
guivercthanks for reporting issue cryptonector, we'll look when we can00:00
cryptonectoryou work for Canonical?00:00
jeremy31cryptonector: Most of us do not work for Canonical, but are volunteers00:01
cryptonectordoing modprobe iwlmvm got it to load that driver, but still, no link, hmm00:11
cryptonectorhttps://ubuntu.com/kernel/lifecycle is more up to date00:12
cryptonectorI'm not really a Linux expert at all.  I see that the initramfs gets updated when I install various pkgs, so I assume I don't have to further update it.  I can modprobe in all the modules that load in the original install except a handful like the drm_* modules (fine) and things like nvme_common (hmm) and snd_sof_{probes,utils) and spi_intel and spi_intel_pci, and a few others00:21
cryptonectorbut why wouldn't they all just load normally at boot time?00:21
cryptonectoralso, supposing you have drivers loaded, what must one do to get ip link to see the wifi?00:23
cryptonectorcould the problem be secure boot?00:28
cryptonectoralright, I'll reinstall with install media00:32
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jscriptyay i got msys2 installing in docker wine :D01:09
jscripttho it seems to hang at   `Installing component MSYS2`   could just be a large install tho ...01:20
leftyfb!wine | jscript01:28
ubottujscript: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:28
unknowndevque hora q é o jogo do mengão?01:31
leftyfb!pt | unknowndev01:31
ubottuunknowndev: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.01:31
unknowndevwhen is the mengão's game?01:32
leftyfbunknowndev: no01:32
leftyfb!support | unknowndev01:32
ubottuunknowndev: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:32
jscriptmsys2-base-x86_64-latest.sfx.exe appears to work tho01:45
jscriptunfortunately the binaries dont seem to start01:59
leftyfbjscript: as pointed out multiple times now, you should ask for support with Windows applications installed on wine in #winehq01:59
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senoraratonI'm trying to add my user to sudoers.d so that I have sudo without password on my server.  Currently in the sudoers.d dir is a file named senoraraton with the contents: "senoraraton ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL"  The include directive is at the end of the sudoers file. I can sudo ls, but if I run say visudo, it says permission defined.... Anyone have any idea what is going on?\02:19
leftyfbsenoraraton ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL02:22
senoraratonYes it has a newline at the end of it.  I had it that way, and it also was not working.02:22
leftyfbit works02:22
leftyfbyou need to log out and back in for it to take affect02:22
senoraratonI used exit, and I also disconnected and reconnect with ssh02:23
senoraratonIt does not work.02:23
leftyfbI have almost 15k examples of it working02:24
senoraratonsenoraraton@ip-172-26-7-120:~$ visudo02:24
senoraratonvisudo: /etc/sudoers: Permission denied02:24
senoraratonI can give you the ssh login, if you want to see it for yourself...02:24
leftyfbsenoraraton: type: sudo su02:24
senoraratonsudo su works, so does sudo ls, but visudo nor sudo kubeadm init work02:24
leftyfbyou know you need to run "sudo visudo" right?02:25
senoraratonWhy would I need to run sudo visudo, I am sudo, I can run all commands as sudo.02:25
leftyfbyou're currently logged in as root?02:26
senoraratonNo I'm logged in as my user02:26
leftyfbthen you are not root02:26
leftyfbyou need sudo02:26
senoraratonBut I have passwordless sudo enabled....02:26
enigma9o7sudo is not a user, you cannot "be" sudo.  you can be a sudoer.02:26
senoraratonSo just randomly some commands I can't run, because #reasons?02:26
enigma9o7then you dont have to enter your password, but still gotta type sudo02:26
leftyfbgreat, run your commands with sudo and it won't ask you for the password02:26
leftyfbwell, at least they are patient and understanding02:27
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numpywhat is the root password for Ubuntu? i.e, what should I put at `su -` ?05:32
enigma9o7hmmmm maybe just don't use su -?  i think that's asking for the root password.05:40
enigma9o7try `sudo -i` instead, then you can use your password (assuming you're a sudoer, which by default the main user is)05:40
enigma9o7by default there is no password for root account, thus root accoutn disabled, thus you can't su to it05:41
enigma9o7i think....05:41
enigma9o7however, if you really really want (even tho you no good reason for it) you can use sudo to create a password for root, then can login/su as root.05:42
