
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> I find it kind of confusing when this dialog refers to "desktop 1" and "desktop 2" when (I believe) is actually talking about "screen 1" and "screen 2". The problem using "desktop" is that I happen to have also 2 desktops and 2 screens/monitors 😄 : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/218a3b64/image_2023_11_29_10_12_09.png09:12
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> wouldn't it be more appropriate to call then "screens" ?09:12
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> or "monitor", which is the term used also when dealing with locations of windows09:12
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> right click on the task widget of the panel : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/9bc0098c/image_2023_11_29_10_14_11.png09:14
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> I can't change these paths : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/e4fd5634/file_10166.jpg13:43
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> should I report this to Lubuntu or LXQt?13:43
arraybolt3Rodrigo: Always report bugs you find in Lubuntu or LXQt to Lubuntu. There is always the possibility that the bug you're encountering has already been fixed by LXQt in a later release of LXQt, or that the bug is unique to Lubuntu.17:11
arraybolt3If the bug is a problem in LXQt, we can report it to them.17:11
arraybolt3Generally, unless you installed software from a Snap, Flatpak, or a package obtained from the developer's official website, you should always report bugs you find to Ubuntu, not the original developers.17:12
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Which version of LXQt, by the way?17:20
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> 1.4 20:48
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> But it was the same in my previous installations... (re @tsimonq2: Which version of LXQt, by the way?)20:48
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> Ok thanks (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <arraybolt3> Rodrigo: Always report bugs you find in Lubuntu or LXQt to Lubuntu. There is always the possibility that the bug you're encountering has already been fixed by LXQt in a later release of LXQt, or that the bug is unique to Lubuntu.)20:48
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> hmmm : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/00d0f813/file_10169.jpg20:48
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> I'm trying to put a path that is not within my home directory. Could that cause the problem?20:50
arraybolt3maybe, do you have full read-write permission to the path you're trying to specify?20:50
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> I would guess so... At least I can write there without problems from any program (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <arraybolt3> maybe, do you have full read-write permission to the path you're trying to specify?)20:51
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> But it's a good point. Is there a way to confirm that?20:52
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> Maybe other applications have permission but LXQt doesn't?20:53
LimeOnHello Just tried to do the same. Changing the downloads path to a /opt/folder1/folder2 and i got the error. I have full permisions inside folder1(777) and folder2 was created also w full permissions. folder1 has different permissiones, i am not able to delete that folder as 'normal user' Maybe the session settings requires full permisions over the 'upper' folders?20:59
LimeOn(about the previous error)21:00
LimeOnalso in lxqt 1.4.021:00
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> 👍🏽21:03
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> How to know? (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <LimeOn> Hello Just tried to do the same. Changing the downloads path to a /opt/folder1/folder2 and i got the error. I have full permisions inside folder1(777) and folder2 was created also w full permissions. folder1 has different permissiones, i am not able to delete that folder as 'normal user' Maybe the session settings requires full permisions over the 'upper' folders?)21:03
LimeOnmaybe changing opt folder permissions, but i do not know if its a good idea to mess with upper folder permissiones21:04
LimeOnopt in my example21:04
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> I see21:05
lubot[telegram] <Rodrigo> Yes, ideally one should not have to touch permissions to set those paths21:06
LimeOnrunning the 'lxqt-config-session' from terminal and repeating the process with another directory(same situation) produces the same error, but not logs in terminal tab21:06

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