
Scary_Guyhttps://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=285597 Help, I'm having this issue but in Ubuntu.08:52
Scary_Guyhttps://wiki.debian.org/AtiHowTo Nevermind, fix at bottom08:57
jrwrencmaloney: does H'un (Lacerations) by Bright Sheng count as modern classical?14:36
jrwrenI'm usually with you re: modern classical, but I got to hear a live performance and when I looked it up later, I can't believe it didn't win the pulitzer for which it was nominated14:37
cmaloneyjrwren: I have no idea what that is. :)14:39
cmaloneyI think you're more in-tune with modern classical than I am14:40
jrwrenI don't even know how it is defined.14:41
cmaloneyFor me, if it's on Naxos then sure. :)14:41
cmaloneyand if it's on Naxos Jazz then it's not. ;)14:41
jrwrensadly, I didn't find the recording nearly as compelling.14:42
cmaloneyBut yeah, it has all of the hallmarks of classical14:42
cmaloneyand modern classical14:43
cmaloneyI can appreciate the music, but I'm not sure I like it. :)14:47
wolfgera much greater loss than Kissinger: Shane MacGowan, the irascible frontman of The Pogues, has died at age 6516:24
jrwrenlike my buddy said, given his lifestyle, its kind of amazing he lived to 6516:40
wolfgerheh. I'm sure.16:42
wolfgerKeith Richards still kickin', though16:43
wolfgerOzzy, too.16:43
wolfgerSome things just don't make sense.16:43
jrwrenalcohol is VERY BAD16:51
jrwrenworse than a lot of drugs.16:51
jrwrenwe were lied to as children16:51

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