numpyTo install a package, I use `sudo apt update && sudo apt install --yes <package_name>`. Now if the network is slow, the first sudo call would time out by the time `sudo apt update` finishes exec-ing. So, the `sudo apt install` part will prompt for a password and block.05:53
numpySo, I wanted to `su -` and then `apt update && apt install --yes <package_name>`05:54
enigma9o7So yeah, several workarounds for that.05:54
enigma9o7`sudo -i` would work for that05:54
enigma9o7other options include changing the timeout from when you have to enter sudo password again, or disabling sudo password requirement for apt.05:54
numpyhow to disable password requirement for apt? link?05:57
enigma9o7run `sudo visudo` and add a line, the syntax is like `$USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL`06:04
enigma9o7if you do it that exact way, replace $USER for your actual username, then sudo will never ask you for a password06:05
enigma9o7awww i think i just figured it out so it works only for apt too, and you left.  but just in case, i think its `%sudo ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apt *`06:12
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hwpplayer1hi there !09:12
hwpplayer1I run Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with Ubuntu Pro. I installed Ubuntu 2 days ago. I have only one jack input and I have a headphone set which has a headphone and a microphone. But Ubuntu can not detect microphone and headphone. I configured it told like here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYkzX1lyTNk but I can't record my voice.09:15
StyXmanis there a channel specific for snap?09:18
alocerhwpplayer1: You can use `pavucontrol` with a nice GUI to see what is happening in your system. I highly advise you to use it.09:19
hwpplayer1#snapcraft StyXman09:19
StyXmanpavucontrol is very good09:19
StyXmanhwpplayer1: tx09:19
hwpplayer1I tried pavucontrol with my friends but nothing changed09:19
hwpplayer1https://devicetests.com/ubuntu-22-04-headset-microphone what do you think about this article alocer ?09:20
hwpplayer1you're welcome StyXman09:20
hwpplayer1I need to reboot09:22
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BluesKajHi all13:21
chilverscHas there been an official announcement on the kernel version for 24.04 yet?13:23
lotuspsychje!next | chilversc13:24
ubottuchilversc: Noble Numbat is the codename for Ubuntu 24.04. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality.13:24
imbezoli have an NFS server that i've run for years and years. it was very performant for all kinds of tasks from media to mv drives to git repos to backups etc. i recently upgraded it from ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04. upon doing that i notice there's a large delay accessing filesystem metadata. sshing to it can take 30 seconds after logging in. changing to a directory i haven't been in recently can take 30 seconds.15:06
imbezolany ideas what could cause this?15:06
imbezoli tried upgrading to 22.04 and the problem persists15:06
imbezolto be clear, this delay happens even locally.. not just over NFS15:06
imbezoli'm seeing this delay with both the root volume which is ext4 on lvm on ssd, and also the large md raid volume i have, with no lvm, but still ext315:07
ikoniaimbezol: get some i/o tools on there, and see there is a wait on anything15:09
ikoniaimbezol: also look how much ram is being used as cache15:09
ikoniaimbezol: there is also the possibiliy of a hardware failure, which can often cause delay on IO operations similar to what you're seeing15:09
ikonia(especially on a system with a raid volume that is doing constant consistency checks)15:10
imbezolthe system doesn't do much and has 32 gigs of ram.. currently reporting 4 out of 32 in use, with 29 gigs in cache at the moment15:10
ikoniahave a look at some io operations15:11
ikoniasee if there is a wait on anything15:11
imbezolit uses an LSI SAS 2008 card flashed in IT mode for all drives. it could be a driver change with the newer kernel15:11
ikoniavery possible, check the versions with the kernels15:12
ikoniaagain though, getting some IO operation stats, is something I'd be looking at15:12
ikoniaI'd also check the hardware on the card, raid is busy even when idle, if something is failing that busy work is slow or causes a lock15:12
ikoniaupgrade may not be a problem, the reboot after upgrade can often be a finish push on failing hardware15:13
ikonia(not that I'm saying this is a hardware problem)15:13
imbezolfor io stats.. what would you suggest for a tool and what i'd be looking for? when i do file operations and haven't logged in for a half hour or something it seems very slow to fetch metadata. it can take almost 30 seconds to log in as my user as it tries to read the home dir. but once i'm in i can read / write with good performance15:13
