=== madmax_ is now known as madmax === abcX is now known as Guest6140 [00:51] Could anyone give pointers on recovering functionality after an Ubuntu install running on ZFS ran out of disk space? I managed to mount and decrypt the drive (SSD) when attached to a different computer — from terminal; nautilus and disks are not able to mount "zfs_member" partitions — despite my limited knowledge of ZFS and warning about [00:51] corruption of two files in keystore, but have not managed to get it to a bootable state. [00:51] When booting normally, it hangs after cryptsetup, accepting no input. If I press escape before it hangs, I see errors that all seem to be related to missing files/filesystems as various services attempt to start. [00:52] If I press escape before cryptsetup enough times, I am able to get to an initramfs prompt (BusyBox). It shows errors with a mount command, mentioning "missing key-material". However, from that prompt I am able to manually manually mount ZFS root partition etc. However, when I exit and continue, it hangs even though I have mounted what apparently [00:52] failed to mount due to missing key material. [00:52] When I boot into recovery mode, I am able to get (sometimes) to a blinking underscore, from which I am able to drop to a virtual terminal with ctrl+alt+f3, which has a mostly functional TUI. However, "startx" does not startx, and I have not managed to get a functional GUI even from recovery mode. === webchat64 is now known as ubun2 [00:55] Could anyone give pointers on recovering functionality after an Ubuntu install running ZFS runs out of disk space? [00:55] "recovering functionality"? [00:56] I managed to mount and decrypt the drive (SSD) when attached to a different computer — from terminal; nautilus and disks are not able to mount "zfs_member" partitions — despite my limited knowledge of ZFS and warning about corruption of two files in keystore, but have not managed to get it to a bootable state. [00:56] When booting normally, it hangs after cryptsetup, accepting no [00:56] input. If I press escape before it hangs, I see errors that all seem to [00:56] be related to missing files/filesystems as various services attempt to [00:56] start. [00:57] If I press escape before cryptsetup enough times, I am able to get to an initramfs prompt (BusyBox). It shows errors with a mount command, mentioning "missing key-material". However, from that prompt I am able to manually manually mount ZFS root partition etc. However, when I exit and continue, it hangs even though I have mounted what apparently [00:57] failed to mount due to missing key material. [00:58] When I boot into recovery mode, I am able to get to a blinking underscore, from which I am able to drop to a virtual terminal with ctrl+alt+f3, which has a functional (?) TUI. However, "startx" does not start X11, and I have not managed to get a functional GUI in recovery mode. [00:58] Any insight into how a competent linux troubleshooter would approach this issue would be greatly appreciated! [01:09] !patience | ubun2 [01:09] ubun2: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [01:10] how to install file-devel in ubuntu? [01:15] masber: what is file-devel [01:15] sorry, I need magic.h [01:15] apt-file can tell yo uwhat package provides a file [01:17] ok, let me try [01:20] thank you, found it :D [01:28] rbox, tell rascul to get his ass in here === chaser4206 is now known as chaser420 === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === docmax is now known as Guest9214 === JanC is now known as Guest2050 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === ChunkzZ is now known as jailbreak [10:09] I've installed apache and I'm running some website, I can see it on my network with 192.168... but I can't view it from outsite my network, even if I've done port forwarding for port 80 and 443, I can also access the website by entering a strange IP address that my router seemed to have, something starting with 100, have no idea what that is, but it only worked after the port forwarding [10:11] 100.64 is the CGN range [10:11] if your router has an IP in that range, it means the actual external IP is likely shared between multiple customers [10:12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carrier-grade_NAT [10:12] (actually 100.64 - 100.127) [10:12] ok, it fits the pattern, thank you [10:12] so how can I access my website from outsite my network? [10:20] ok, so it seems that my webserver is ipv6 only [10:21] Hi all! Every now and then I use phpMyAdmin. The problem I have is that I haven't found to install it in an non-interactive way. [10:21] whenever I run "apt install phpmyadmin" I must go through some manual steps (see screenshots here https://www.arubacloud.com/tutorial/how-to-install-phpmyadmin-on-ubuntu-20-04.aspx) [10:21] is there any way to avoid that? THanks! [10:22] https://serverfault.com/questions/855565/installing-and-configuring-phpmyadmin-completely-through-a-shell-script [10:24] ravage: thanks! I still need the Apache VirtualHost part :-) [10:24] but I guess I can create it myself [12:00] For some reason my Ubuntu 23.10 opens Applications when clicking Settings icon. Has anyone else experienced something like this. Might be an internationalization bug as I am using in Finnish. [12:00] Might as well test in English. [12:04] Uhh... if I start gnome-control-center (in Finnish version) from CLI, it starts Applications program (whatever it's called in English). :O [12:35] Where can I learn more about how and why certain packages are held back from updates? [12:36] !phasedupdates | jshmlr the most common reason: [12:36] jshmlr the most common reason:: Since Ubuntu 21.04, APT may hold back some updates on some systems while they are being phased in. This is called "phased updates". See https://ubottu.com/y/phased and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PhasedUpdates for more info. [12:36] Thanks ravage [12:36] https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/phased-updates.html [12:50] hello [12:50] i have the internal hd extremly slow [12:50] the cpu is 20% [12:50] but if my pc usa hd... all slow === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [13:09] is it safe to apt uprge atop? [13:10] imi: sure if you dont use it [13:11] No - not an internationalization problem. Behaviour is the same even with en-GB locale: command gnome-control-center opens Apps, not Settings as expected. What the heck is going on here... :O [13:15] There are other things that are broken after upgrading to 23.10. For some reason Ubuntu thinks my USB automotive com board is a printer and tries to install it as printer. [13:16] Never been this messy before... :/ === Szadek8 is now known as Szadek [13:18] I am sure USB device ID 103a:f008 belongs to Actia automotive USB boards and is unique. It also has worked with previous versions. [13:38] Hi all [13:49] I checked both 1) launching gnome-control-center and 2) the behaviour of the USB automotive control board is normal when running 23.10 from live ISO. [13:50] I learned how to configure the zram [13:51] My friend told me that I can pass %400 percent for 8GB RAM to get 32 GB RAM [13:51] Thanks all [13:54] elias_a, have you tried to put a sheet of paper into your automotive board ? perhaps 23.10 unlocked a secret feature 😄 [13:54] I'm running into issue after I patched an Ubuntu 22.04 system https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/724678/why-does-grub-fail-to-auto-boot-when-no-keyboard-is-connected . I've worked around it in the past by setting the grub timeout to 0, but that makes it impossible to get into grub if I need to [13:55] hwpplayer1: I'm not quite sure you can compress 32G virtual RAM into 8G hardware RAM... [13:56] CosmicDJ: But it seems working [13:56] CosmicDJ: Depending on the data stored in RAM, true, but sometimes that might be plausible. [13:56] (that 32GB would fit in 8GB after compression) [13:57] Realisticly I'd expect more like 24GB or so, plus things *will* slow down as you approach the capacity of RAM [13:57] Thanks [13:57] also hwpplayer1 you may want to increase your system's swappiness so that it starts compressing RAM sooner. [13:57] Otherwise you may experience issues when your physical RAM fills up *before* compression and your system starts compressing stuff to stay afloat. [13:57] is https://github.com/HolyBlackCat/quasi-msys2 recommended for cross compiling to windows on ubuntu ? [13:58] My friend told me that your CPU will work more and more and you will see some perfomance slowing [13:58] you surely will [13:58] jscript: Generally anything from an arbitrary repo on GitHub is *not* recommended on Ubuntu per se. It might work, but you usually want to get stuff from the official archives. [13:58] with such a high compression rate this is unavoidable [13:59] how do i install a msys2 environment on ubuntu [14:00] jscript: It doesn't look like any form of MSYS2 is in the Ubuntu repos (at least not on 22.04 LTS). So while there may be ways of installing it, none of them are going to be supported here most likely since we can't guarantee that any of those other ways will work, nor do we have experience using them. [14:00] mingw is in the official repos though. [14:00] I don't know enough about Windows cross-compilation to know if that will do what you need, but I know it's a tool oftentimes used for that sort of thing [14:02] hi, I have ubuntu 23.10 and the firmware update is crashing when it tries to reboot the machine after an installation [14:04] this is the error https://pasteboard.co/b42KAeHo6xbV.png [14:04] any idea [14:04] ? [14:07] Hi there, I have an issue with QEMU running in unprivileged mode. I created bridge, used in my libvirt setup, have appropriate ACL file with needed permissions. I have an `bridge helper failed` error. What should I check and what information do you want to share from me to help me? I've tried this on VM with Ubuntu Server (ran by libvirt), and had [14:07] no issues. When I tried to do the same thing from the Ubuntu Desktop, I've faced this issue. [14:08] BTW suid is set for helper ELF file/binary. [14:08] Version of my Ubuntus is 22.04.3 LTS. [14:13] masber: try "sudo snap refresh --candidate firmware-updater" [14:21] Also there is my script for running QEMU: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wRWnQXyx6g/ === Guest6140 is now known as abcX [14:45] welp i tried to install msys2 on wine but it fails ;-; [14:50] !wine | jscript [14:50] jscript: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu [14:59] ogra: Seems like that. :D [15:00] ogra: But to be honest - I have never experienced so many problems after upgrade. This is really much, much worse than ever before. :/ [15:01] !virtualizers [15:01] There are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications [15:02] what does a set -x do ? [15:02] elias_a, good to know (still on 22.04 here) [15:02] pagios: https://www.educative.io/answers/bash--x-and-set--x [15:03] pagios: I found it by clicking the 2nd result on google for "set -x" [15:04] can i do dpkg -i .. | set -x [15:04] pagios: dpkg is not a shell script [15:04] pagios: what exactly are you trying to accomplish? === liebsen1 is now known as liebsen [16:03] very interesting https://www.educative.io/static/imgs/banners/holiday-small-confetti.gif [16:07] !discuss | liebsen [16:07] liebsen: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [16:09] Sorry.. I just wanted you guys to know I was able to run linux on my Samsung Book 3 thanks to you... other options failed the installation. Unable to use HDMI so far thou... Thank you and keep up the good work. [16:24] I followed the directions on the 22.04 install with ZFS root page (https://openzfs.github.io/openzfs-docs/Getting%20Started/Ubuntu/Ubuntu%2022.04%20Root%20on%20ZFS.html), and it worked great except that... the installed ubuntu doesn't see the network [16:24] I wonder what I might have done wrong [16:25] or what I might do from install media to fix it [16:25] thoughts? [16:27] try ifconfig see if your ethernet and wireless devices are recognised. iwconfig, or the ip command [16:27] it doesn't see the wifi device [16:28] I'm guessing I need to install something from media [16:28] oh, I think I know; I'll list all the pkgs on the original install and then install those on the new install [16:32] (my install media isn't actually install media but an existing ext4-based install of 22.04, which worked well enough so far) === zofrex2 is now known as zofrex === catties is now known as Catty [17:07] hi, how can i remove the login credentials on a client of a smb connection? [17:07] Hi folks. I'd like to do stuff like `cat foo | xclip`, then press ALT-TAB to get to a different app, and press CTRL-C to paste. But the contents aren't there. If I press the middle-mouse button, they paste, but I don't want to reach for the mouse again. Thoughts? [17:21] wad: CTRL-C is to copy.. usually it's CTRL-V to paste [17:21] Oh yeah, typo. [17:21] CTRL-V to paste what I'd copied via the `xclip` command in the terminal, is what I'd like to get working. [17:23] is the ~/.local/share/keyrings/login.keyring the file where the smb passwords are stored? [17:23] it should be available with CTRL-V for UI text editors and CTRL-SHIFT-V for terminal [17:23] that's rather weird [17:27] wad: what about `cat foo | xclip -sel clip`? [17:27] * wad tries [17:27] That works! [17:28] I guess I should just make an alias for that then! [17:28] I found it here: https://opensource.com/article/19/7/xclip [17:28] <3 [17:28] Thanks! I failed at my google-fu. [17:29] happens to everyone! I'm glad I was of help :D [17:29] (meanwhile I've learnt something too ;)) [17:30] I added this to .profile : alias copy='xclip -sel clip' [17:30] IT'S SO NICE!!!! [17:30] Can just do stuff like: ls | copy [17:32] yeah. aliases are awesome. saves us lots of time [18:19] Does anybody tried to help me with my question about QEMU while I was away? Sorry for mentioning it, I suppose it is distro-specific issue, and I don't have any bouncer currently... [18:26] krautcat you could always check the logs: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2023/11/28/ === Shock_ is now known as shOkEy [18:29] Maik: sorry, didn't know. Thank you so much! [18:31] krautcat no problem, you're most welcome :) [20:01] Hi, Ubuntu/Canonical isn't selling cd/dvd anymore? