=== john is now known as Guest7229 [18:55] hi [18:56] how can i install google chrome and microsoft edge on Xubuntu [18:57] i am trying use Linux for the first time [18:59] Guest7229, first download it: https://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/chrome/next-steps.html?statcb=0&installdataindex=empty&defaultbrowser=0# [19:01] thanks [19:01] i will do it now [19:53] i am running Crhome on Xubuntu [19:54] thanks diogenes_vx15 [19:54] Guest7229, no problem just a suggestion to look into Brave browser which is better. [19:56] ok [19:56] do i need antivirus on Xubuntu ? [19:57] of course you don't. [19:57] I have a license of Kaspersky, but i dont know there are a linux version [19:59] Guest7229, you don't need any of that. [20:39] q