ikoniadepends how deep you want to go, I'd start with iostat form the sysstat package15:14
imbezolor i have a directory at /backups/<system_name>/ etc... when i first change into that dir it takes 30 seconds to load it... then it's fast to work inside it15:14
imbezoli was even thinking maybe a change to the ext4 code.. i'm not sure15:15
ikoniathat's normally because it's cached the stucture15:15
ikonianah, unlikely15:15
ikoniayou could see how much inode usage you have too15:15
ikoniaas a bit of an edge case15:15
ikoniabut I'd do a basic look at io operations as a starting point to look for some easy symptoms15:15
ikoniaand a hardware check on the disks15:15
ikoniastart with the easy low hanging stuff15:15
ikoniaalso what's the syslog telling you ?15:15
imbezolthe two filesystems (/ and /largedrive) are reporting 5% and 1% usage15:16
ikoniaimbezol: 5% and 1% node usage ?15:16
imbezolsyslog does have some weirdness.. but i've seen this with several systems running 6.5 kernels.. and i don't think i saw it at ubuntu 20.04 which also had this issue. i get UBSAN messages about my nvidia card and my chelsio network card15:17
imbezolseems to be more of a warning and doing some googling very common15:18
ikoniaI'd hae to research the messages, but doesn't seem related to storage at a glance15:18
imbezolno, i don't think so15:18
SuperLagIs it possible to enable RDP to a desktop from an SSH session?15:20
imbezolrunning iostat, looking at the %iowait column, and then SSHing in from another terminal... took 10 seconds to connect.. %iowait sat around 6.5% the whole time15:20
imbezolnormally sits at 0%15:20
ikoniaSuperLag: as in turn on the rdp service ?15:20
ikoniaimbezol: what is your iostat frequencey15:21
imbezol1 second15:21
ikonia~6% is nothing15:22
ikoniawhat's the tps column saying15:22
imbezolwith the system idle tho... it should be able the homedir instantly.. not wait 10 seconds15:22
ikonia(by one second I assume you're running iostat 1)15:22
imbezoliostat 1, yes.. and as soon as i do the SSH it spikes from 0% to 6.5%, stays there for 10 seconds, then the login succeeds15:22
imbezoldrops back to 0%15:23
ikoniaimbezol: that suggests there is a wait rather than performance15:23
imbezolso the io request is not coming back for some reason15:23
ikoniaif it's stuck at %6.5 for 10 seconds, that means it's normally waiting on operation rather than can't operate at the performance15:23
imbezolthat does kind of point to the raid card15:23
imbezolor driver for it15:24
ikoniaimbezol: in a lazy way, it does, but there is an easy test15:24
ikoniacan you boot it without the raid card ?15:24
ikoniaor can you use the lsi tools to health check it15:24
imbezoli could connect the system drive directly to the mobo controller, yeah.. just leave the capacity drives on the raid card15:24
ikoniaif you fsck a device on the raid card (or something equally as busy) what happens to the iostat outputs15:25
ikonia(try a frequency of 5 rather than 1 it's normally more useful)15:25
ikoniaor something like 3 - 5 seconds15:25
ikoniaone is normally 'too quick'15:25
ikonia(although certainly valuable)15:25
ikoniaand wait maybe 5 counts before doing anything15:26
ikoniathere used to be an lsi tools package that was useful15:26
ikoniait's been a while since I used it though15:27
wadHey folks. Any of you guys know a good way to launch my terminal program automatically when I login to the desktop?15:34
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zetheroo1Whenever I run 'sudo gcore <pid of running process>' my entire system starts freezing up after a few seconds and then becomes totally unusable.16:12
zetheroo1I'm guessing that's not normal. What am I doing wrong?16:13
ikoniazetheroo1: what is the process you're dumping16:39
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zetheroo1ikonia: scand - it's an ESET Endpoint AV process.16:41
ikoniais the AV acting as a passthrough/virtal device16:47
ikoniaas the device will hang while the dump is being processed16:47
zetheroo1I really don't know. Support just told me to get a core dump of the process. How long does it usually take until it's finished? Or does it just continue until it's manually stopped?16:50
ikoniadepends I guess16:51
ikoniawhy do you need a core dump of something like that ?16:51
ograa core dump usually dumps your apps whole ram to disk ... if the app is actually swapping this definitely has quite some IO impact that can cause stutter/hangs ...16:53
zetheroo1Basically EEA (or rather the Web Access Protection service) is creating high CPU usage whenever a website is loaded in Chrome. The same site will take 1.5sec to load with EEA disabled, and 6.5sec with EEA enabled.17:01