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GettingUbuntu [20:01] the link page is broken: http://shop.canonical.com [20:25] Hey, Ubuntu 23.10 w/Gnome-45.1 update here. And the Wacom support is completely hosed. I see there's a ticket in Gnome support for this. [20:25] https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge_requests/3393 [20:25] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Merge 3393 in GNOME/mutter "Fix tablets on X11 having the wrong device" [Merged] [20:25] Any chance this will get merged in with a fix soon? [20:35] Guest63: I'd almost count on it, but patience will be required. All stable release updates take at least one week. [20:36] !sru [20:36] Stable Release Update information is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates [20:38] Guest63: Actually, as I see it, the milestone for that is GNOME 46, so it might not get into Ubuntu 23.10. Might have to wait for 24.04 which will have GNOME 46. [20:46] Lot of people can't do basic work with their computers [20:47] it might get backported [20:48] Alrighty then. [20:48] Please don't take this as a personal attack directed at you. But pretty much every content creator is screwed here and there's no public way to find out before installing. [20:54] Guest63: can you install 22.04 (latest LTS) instead? [20:54] also, make sure there is an Ubuntu bug in launchpad also [20:56] and link it to the upstream Gnome bug [20:58] Guest63: It's been suggested for 45.2 which will eventually hit Ubuntu. [20:59] Guest63: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/-/merge_requests/3414 [20:59] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Merge 3414 in GNOME/mutter "Draft: Backports for 45.2" [Opened] [20:59] Guest63: If GNOME follows their schedule, it should hit Ubuntu next week. [20:59] JanC: An Ubuntu bug will be unnecessary ^ [21:04] well, it usually doesn't hurt to have a bug, even if only to document what was said here for others, but... [21:04] (there already might be a bug, of course, I didn't check) === PasiZ4 is now known as PasiZ === comicry is now known as CrazyEddy === yuckey2d9 is now known as yuckey2d === sysdip2 is now known as sysdip [22:49] Hi, I just switched from nvidia-340 (from ppa) to using nouveau. I installed the firmware and vaapi and vdpau are working. enabled and tested webgl in firefox and chromium and working alright. It fixes two issues I had wi th prop driver. [22:50] However, now my fonts are smaller in certain apps but not others... [22:50] a simple example is conky. i had it set for font size 8 before, and it was fine, but after nouveau its tiny, so i had to set it to 11 to be about the same as before [22:51] this hexchat has also gotten smaller. so has virtualbox. [22:51] so has qbittorrent === liebsen1 is now known as liebsen [23:25] I've a laptop with an OEM install of Ubuntu 22.04, I've installed Ubuntu 22.04 w/ ZFS root on an external drive, but some things (like wifi) don't work on the ZFS install -- what do I have to do to install OEM drivers and such from the original install? [23:26] I installed all pkgs on the ZFS rpool that I could that are also on the original; there's a few that apt can't find, even though I have the same /etc/apt/sources.list -- where would I find those? [23:45] the dmesg looks surprisingly different between the two [23:46] cryptonector, LTS releases have kernel stack choices; the install media dictates the default; Server use GA, Desktop defaults HWE & flavors vary on media (original & .1 use GA, HWE for .2 & later). that difference (inc. kernel modules used) is just package changes on install media [23:47] oof, do I have to redo my zfs install? (I didn't do it from install media but from the OEM ubuntu install) [23:47] you can change post-install easily as per docs (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack etc) & even have multiple stacks installed (though some closed-source blogs; nvidia etc) can prevent that [23:48] ty!@ [23:48] s/blogs/blobs ^ [23:49] (in docs it'll tell you to install other stack & test it out before removing... if you don't do the remove step you'll naturually have multiple stacks installed; both will upgrade etc meaning slighly more bandwidth on updates, disk where you select at boot which you'll use) [23:55] that's out of date (xserver-xorg-hwe-22.04 doesn't exist) but let's see if I can get any of it to go [23:59] no dice yet