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arraybolt3LocutusOfBorg: If you have the time, I could use a Debian merge review. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rapid-photo-downloader/+bug/204509502:48
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2045095 in rapid-photo-downloader (Ubuntu) "Merge rapid-photo-downloader from Debian" [Undecided, New]02:48
LocutusOfBorg arraybolt3 why isn't the delta in Debian?07:52
LocutusOfBorgbecause no unity on debian, ok08:02
LocutusOfBorgbut we can dynamically do it...08:02
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schopin@pilot in13:42
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: schopin
mkukrischopin please dont upload the efivar merge yet, im doing some testing to confirm, but i think that should really be synced now (the delta seems to be in debian now)13:45
schopinmkukri: please unsubscribe ubuntu-sponsors then :)13:46
mkukriit's not my merge, also you cannot unsubscribe a group you are not in (i think)13:46
schopinWell, add a note to that effect at any rate. I might not be the only one doing sponsoring.13:46
mkukriim waiting for a risc-v testbuild to make sure the LTO patch is truly not needed, but im gonna leave one in minutes hopefully13:47
mkukrithis is an accidental +1 discovery from 27 minutes ago so bear with me13:47
schopinNobody should begrudge you a comment saying "please don't upload, I have a doubt about this" followed by another one 10mn later "nevermind" ;)13:51
mkukridone now, and i have sync requst at 204514513:52
mkukriignore me, turns out debian includes the patch but not in d/p/series13:59
tsimonq2@pilot in14:09
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: schopin, tsimonq2
tsimonq2schopin: Good morning, working on anything in particular? :)14:10
* tsimonq2 is probably going to take the usual "one or two"14:10
schopinricotz: it's a long shot, but I'm looking at https://code.launchpad.net/~sudipmuk/ubuntu/+source/zeitgeist/+git/zeitgeist/+merge/456270 in which Utkarsh pointed out an undocumented patch in zeitgeist (add_datahub_autostart_delay.patch). Some archeology led me to your 0.9.14-0ubuntu1 upload 10 years ago in saucy which is where it was introduced. You wouldn't happen to remember why you wrote14:12
schopinit, by any chance?14:12
schopintsimonq2: now you're just baiting people to be confused ;)14:12
tsimonq2"Hey Simon, can you sponsor this for me?" ... "Simon sponsored this for me" ...14:14
tsimonq2I've been waiting for this day. ;D14:14
schopintsimonq2: if you want to make sure we're not stepping on each other's toes, you can look at sponsoring requests by Foundations people on universe packages (if there are any).14:14
tsimonq2schopin: Sweet, will do, thanks.14:15
tsimonq2mkukri: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/1.9.2-1ubuntu1 .14:25
ricotzschopin, sorry, that was quite some time ago, I can imagine to fight some race condition on startup14:25
mkukritsimonq2 thnaks14:25
mkukriwill try to get to fixing presage too, just a bit busy rn14:26
tsimonq2No worries.14:26
schopinricotz: No problem, I didn't really expect you to remember the details. I'd be incline to advise the contributor to drop it on the grounds that Debian seems to have been doing fine without it for 10 years, WDYT?14:30
ricotzschopin, +1, could be even specific to the use of upstart14:31
tsimonq2@pilot out14:39
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: schopin
tsimonq2schopin: Looks like I've become "the other Simon." ;)14:40
mkukrihmm looks like the synaptics upload is ftbfs unfortuantely, will investigate what's going on14:40
tsimonq2mkukri: Sounds good, will be happy to sponsor followups.14:40
schopintsimonq2: you'll always be the other me ;)14:40
tsimonq2LMAO :)14:40
mkukriargh cflags are different on the build infra than my local build, i get the same output locally but as warnings instead14:47
tsimonq2Do you use sbuild/pbuilder?14:49
mkukrii guess bingo, i normally do but i couldnt get it to behave on the 1.0 package because i need it to pass the -i flag to dpkg-buildpackage14:50
tsimonq2I personally recommend (and use) sbuild, which is also what Launchpad uses (IIRC).14:52
tsimonq2By always making sure your PPAs and local builds align with the archive as closely as possible, you're eliminating a lot of potential issues. :)14:53
schopinmkukri: sbuild is actually designed to be passed a .dsc, the fact that it works on an unpacked dir and builds the source package beforehand is just a convenience feature.14:53
mkukriah i see now, yeah if i dpkg-buildpackage -i a source package then sbuild works on dsc fine14:54
mkukrii was so used to the unpacked dir startegy and couldnt get it to work here14:54
mkukriwill post new version with error fixes, its gcc analysis complaining about a questionable sprintf but replacing with snprintf should be all14:55
mkukrihmm it still only warnings with sbuild locally14:56
tsimonq2With -proposed enabled as well?14:56
mkukrii have the debian version of sbuild on this hosttho and using ubuntu chroots on top of that, so that might be the problem14:58
tsimonq2dh_installdocs: error: Cannot find (any matches for) "docs/README.alps" (tried in ., debian/tmp) - that's the failure across all arches, which indicates an issue with the .install file.14:59
tsimonq2(In other words, it's not something -proposed would affect.)14:59
tsimonq2The MP might be as simple as removing that line from the appropriate install file, or if you *do* need to ship that file, figure out why it isn't being put in the correct spot.15:01
mkukriah crap, im looking at the wrong thing in the log, its also a warning there... been distracted in a million directions, sorry15:01
tsimonq2It happens :)15:02
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mkukrioh fun, that file isnt part of the upstream tarball but it is part of the upstream git branch, and the previous ubuntu version was somehow shipping it :/15:22
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schopin@pilot out17:56
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A
ogayottsimonq2: Debian accepted the khmer paches and uploaded to unstable. But I forgot to send  the changes you did in the -ubuntu2 upload. I think I want to add an option in submittodebian so that we can specify the number of changelog entries that we want the submitted diff to include.22:07
ogayotas in `submittodebian --last-entries 2`22:09
tsimonq2ogayot: I agree. Please file a bug against the ubuntu-dev-tools package in Debian and/or Ubuntu, and propose an MP against https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-dev-tools - I will make sure right now that it will end up in the sponsorship queue, otherwise please directly ping me. I can upload this directly to Debian for you, and review your patch.22:13
tsimonq2ogayot: If you're short on time and want to file the bug/come back to it, that's cool too.22:13
tsimonq2(You may notice I'm the last uploader. :P)22:14
tsimonq2ogayot: Anyway, also happy to sponsor an additional merge for you.22:14
mkukri(note about my earlier rambling here, the efivar delta has been upstreamed and uploaded to debian now, and ive updated the sync bug LP: #2045145 with the new version which should actually be synced now)22:16
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2045145 in efivar (Ubuntu) "Sync efivar 38-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204514522:16
tsimonq2bdrung: ubuntu-sponsoring> So, there's develop, main, and master. Looking at commit ages, I'm *thinking* main is what is deployed to prod, and master is simply baggage from the rename. Could we please make this clearer?22:17
ogayottsimonq2: thanks! I'll file the bug now and have a quick look at the code. Depending on how hard it looks to implement, I might come back to it later :)22:17
bdrungtsimonq2, main + develop are for the new setup. master is for the old setup and will be deleted once the migration is done.22:35

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