zetheroo1So they are trying to troubleshoot the problem and asked me to make a core dump of the scand process as the problem occurs. Problem is that doing this locks up the system completely.17:02
zetheroo1Anyhow, I sent them all the other data they requested so hopefully that's enough.17:02
ikoniawould you not be better stracing it real time17:10
ikoniathe dump doesn't seem a good point as there is no promise you'll trap the error in that moment in time dump17:11
ikoniazetheroo1: a I being dumb ? the website says it's designed for windows17:13
ikonia(I'd never heard of the product so looked it up)17:13
TomyWorkuh, any idea why just installing net-tools would make the networkd-dispatcher service from systemd-networkd exit with status 1, about 4 seconds later? the package was installed manually by a coworker (they apparently needed netstat). I checked the journal, bash history and a bunch of log files, but I can't figure out why that service would fail at that exact time, without leaving any error message in the log that's not just systemd reporting that it17:19
TomyWorkexited with status 117:19
ikoniaTomyWork: did installing net-tools remove something17:26
ikoniause journalctl to see what's happening17:26
TomyWorkI think systemd was restarted or something17:27
TomyWorkbut it doesnt say why17:27
ikoniathat normally suggests a daemon config change17:28
TomyWorkbut that shouldn't crash any services, right?17:28
TomyWorkor even touch them17:28
ikoniadepends what's happened to the config17:28
ikoniause journalctl to check the journal and get some idea what's happening17:29
ikoniaor look at the exec statement of the service from systemd and execute it17:29
TomyWorkwell, the package doesnt come with a postinst, so it wasn't the package17:29
ikoniait could still have caused it as apt could have removed or reconfigured a package because of a dependency (for example)17:30
TomyWorkdependencies - nope, not according to term.log17:30
TomyWork51 minutes earlier, there was what looks like unattended-upgrades doing its thing17:31
TomyWorkah nope, it's an "apt-get upgrade -y", called manually17:31
TomyWorkaccording to term.log, that went through smoothly and the net-tools install didn't pick up any leftover actions from that17:32
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zetheroo1ikonia: ok, I'll try out strace instead. There is EEA for Linux as well. :)17:33
TomyWorkah whatever, i'll ask that coworker about it tomorrow, thanks :)17:33
ikoniazetheroo1: I just found it, it's a different product totally than the one I was reading17:33
ikoniaTomyWork: check journalctl17:33
TomyWorkI did and told you about what I saw above17:34
TomyWorkand you responded to it ^^17:34
ikoniawhere ?17:34
zetheroo1ikonia: 👍17:34
TomyWorkikonia, ~8 minutes ago17:35
TomyWork<TomyWork> I think systemd was restarted or something17:35
ikoniathat's not what journalctl says17:35
ikoniait gives output and debug17:35
TomyWorkoh, you want me to post it17:37
TomyWorkyou didnt say that :)17:37
TomyWorkanyway, not today. like I said I'm gonna quiz the coworker first, before spending any more time on this17:37
TomyWorkthanks for your help17:38
MrMobiusI installed Ubuntu on one drive then installed a new drive and put Ubuntu on that. I get the choice of which drive to boot from now. Does the startup on either drive check for another drive?18:02
johnfgHi folks.18:17
ecapi!discuss | johnfg18:18
ubottujohnfg: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!18:18
johnfgQuick question: should sssd.conf go in /etc/sssd, or /etc/sssd/conf.d?18:18
kaleidoi typically put anything not out of the box into .d directories, if that makes sense18:20
johnfgkaleido: Reading the man page a bit closer, I think this main sssd.conf file should go in /etc/sssd, and any other snippets, "not out of the box", into conf.d.18:22
elias_aAfter upgrading to 23.10 for some reason command gnome-control-center opens Apps application. Assuming the problem is in 23.10 I reverted back to 22.04. The problem persists. I have kept my /home in the installation processes as I am used to. What could cause this strange behaviour?19:59
elias_aI also checked the behaviour with live media and the problem is not present then.20:04
ecapi!discuss | ChanServ20:22
ubottuChanServ: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!20:22
elias_aecapi: Who are you adressing?20:24
ecapiChanServ, he keep messaging me when i join20:24
elias_aecapi: AFAIK ChanServ is a bot. :)20:26
elias_aAnd as we are using Libera Chat network it is a feature of Libera, not this channel.20:28
g105bHello ubuntites, I'm stuck with a silly issue and I hope someone knows the answer... Basically, when I open images in different applications, the colours are extremely different. See this screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/LgaPMIb.png20:55
g105bIn my example, Chrome and Image Viewer show the green as very dull, almost brown. But nautilus shows the preview thumbnail correctly, and firefox shows the colours as they were designed.20:57
g105bI understand that web browsers might be all over the place, but the main issue for me is opening the same PNG image in Inkscape vs Gimp come out differently, so I don't know which one to trust.20:58
elias_ag105b: I have no answers (yet) - only more questions. Which Ubuntu version?21:05
g105belias_a: 22.04 LTS21:09
g105bI just fixed it in Inkscape by searching the settings for "Colour management" and then ticking the box "Get colour profile from monitor"... but I didn't change that myself, so something has changed on the system to make certain applications look all horrible.21:10
g105bI can't find the setting in Chrome, but that's the application that looks the worst.21:10
elias_ag105b: Could it be that the apps that show colours wrong are installed as snaps?21:13
elias_aI am not good with colours but thinking back the days when one of my jobs was to calibrate displays I remember it was a must the calibration was done on OS level, not application level.21:15
g105belias_a: Good call, but I've already disabled snaps because of other annoying issues.21:15
elias_ag105b: Nuff said - way to go. :)21:15
elias_ag105b: Sorry - I have no clue. A tricky one and IMHO not at all a simple one...21:17
g105bI'm not sure who's befitting from .EXEs on Linux, but they're still getting pedalled as the next new thing...21:17
masberhi, I am using ubuntu 23.10, how do I know if I am using ALSA, pulseaudio, pipeaudio or media-sound/sndio ?21:23
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JanCg105b: did you set a colour profile for your monitor(s) in the Gnome settings?21:26
g105bJanC: No, but checking now I only have one option - "Automatic"21:28
telgareithcan I stress-ng CPU and RAM at the same time?21:55
telgareithwith different stress-ng commands21:55
Kadigantelgareith: by all means, throw however much it'll take at it ;)22:34
KadiganIf you're asking HOW to do that, I could suggest screen, or multiple terminal windows.22:35
mountainDewRockshello friends!22:36
mountainDewRocksI recently installed ubuntu 22.04 LTS on an SSD. I have had it freeze up on me twice in the past day. `systemctl status` shows the state is degraded with one failed unit. Not being a linux guru, I don't really know what that means. Any ideas on if this is related, what could be causing it, or how to resolve the issue?22:42
KadiganDefine "freeze up" please.22:43
mountainDewRocksIt becomes completely unresponsive to any and all inputs excluding holding down the power button. I let it sit overnight last night to see if it would become responsive again, but it did not22:44
KadiganYou can use systemctl to read kernel buffer logs from previous sessions. Try `journalctl -o short-precise -k -b -1` to see the previous boot's log (-2 for 2 boots ago, -3 for...), perhaps there's something at the end of the log that might give a clue.22:49
mountainDewRocksThere's a bunch of kernels saying *BAD*gran_size - I assume that's problematic?22:51
mountainDewRocksThere's also a mttr_cleanup: can not find optimal value22:52
gregoryacAnybody in here. New to Lubuntu23:02
mountainDewRocksok it looks like the root directory became read-only at some point23:03
gregoryacupon fresh install, how do you access an internet browser?23:04
KadiganThat would indicate an issue with the disk, or the partition. You'll often find the filesystem configured to re-mount itself in read-only mode when a failure occurs.23:04
KadiganmountainDewRocks: do you have `smartctl`?23:05
mountainDewRocksI do23:05
KadiganDo you know which device the disk is?23:05
gregoryacHow do I access a browser?23:05
Kadigan(as in, which /dev/* handle it is)23:05
mountainDewRocksYes, sda223:06
KadiganIf yes, `smartctl -a /dev/sda2` and see if there's anything that might indicate an issue with the disk.23:06
KadiganHuh, I changed that mid-typing, and never removed the "If yes" part :D23:06
Kadigangregoryac: you should have a web browser somewhere in there; click the 9 dots and see if you recognise one.23:07
gregoryacOh I guess a browser auto installs upon updating23:08
gregoryacThanks Kadigan23:08
gregoryacMine isnt showing as a 9 dots though, it loos like a bird23:09
mountainDewRocksIt says it passed: https://pastebin.com/JHLh0LfJ23:10
mountainDewRocksrebooting gets me stuck at initramfs, so going through that process now....23:11
mountainDewRocksI rebooted23:13
