
lotuspsychjehey chilversc welcome13:25
lotuspsychjechilversc: current kernel is 6.5.0-10-generic for 24.04 devel release13:25
lotuspsychjechilversc: we will only know at later stage wich kernel it will be finaly13:26
chilverscI was just wondering what sort of time that tends to become known and where that would be announced13:26
lotuspsychjecheck the schedule in topic here above chilversc 13:27
lotuspsychjethere you can follow the progress13:27
lotuspsychjechilversc: another way to follow up, is help testing daily 24.04 release and see what kind of updates are incoming on your system13:28
lotuspsychjechilversc: is there a specific reason you want to know the kernel version, like for newer hardware or somethign else?13:30
chilverscUnfortunatly for what I'm using I'm currently limited to using the 6.6 kernel13:30
lotuspsychjechilversc: you have a bug ID for what you experience?13:30
chilverscAs that contains several patches to fix performance issues with NFS + FS-Cache13:30
chilverscNot sure on the Ubuntu bug ID as I was tracking the kernel patches from the NFS mailing list and applying them to older (e.g. 6.1 and 6.4) kernel versions13:31
lotuspsychjeis this on desktop or server chilversc ?13:31
lotuspsychjemaybe rbasak JanC tomreyn might know something more of that, if awake13:33
lotuspsychjeim mostly testing desktop 24.0413:33
chilverscMy hope is to finally get away from having to build my own kernel or install the mainline kernel13:33
lotuspsychjechilversc: mainline kernels you can install for testing purposes, but better not for daily use and surely not in production13:35
chilverscalas no choice but to use in production, as we need some new features that only went into later kernels, but the fs-cache re-write has broken the performance13:36
chilverscso I've had to build my own kernel with various patches from the mailing list for the last year or so13:37
lotuspsychjechilversc: what i would do, is track your nfs specific issue, then find the ubuntu bug for it and see what could be done from there13:39
chilverscIs there anyway to link from a mailing list patch to an ubuntu bug? I'm not that familure with the ubuntu bug system.13:40
lotuspsychjechilversc: you got an url of that nfs issue, perhaps an ubuntu bug already exists13:41
chilversckernel commit was https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/commit/?id=b4fa966f03b7401ceacd4ffd7227197afb2b837613:43
-ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Commit b4fa966 in kernel/git/stable/linux.git "mm, netfs, fscache: stop read optimisation when folio removed from pagecache"13:43
chilverscand merged in https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/commit/?id=b96a3e9142fdf346b05b20e867b4f0dfca119e9613:43
-ubottu:#ubuntu-next- Commit b96a3e9 in kernel/git/stable/linux.git "Merge tag 'mm-stable-2023-08-28-18-26' of git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/akpm/mm"13:43
lotuspsychjechilversc: i cant seem to find a related ubuntu bug right away, maybe someone else might, or the #ubuntu-kernel crew might know more of it14:20
chilversclotuspsychje: Thanks for looking. I'm assuming not every kernel bug gets an Ubuntu bug created and sometimes just gets quitely fixed as part of updating to a newer kernel version.15:39
lotuspsychjechilversc: yeah, seems like you got a reply at the kernel channel, 6.6 and up so it seems17:47
en1gmaim using ubuntu 24.04 daily and just did apt upgrade. i created a hotspot so my phones wifi can connect to it. same pc gets internet by lan. i do NOT want to share the connection with the hotspot. how do i stop this?23:24
en1gmaon the lan connections i did uncheck "make this connection available to others but i cant reboot. i just logged out and back in because im in a live enviroment23:25
en1gmai know on a previous version of ubuntu i could stop the hotspot from getting internet and isolate it from net somehow. i think it might have been 20.0423:26
en1gmaright now im on 24.04 and im going to just work my backwards with ubuntu live distros until i get it unless someone here can tell me how to fix in this live enviroment23:27
en1gmai do want to use "ADB" over the wifi from pc to the phones and i want that same pc to have net but i do not want the phones to access net23:27

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