was likely EFI though [14:47] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/2039172 [14:47] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2039172 in grub2-unsigned (Ubuntu Mantic) "grub 2.12~rc1 fails to load files from large directories on XFS" [Undecided, Fix Committed] [14:48] if this issue doesnt look like that and its a grub2 package install failure, id appreciate a bug report [14:49] Probably will do that soon-ish. [14:49] mkukri: Huh, good to know, thanks! [14:50] root@lubuntu:/# grub-install --target=i386-pc --recheck --force /dev/sda [14:50] Installing for i386-pc platform. [14:50] grub-install: error: unknown filesystem. [14:50] where /dev/sda1 is XFS [14:51] I bet this is reproducible on other flavors and on Desktop if it's really just that GRUB doesn't know what XFS is anymore. [14:51] [telegram] This is the bug I filed for reference https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares/+bug/2044623 [14:51] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2044623 in calamares (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu 24.04 Daily install fails when XFS is selected" [Undecided, Confirmed] [14:52] hmm, ive managed to install grub on XFS before (minus boot failure) but that looks bad [14:52] im gonna tag that bug as affecting grub and will try to find some time to investigate soon [14:52] lemme pull an Ubuntu Desktop image and do a test install. [14:52] [telegram] Thanks mkukri [14:52] If it reproduces there, then we know it's not Calamares' fault. [14:59] arraybolt3: Which is probably the key to getting wider attention on this. :P [15:00] yep. Might be a bit before the image finishes downloading, but right now it's going pretty fairly fast. [15:01] ive watched grub-install succeed on XFS before so it would be quite troubling if we somehow broke it, but also i dont really see how this could be lubuntu specific [15:37] Ubuntu Desktop Noble install with XFS now underway. [15:37] oh lovely - my partition setup is not liked by Subiquity at all. [15:38] trying with EFI now [15:48] mkukri: GRUB XFS install failure reproduced on latest Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 daily. [15:48] https://i.imgur.com/pMoSuEp.png [15:49] same error - "unknown filesystem" [15:49] oh oh [15:49] can you please comment on the bug report with the info? [15:50] absolutely [15:50] ta [15:50] Same error, too. [15:52] arraybolt3: I just changed some bug statuses, sorry if that interfered. [15:52] np [15:52] i think this isnt really a calamares issue so i should probably remove that as affected? it's most definitely a grub bug [15:52] +1 [15:54] argh, it turns out xfsprogs update sets a new incompat feature flag, it will need a grub upload to fix [15:55] "UBUNTU: Drop luks2 (LP: #2043101)" hmm, we may need to double-check our encryption setup [15:55] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2043101 in grub2-unsigned (Ubuntu Mantic) "Mantic+noble inadvertently includes the luks2 module in signed grub-efis" [Undecided, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2043101 [15:55] * tsimonq2 forgets [15:56] Pretty sure we use LUKS1. [15:56] But yeah, extra testing, good idea. [15:56] no one should use luks2 for /boot it was never supported, and the inclusion was accidental during a debian merge [15:57] Sounds good. I'm glad Julian responded so quickly. Thanks for all your help! [16:00] ive pinged him internally, people probably dont know me here, but im a new grub maintainer in foundations among other things, julian also still works on it [16:00] mkukri: Nice to meet you, and thanks for your help! [16:00] mkukri: You're always welcome to lurk and chime in when you see something like this. :) [16:01] thanks, nice to meet you all [16:03] yeah good to hear about any grub issues early, want to make sure these kinds of things dont happen often [16:03] we're also working on automated grub testing that should catch these kinds of things too [16:03] Ooh, that sounds promising. [16:08] and also for fixing the xfs install failure, im probably gonna prepare an xfsprogs patch that disables that flag by default because jammy's grub should also be able to read noble fs-s apparently [16:11] I mean, it makes practical sense. [16:13] apparently as in i just found out, not thinking its a bad idea, sorry if the tone didnt make sense (difficult online) [16:14] You're totally okay :) [16:15] I would guess probably 90% of us work over text 95+% of the time, so we're pretty much used to text being weird LP [16:15] * :P [16:15] (that time I confused Launchpad with an emoji) [16:53] 🚀 [17:31] julian uploaded the xfsprogs fix, after that migrates it should start working again [17:32] then we will make grub support xfs fs-s with the incompat flags soon [18:21] Grabbing it to test. [18:54] KDE System Settings snuck its way back in. Someone told me so. I went a