
seb128goood morning IRC09:50
lissyxis there a way to completely deny gdm3 to start on Xorg?12:31
seb128lissyx, what do you mean? you want it to error out if wayland is not working instead of falling back to X?12:36
seb128not that I know of, that seems like a weird feature12:37
seb128'please don't try to work'12:37
lissyxI've noticed a gdm3 restart might restart as xorg instead of wayland12:37
lissyxseb128, we're working on adding wayland (better) CI12:37
seb128that would be a bug to fix12:37
lissyxxorg fallback already tricked us several times12:37
lissyxI dont have time to fix that, and I dont even know if it's fixable12:38
seb128I guess you could check at the start of the CI if you are under wayland or xorg and error out if that's the latter?12:38
seb128also is that about gdm or the user session?12:38
lissyxwe could, but it's really inconvenient to have to perform another check12:38
lissyxwell if gdm starts as xorg, it will autologin as xorg12:38
seb128it shouldn't12:39
lissyxthis is what I saw12:39
seb128that's weird, afaik we had (still have?) gdm always use xorg so it would work on more config and then users could pick up an xorg session as fallback on the greeter if wayland isn't working12:40
lissyxif i WaylandEnable=true it might not auto fallback ?12:45
lissyxat least I can't repro anymore12:45
jbichayes, it's possible for gdm3 to start in a mode where it won't offer the GNOME on Wayland session. I experienced this with the multi-monitor issues with GNOME Shell 45 Beta14:37
jbichaI don't think it's easily possible to avoid that behavior. Red Hat is working on making an option to build GNOME without Xorg sessions, perhaps for GNOME 4614:39
jbichabut Ubuntu 24.04 LTS will definitely include both Xorg and Wayland sessions by default14:40
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