[00:17] Easter egg in LXD - if you don't specify a name for your new container, rather than telling you to specify a name, it will make one up for you. So my new Debian Sid container is now named "moral-terrier". [00:18] Reminds me of GitHub's automatic repo name generator that comes up with names like "awesome-watermelon" as suggestions. [00:20] [matrix] 😂 [00:33] Finally wrapped up with $dayjob. My plan now is to look at all the source:NEW pings I received overnight. [00:33] arraybolt3: I'm around if you're still actually awake. :P [00:34] @lynorian: You're the best! I don't know if you listened to the Linux Saloon episode, but we received so many comments about the manual. Really first-class. [00:34] s/comments/compliments/ [00:35] tsimonq2: yeah I'm awake :P [00:35] working on rapid-photo-brainfrazzler now. [00:35] arraybolt3: Easter Egg> I never actually specify a name for my containers unless I know they'll be up for a while. :P [00:35] hahahahahahaha [00:36] lol [00:36] I always have a name for *something*, it's passwords I have a hard time with, and that's what KeePassXC is for :D [00:37] arraybolt3: Does Debian bug 1056897 qualify for an NMU, and if it does, which DELAYED queue should it go into? Explain your answer. :P [00:37] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1056897 in src:slic3r-prusa "FTBFS: Plater.cpp:5313: error: call of overloaded ‘load_files()’ is ambiguous" [Serious, Open] https://bugs.debian.org/1056897 [00:38] hang on, cleaning an immersion blender, will answer soon [00:38] No worries heh :D [00:40] arraybolt3: rapid-photo-brainfrazzler> Is Eickmeyer good at packaging? :P [00:40] oh the packaging's fine, it's the diff3 markers that are being problematic [00:40] * Eickmeyer tosses molten lava on top of tsimonq2 [00:40] XD [00:42] * tsimonq2 looks at the list I gave arraybolt3, notes it's been less than a month and he's already halfway+ through... [00:43] * Eickmeyer makes sure some of the lava hits arraybolt3 for the brainfrazzler thing [00:43] Eickmeyer: Hey, you can't blame me for the fact that diff is awful [00:44] Can't blame me either. I haven't touched that package in over a year and Debian had to fix a build issue there that wasn't ours. [00:45] Eickmeyer: I didn't blame you :P [00:46] Honestly, if Damon ever releases a new version and Debian grabs hold of it, it'll just take a forced sync and all will be well because it won't even need a repack. [00:51] tsimonq2: I would say that bug does *not yet* qualify for an NMU, as per Debian Developers' Reference version 13.3, section 5.11.1. No intention to NMU has been expressed in the bug report yet. Whether the patch submitter has attempted to contact the maintainer in other ways is unknown. However, assuming they already have attempted to contact the [00:51] maintainer and it has not succeeded, the next step would be to express the intention to NMU in the BTS. Assuming that was not responded to right away (as bullet point 3 states, "Being busy for a week or two isn't unusual. Is the bug so severe that it needs to be fixed right now, or can it wait a few more days?"), then the NMU would be elligible for [00:51] the DELAYED-5 queue assuming it only fixed this bug and other bugs with "important" or higher severity (of which this bug is one). [00:53] Also, while the bullet point I referenced is a something for the developer to "consider", note below the list of bullet points, "When doing an NMU, you must first make sure that your intention to NMU is clear." This is a MUST and has not yet been met. [00:55] (it should also be noted that the Debian 3-D Printing Packages team is not in the LowThresholdNmu list, so there isn't an exception to the need for a delay, which is another MUST point. Even if they were in that list, however, expressing the intention to NMU would still be mandatory.) [00:57] corrections - after expressing the intent to NMU, it might be allowable to immediately upload to DELAYED/5. And it's DELAYED/5, not DELAYED-5. Sorry about those. [01:31] Does being a team-maintained package change any of the points you mentioned? Lastly, is this bug severe enough in your opinion to warrant followup regarding intent on the BTS, and if not, how long is appropriate? [01:32] I *was* going to follow up on those packages tonight, but I'm a bit zapped. [01:34] tsimonq2: Being a team-maintained package would mean that a maintainer as part of that team could do a team upload if the team's policy allowed that, but that isn't an NMU. That's just a direct upload (with the proper changelog entry). [01:35] Is the bug severe enough in *my* opinion? If we're bringing my opinion into it, no, I don't think it warrants prepping for an NMU yet. In a couple days I might change my mind, but right now it's still "fresh" to to speak. [01:35] *so to speak [01:35] You've passed my random grilling this time. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 [01:35] woot! [01:36] You can also just join a team to make an upload. Usually it's just a Salsa request. That's not documented or "recommended" though. :P [01:36] lol, yeah that sounds a bit like a loophole :) [01:36] not that loopholes are bad in these instances, they just need to be used very carefully and with people's permission. [01:36] Right, exactly. Just be conscious. [01:37] arraybolt3: If you get done with foobarbazrazzledazzle tonight, feel free to ping LocutusOfBorg/subscribe the sponsorship queue and I can give him a link. [01:37] I'm gonna head out earlier than expected. [01:37] o/ [01:38] kk, thanks! [01:38] * tsimonq2 waits for more molten lava from Eickmeyer [01:39] * arraybolt3 sneaks into te_ward's armory and steals some flamethrowers, then hands them to Eickmeyer [01:42] * Eickmeyer abstains from using the flamethrowers but does