little harder, by blacklisting it completely. If that still doesn't work, I'll demote it to a Suggests (wrt plasma-discover) and manually add it to both the Kubuntu and Ubuntu Studio seeds. [18:54] mkukri: It worked, commented on the bug report :) [19:30] I have a preliminary patch adding the device name to the volume tooltip in the panel. Would this be useful? [19:31] I also have a security patch for both Backports repositories otw: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/2:9.0.2116-1ubuntu2 [19:31] CVE-2023-48706 [19:31] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Vim is a UNIX editor that, prior to version 9.0.2121, has a heap-use-after-free vulnerability. When executing a `:s` command for the very first time and using a sub-replace-special atom inside the substitution part, it is possible that the recursive `:s` call causes free-ing of memory which may later then be accessed by the initial `:s` command. The user must intenti... [19:34] tsimonq2: KDE System Settings snuck its way back in > How the hell did that happen? [19:37] Eickmeyer: Germinate being Germinate. [19:37] ☚ī¸ [20:07] New in the latest Git, which I uploaded to Noble today: [20:07] To have this happen automatically for branches without a tracking [20:07] upstream, see 'push.autoSetupRemote' in 'git help config'. [20:07] (for git push on a new branch) [20:07] That is HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE. [20:41] Hello. I have used the lubuntu's openbox theme as a template for another openbox theme and i was wondering where i can find the 'original one', i just have found one which is an adaptation(lubuntu-arc theme in github). I am considering adding the themerc to my github acc in case somebody founds it useful and i would like to give the proper acknowledgment, since its almost the same code as the lubuntu one [20:41] founds--> finds* [20:42] i guess it unrelated to the topic of this channel, but almost all devs who would know where to find it are here [20:45] LimeOn: "it unrelated to the topic of this channel" I'll brashly say we don't hard-enforce that unless it gets *really* off-topic. :P [20:46] LimeOn: Check the debian/copyright file in lubuntu-artwork [20:46] 2010-2018 Rafael Laguna [20:46] License: GPL-2+ [20:47] That *seems* accurate, I'd wait for another developer to confirm. [20:49] thank you tsimonq2! [20:58] [telegram] redhsift-qt is not launching on my vm [21:08] #SimonsFault [21:10] [telegram] Actually, now that I think about it, redshift in general doesn't really work on VMs since it has to have direct access to an actual display and freaks out with virtual displays. (re @lynorian: redhsift-qt is not launching on my vm) [21:16] check if 'redshift -O 4500' does something, to discard other problem [21:16] CLI version, not the qt one, just to check that it works [21:18] [telegram] doesn't seem to work on vm so it is porbably that [21:18] [telegram] so this will have to wait to be added to the manual until I am running noble on bare metal [23:30] !ping [23:30] pong! [23:31] network testing [23:31] [telegram] panel transparency setting through lxqt-panels config seems to be borked and have been borked in both mantic and noble and I have filed bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxqt-panel/+bug/2045083 [23:31] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2045083 in lxqt-panel (Ubuntu) "lxqt-panel does not detect that picom is providing compositing thus not letting me change opacity in the gui" [Undecided, New] [23:32] lynorian: this worked just the other day for me on Noble, lemme test [23:34] lynorian: are you sure that you're not able to change the panel opacity? You have to check the "Background color" box first. Doing that enables the transparency slider. [23:34] [telegram] ok this was me being silly [23:35] it threw me for a loop when I looked at it too :P [23:42] tsimonq2, LimeOn: I'm not seeing Rafael's name as the copyright holder for the Lubuntu Arc theme, it looks like the copyright stanza that applies to it is the topmost "Files: *" one. [23:42] [telegram] ok adding that quirk to the manual [23:42] Which makes it copyright 2009-2017 Julien Lavergne, 2018 Simon Quigley, 2023 Walter Lachypnski. [23:43] arraybolt3: nice, i was wondering why there was those up there and then 1 below [23:43] I can see that wxl did indeed edit the Lubuntu Arc theme, so i think the above is accurate. [23:43] and its still GPL-2,right? [23:43] oh, and for completeness, the license is GPL version 2 or any later version. [23:44] gpl-2+ ? [23:44] yep [23:44] i will try to upload it in the ongoing days, will try to do my best into the forementioned recognize of the credits, 1st time uploading something xd [23:44] all the files under the src/usr/share/lxqt/themes/Lubuntu Arc directory are all GPL-2+ and have the above copyright data. [23:44] LimeOn: Sounds good!