[00:21] Lubuntu is the only current user of Calamares, yes. [00:21] However, we test it to all get out, and up until just recently Ubuntu Studio was using it also. [00:23] (They stopped using it after the Lubuntu Release Manager (tsimonq2) and Ubuntu Studio Team Lead (Eickmeyer) had a disagreement over whether empty user passwords should be acceptable, IIRC - there may have been more going on there though) [00:23] Unit193 ^ [00:23] Nah, that wasn't the reason. [00:24] I thought Studio was going with Flutter, it'd kinda make sense if they did. [00:24] Unit193: You found Cala lacking in partitioning options? Interesting, for me Cala was the most feature-rich as far as partitioning went. [00:24] 1) Lack of OEM mode. 2) Lack of language selection at boot for the entire session. 3) Instability/crashiness. 4) Theming constantly having to be maintained. [00:25] Unit193: Yes, I'm working on the Flutter frontend to subiquity this week. [00:25] Eickmeyer: ah, makes sense [00:25] arraybolt3: Had nothing to do with the password disagreement. [00:25] (though I've not noticed instability / crashiness) [00:25] 1. Doesn't matter. 2. This is likely not good. 3. I haven't personally hit this, at least. 4. Eww, we kinda want fire and forget. :3 [00:26] "Likely not" is a bit weak there. >_> [00:26] Eickmeyer: Huh, I thought that was the last straw from what I remember. I guess there was more to it. [00:27] Unit193: fwiw Lubuntu has a lot of international users and it seems to work for them, but yeah, the install starts in English and then only changes in the installed system. So it could be a problem (possibly a big one) for some. [00:28] #2 is sounding like the biggest issue, right. I try not to minimize that one, which can happen as I only do English. [00:30] Unit193: #2 affects the live session too. [00:31] Correct. [00:31] That's how I read it, yes. [05:39] https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-settings/-/issues/494 - https://gitlab.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-settings/-/commit/c4a489aebce624301e7ad63ad14a97fbc46c3207 0_o [05:39] -ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Issue 494 in xfce/xfce4-settings "4.19.0 missing -lgmodule-2.0 in libxfsettingsd-gtk-settings-sync" [Closed] [05:39] -ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Commit c4a489a in xfce/xfce4-settings "build: Check for gmodule-2.0" [06:03] https://paste.opendev.org/show/blC2QH3HEXG6ULOQ3bRv/ Aha [06:03] ..Uh, maybe don't name the patch that. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc