[17:48] Hey, so I [17:49] Hey, so I'm on Ubuntu 23.10. I notice my Wacom tablet doesn't work because of a bug in Gnome 45. Is this issue fixed on Studio and will I have to transition to KDE to get it fixed? [17:50] Also, I notice my Egato CAMLINK doesn't work, which I think may be related to a bug in Kernel 6.5 [17:51] In the l4v2 modules [17:52] And there are no tools for Pipewire present, like qJackctl to plug audio around for apps to input/output, making it tough to control OBS [17:53] Does Studio get this stuff right? [17:54] StudioUser82: So, the stuff that you're mentioning (Wacom tablet, Elgato CAMLINK, etc) are 100% upstream isssues. As far as PipeWire goes, that's something we really work on. There is however a bug regarding setting sample rate and buffer size that should be resolved in a week. [17:55] StudioUser82: The Wacom issue is related to the desktop environment in particular. [17:56] StudioUser82: You're welcome to download and try it in the live session to find out if it will work for your needs. However, we're not competing with other flavors of Ubuntu as that's against our ethos. [17:59] Fair enough. I had Ubuntu 20.04 Studio working with all this stuff. Went for an upgrade and everything broke. I just want to get back to work. sob lol [18:00] StudioUser82: If you had read the notes for every subsequent release of Ubuntu Studio after 20.04, in-place upgrades weren't supported due to the change in desktop environment. We were recommending complete reinstalls at the time. [18:01] I did do a complete reinstall with 23.10. Backed down to 22.04. Went to PopOS because people said it awesome. No, more trouble than it was worth. I mean, I've tried. I've honestly tried! [18:02] StudioUser82: Understandable. 23.10 is where the good PipeWire stuff is, but there's no need to run qjackctl with it. The jack compatibility runs by default. [18:05] I really just wanted a plug tool. Carla would have done the job too. It just doesn't ship with any of that stuff. Or pipewire-pulseaudio. Obviously, I want pipewire to work I just found it broken (not useful) on install. [18:06] Ubuntu Studio ships with Carla by default. [18:06] thumbs up [18:08] Ubuntu Desktop (GNOME) does not have pipewire-jack enabled. Ubuntu Studio does. Ubuntu Desktop *can* if one installs ubuntustudio-pipewire-config, but not many people know that. That's why this exists: [18:09] !ubuntustudio-installer [18:09] Ubuntu Studio Installer is an app that can be used to add Ubuntu Studio's benefits to an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor) installation, and/or add the !ubuntustudio-backports PPA. For more info, see https://ubuntustudio.org/ubuntu-studio-installer/ [18:11] I know about Ubuntu studio installer and that's how I had studio running with 20.04. It all worked for years. And I got my work done. It was just getting old and crusty. I'd gladly back down to Kernel 5 if my Elgato CAMLINK worked. Not wedded to Kernel 6. Question: you've moved to pipewire, is the real time kernel still necessary? [18:12] StudioUser82: Real time kernel was *never* necessary. We have a lowlatency kernel by default. [18:12] Sorry, it was necessary prior to Linux 2.6 [18:12] OK. The lowlatency kernel. [18:12] Still recommended. [18:12] Fair enough. Thank you. [18:18] yw [18:25] Wait, one last question. If I do run KDE as packed by Studio, will my Wacom tablet work again? [18:27] StudioUser82: It should, but I don't have a Wacom tablet to test against. My art lead isn't here to attest, but she'd know better than I would. I haven't heard any complaints from either Kubuntu (which uses the exact same packages) or Ubuntu Studio users. [18:31] I prefer gnome, but frankly, I'd switch to fvwm if that fixed my tablet. lol [18:31] StudioUser82: One of the reasons we went with KDE Plasma 3 years ago was due to the exceptional Wacom tablet support. [18:34] OK. Can I just upgrade from the command line program or should I completely reinstall via usb stick? [18:35] So, I take it you're on Ubuntu Desktop currently, is that right? [18:39] Yeah, I'm running 23.10 on a 1st gen Threadripper. [18:39] Have a RTX 3060 and a Vega card [18:41] StudioUser82: So, it's not so much an upgrade as it would be a crossgrade. Honestly, it's not recommended to install multiple desktop environments, so if you have room, I'd install it on a separate partition. If you have a separate home partition, you can point to your home partition, otherwise you can copy your home directory and everything over. [18:42] StudioUser82: If you don't have room for another partition, you should back-up your home directory and reinstall. [18:42] I'm happy just to wipe Ubuntu 23.10 entirely. My goal here is to get back to work. I don't honestly care which Ubunu I run as long as the apps I use actually work properly. [18:43] My apps are, Krita, GIMP, Inkscape, Reaper, Blender, and Davinci Resolve. Also, use Win with GPU passthrough for Adobe on occasion. [18:44] Ok, sure. 3/5 of those come preinstalled, so you should be good. [18:44] I'm not wedded to any distro. Í'm wedded to my clients. [18:49] 👍 [19:37] inside you are two wolves [19:37] one of them things Combichrist is terrible [19:37] the other also things Combichrist is terrible [19:38] gordonjcp: wrong channel? [19:38] no, just editing a thing that's got Combichrist in the soundtrack [19:38] ah [19:38] also s/things/thinks/ [19:54] gordonjcp: Seems quite out of context here. [20:42] Having trouble with the 23.10 installer. Boot via USB, choose try Ubuntu to get to a shell to perform a backup, and it hangs with a cursor at the upper right corner [20:43] This is with a PC with both rtx 3060 and an AMD Vega. The rtx is connected to a monitor. [20:43] It is the primary display card [21:04] * OvenWrks has an acer spin with Wacom tablet built in. It work with 13.10 just fine as does the web cam which did not work in 22.04. [21:05] The tablet also worked with 13.04 but the camera did not with frsh install but just started working on one of the updates [21:07] * OvenWrks is trying to remember if he had to jump through any hoops to get it working.... I had switch mouse pad to usb in bios to get that working.