mountainDewRocksI was stuck at the initramfs23:13
mountainDewRocksthen I ran fsck.ext4 /dev/sda223:14
mountainDewRocksNow /dev/sda2 is writable23:14
KadiganmountainDewRocks: yeah, but that only resolves the symptom, not the underlying problem23:26
KadiganIf your fs is in ro mode, something caused it to go into ro mode.23:26
KadiganAnd that something is likely a hardware failure, because "read only filesystem", "system hangs", and *probably* "long system-wide freezes during save operations" are a dead give-away for a disk failure.23:27
KadiganThat's why I had you look at smartctl, but you should probably look at the data table it spit out.23:28
en1gmawith ubuntu 22.04 "try ubuntu" can the hotspot be isolated from the lan internet? im in ubuntu 24.04 and am going to dl the 22.04 if it can but i dont want to waste my time working my backwards to 18.04 if it cant. its either 18.04 or 20.04 i think that can do this23:31
KadiganmountainDewRocks: Any value above 0 for "Uncorrectable Errors" or "Fail Counts" immediately make the device suspect.23:32
en1gmai still want the pc to be able connect to the phones through the hotspot and i want same pc to have net but i dont want the phones to have net through the lan23:32
en1gmaover the hotspot23:33
Kadiganen1gma: can you elaborate on how your networking is set up? I can't quite picture it.23:33
mountainDewRocksYeah, smartctl didn't come up with anything suspect, but I guess I'll try a different drive anyhow.23:34
en1gma2 phones are connect to pc through the mb onboard wifi card (hotspot) same pc is connect to modem by lan cord23:34
en1gmai dont want phones to use the pc lan connection at all23:34
en1gmai want pc to still have lan net though while maintaining the hotspot so i can communicate with the phones23:35
en1gmaone of the versions of ubuntu live usb let you do this i just cant remember which one23:35
KadiganTechnically any Ubuntu, or any sensible Linux, can do this, as long as you know how to disable packet forwarding.23:36
Kadigan(it would essentially break the link between the LAN and the AP)23:36
en1gmawith windows 11 i had to create a loopback interface and its a pain and it dont work right23:36
en1gmaso just firewall rules script?23:37
KadiganNot sure what you mean, since a "loopback" interface is essentially 127/8 and is always present (must always exist) for any IP-based networking.23:37
Kadiganen1gma: I assume your "hotspot" program creates this forwarding rule, because it shouldn't be there by default (i.e. by default, Linux does *not* do forwarding)23:38
en1gmayea basically i just booted into this live enviroment and created the hotspot in networking and plugged in my lan cable and everything is connected. thats the problem :)23:39
KadiganDo `sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward` or `cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward`23:39
en1gmai did uncheck the tics for make this connection available to others on the lan connection23:39
en1gmak 1 sec23:39
en1gmanet.ipv4.ip_forward = 123:40
en1gma"1" reported for cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward23:40
Kadigantry `sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=0` or `echo 0 > /cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward`23:41
Kadigan xD /cat23:41
Kadigan`echo 0  /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward`23:41
Kadiganugh xD23:41
KadiganIt's 1 AM :D23:41
en1gmadid the command and gonna check. 1 min23:41
Kadigan`echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward`23:41
KadiganI did it, mom!23:42
en1gmadude. i think i love you. that was so simple and yet perfect23:43
en1gmathank-you so much!23:43
KadiganYeah, just keep in mind that it can be switched back on just as easily23:43
en1gmaim taking a picture of that command and never losing it.23:43
Kadiganand whatever AP software you're using will probably do it "for you". ;]23:43
en1gmathose checks for make this connection available to others need to do that command23:44
en1gmaim just using the ubuntu software for the AP23:44
KadiganYou could also do a firewall rule that would block all packet forwarding from the AP into the LAN, but the default firewall in Ubuntu is ufw and I don't know ufw.23:44
en1gmacant even select what security i want. it picks wpa23:44
en1gmai need to be able to communicate with the phones over that hotspot from the pc built-in wifi card that is the hotspot23:45
en1gmaso i think that first command will work. i havent tried it yet but i think it will23:45
KadiganAlso IIRC you were using a live boot, so unless you persist it, you'll need to enter it each time anyway.23:45
en1gmathat one liner i will gladly enter it. you wont believe the setup i had before.23:46