detonate a nuke just above tsimonq2 for giggles [02:35] arraybolt3, tsimonq2: Add gir1.2-unity-5.0 to Depends, requested by upstream > OH YEAH! Forgot about that! Debian doesn't have gir1.2-unity-5.0 [02:38] Eickmeyer: Caught that :) [02:39] Did a merge rather than a sync. [02:39] arraybolt3: Good job! [02:39] I *just about* did a sync though :P [02:39] Eickmeyer: are you sure Debian doesn't have that though? I did an apt-cache show on it on Sid and it said it was purely virtual, and had al ater version of that thingy [02:40] arraybolt3: Pretty sure. Debian has never had unity unless they *finally* took it upstream. [02:40] It's purely virtual on Ubuntu too. [02:40] *confusion intensifies* [02:40] hmm. Well might be worth a look. [02:41] If it's purely virtual then there might not be a reason to keep the change. [02:42] it'll pull in a later version though right? [02:43] both Debian and Ubuntu have later versions of that package [02:43] I think if the package didn't exist, like, at all, it would cause an FTBFS. [02:44] Correct, since hard dep. [02:44] Perhaps then it's worth trying to get *in* Debian. [02:46] Anyways, taking a break and getting some food (just about typoed that as "foot"), then going to probably try to work on the network editor some more. [02:47] Cool, I'm going to be on a twitch stream anyways. [05:34] Breaking news: lubuntu-connection-editor now has the ability to create new Ethernet connections. So now as far as Ethernet connectivity goes, it is now "fully functional" (though undoubtedly a bit buggy). [05:34] :) [05:34] I have some weirdness to work out with IPv4 manual configuration still, BUT this means that Ethernet is very close to "done enough" and I can move onto WiFi now. [05:35] About to push changes, then it'll be ready for playing around with. [05:36] And there we go, it is now public. [05:36] At any rate, if someone wants to play around with it on a test machine and see if they can break it, it's at https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/lubuntu-connection-editor. [14:08] arraybolt3: Thank you! [14:08] arraybolt3: Is it ready for an alpha-level upload yet? :P [14:08] arraybolt3: And more importantly, is this reliable enough for an LTS? [17:15] tsimonq2: This is still very shaky right now. Given the number of gotchas this NetworkManager API has, I fear it may not be stable or feature-rich enough for the LTS this cycle. [17:16] However, it's coming along. It probably isn't ready for an alpha level upload yet, but it's getting there (I'd like it to have WiFi support first). [21:08] arraybolt3: Ack, thanks. [21:08] Respinning the daily to pick up https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-artwork/24.04.3 [21:27] [telegram] https://github.com/lubuntu-team/lubuntu-update-notifier/pulls [21:48] [matrix] Oh nice, translations! [21:52] Should I add that to my to-do list (test out the translations and then get them added into our code)? [22:22] OK, this is a problem we've had since a while ago (at least since Lunar, I'm pretty sure earlier) and I'm wanting some feedback on how we might fix it. [22:22] You probably remember on Focal that the QTerminal scrollbar had a white background behind it. [22:22] On newer versions of Lubuntu, the background is solid black, and the scrollbar is solid black with no border unless it's being hovered over, which means it's invisible. [22:23] And that makes it very very hard to find it when it's not at the very bottom of the terminal, making scrolling a pain (and I do quite a bit of scrolling so it used to mess with my workflow a bit). Any clue if this is a theme issue, Breeze issue, or LXQt issue? [22:23] s/white background/white-ish background/ [22:27] Niiiiiiiice. Probably a theme issue? [22:27] I'll take care of the translations right now [22:28] dawns on my I'm about to be installing a new Sid VM, I can check and see if they have the same problem in just a bit. [22:28] (*still* fighting with openMSX :P) [23:01] [telegram] @Roberalz You may have received an email... I merged your PR adding translations to the .desktop file. Long overdue, thank you! [23:02] Uploaded all three translations PRs to Backports {Mantic,} Staging. I'll do a quick test with Spanish. [23:02] If anyone is able to actually parse Japanese or Estonian, we should also test that translations work for that as well. :P [23:04] I think Roberalz said he knows Estonian the other day (could be wrong?). As for Japanese... [23:04] ...we may be in a bit of a lurch there. :P [23:04] @Roberalz is a polyglot XD [23:05] FYI: https://github.com/qtilities/sddm-conf/issues/36 [23:05] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Issue 36 in qtilities/sddm-conf "Please make a new tag" [Open] [23:05] I agree with the maintainer that config handling needs some work, tbh. [23:05] wasn't Estonian, it was Basque. So nevermind, we have possible issues with Estonian too. [23:09] I see Google Translate has support for Estonian, might be worth a shot? [23:09] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/e14e867e/file_10170.jpg [23:09] for making sure the translations are OK [23:09] Spanish works for the desktop entry. Switching to Estonian and going by icons :P [23:09] I don't think we should blindly accept translations after what happened to the Flutter installer in 23.10... [23:11] That pre-dates the issues surrounding them. I did a cursory check to make sure most of the translations seem sane, they do. [23:11] ah ok [23:11] Anyway, the application is *mostly* translated when using Estonian! [23:12] I think we have a fully translated menu, y'all. [23:12] woohoo! [23:47] alright, QTerminal bar issue is definitely theming-related. [23:47] er... maybe not definitely, but I see what's happening and it's probably theming-solvable.