KadiganYou COULD just purchase a cheap router tho'.23:46
en1gmaa standalone router with not net but wifi.23:46
en1gmai did that but i had to use it a switch23:47
KadiganConnect the PC to the WiFi, should be able to talk to the phones on the same WiFi.23:47
KadiganThe cheapest router should be able to do it, really.23:47
KadiganWe're not talking permanent phat pipe Internet access here.23:47
en1gmai used the router with no net to link both the phones and pc over its wifi but i had to leave internet each time as i didnt have the lan cord to my modem like i do now23:48
KadiganAnd it'd be zero-configuration after the initial setup, and the defaults could work just as well really.23:48
en1gmai could do the same think again but i lose internet when i switch to that router with wifi. i trying to keep net and phones all connected but phones without net23:48
Kadigan(though I'd recommend you set aside IP allocations for each phone by MAC address, so that each would always get the same predictable IP)23:48
KadiganAh, the router probably also gives you a default gateway...23:49
en1gmai had em set as static ips but i still would lose net on pc when i switch to that wifi connection to the router to talk to the phones23:49
en1gmaim running "ADB" to shell into the phones23:49
en1gma"Wireless ADB" i mena23:49
KadiganYou'd have to configure the router to not send a gateway, or configure a gateway with higher default priority *I think*. The latter would still need entering into non-persistent live sessions however.23:50
en1gmaso it has to be a wifi connection and i figure i would gain a lan cable to goto modem (instead of wireless like i was) but i lose the router23:50
en1gmawell i will probably do a dual boot ubuntu again now that i know its that easy to fix that problem23:51
en1gmajust wanted to test before i went all in again :)23:51
KadiganIt's even easier, actually.23:51
KadiganAs long as the AP doesn't enable IP forwarding each time it sets it up, which it might, a simple sysctl.conf entry should do.23:51
cryptonectorif I have installed linux-image-6.1.0-1026-oem, how do I make it the kernel I'll boot?23:51
en1gmayes but wireshark :) i was going to put it on the router and use a lan cable to the router and it do the adb23:52
en1gmabut i thought man idk about adb on the router23:52
en1gmawireshark on router is usually not that great either23:52
en1gmaeven with dd-wrt/openwrt23:53
en1gma:) it gets complicated.23:53
Kadiganen1gma: you can use the `nogateway` option in dhcpcd.conf for an interface (like wl0)23:53
Kadigan- which should prevent you from losing Internet when you connect to anything through it.23:53
en1gmai thinking23:54
en1gmaoh you mean the AP on the pc or in the router?23:54
KadiganOn the PC.23:54
en1gmai thought you were talking on the rotuer23:54
KadiganEssentially telling the PC "never use this interface as a gateway to other networks"23:55
en1gmathe phones have static ip addresses though23:55
KadiganDoesn't matter.23:55
KadiganAs long as `nogateway` is specified for the WiFi interface, your PC's WiFi should never be used as the default gateway.23:55
KadiganJust remember that you set it next time you lose cable internet and need to use WiFi to connect. xDD23:56
en1gmathats what i want. to absolutely make sure they dont connect to the net23:56
KadiganThis has nothing to do with the phones. It would only prevent your PC from trying to use the WiFi router as the main connection23:56
en1gmaif they connect it messes up my software on the phones and i have to factory reset and uninstall all the bloat and settings each time23:56
Kadigan(which is the reason you're "losing Internet" when you connect to it)23:56
KadiganThis should resolve that pesky issue, allowing you to connect to both.23:57
en1gmaim going to copy this whole conversation so i can review and think on it later. so you are thinking just that dhcp.conf file on ubuntu can fix that?23:57
Kadigandhcpcd.conf, specifically /etc/dhcpcd.conf23:57
KadiganAnd if that's not used (I don't know if it is), then find the equivalent.23:58
KadiganJust remember to configure the correct network interface.23:58
en1gmayep yep. i messed around with it before and ip firewall rules too but i get lost in the firewall rules. iptables and dhcpd i can relate too a little bit23:58
KadiganAnd have fun. :D23:58
en1gmathanks for that great info!23:59
en1gmaheck yea its a blast.23:59
en1gmawish i would have came here earlier instead of wasting 2 days on guides on windows 11 that didnt even work23:59
KadiganYeah, general networking under Windows isn't the most fortunate of things in the world.23:59

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