
knomeman! why aren't there any good, simple color pickers like agave any more07:34
knomei guess i need to write yet another python app...07:34
Unit193"Green" Done.07:42
Unit193I picked a color for you.07:42
* Unit193 http://thedoghousediaries.com/140607:45
knomei still have traumas about a book cover (i haven't read the book) where the article said the cover was green, even if it was clearly most like teal from those colors.07:46
knomes/the/a review/07:46
arraybolt3knome: Totally useless suggestion, KColorChooser?08:24
* arraybolt3 ducks08:24
knomewell it pulls in half of kde08:39
Unit193Some Qt stuff is OK, libkf* or QML pulls in tons and tons...08:44
Unit193Ooooh, lets make knome pick the installer!08:46
Unit193knome: All pressure on you now!08:46
knomepick what?08:46
knomepoint me to an actionable URL and i can give me input? :P 08:46
Unit193URLs and facts?  Nono, we just have pretty names!  You get to see which *sounds* better!08:47
knomeooh :P08:47
knomei have no speaker plugged/connected, so this sounds (pun intended) fun!08:48
knomein other news, i can't understand how hard it is to even try to use a different editor than atom08:48
knomei'm trying to customize vscodium, but even this feels overpowering08:49
knome(yes, ofc i'm trying to do it in vscodium itself...)08:49
Unit193knome: For this LTS release, Ubuntu as a whole is dropping ubiquity and the options are the next thing Ubuntu invented or calamares.  So far of the flavors, only Lubuntu is using Calamares, though that's a cross distro installer, and is used upstream in Debian too.08:55
Unit193(Just as some filler on what I'm even joking about.)08:55
knomeok, so what's the technical differences?08:56
knomeubiquity was basically HTML, but what are ubuntu thing and calamares?08:56
knomei would personally the more easily editable, even if it was lacking a bit in features/possibilities, as long as it is not completely dumbed down08:56
Unit193For Calamares you can easily create a settings package to go with it, I've adapted the Debian one before.  Biggest downside of course is that it's Qt...  Now the Qt bits would be removed after install, but that's still a major downside.08:58
Unit193(Qt, not QML or libkf.)08:58
knomeyeah, right.08:58
knomeso do we know anything about the ubuntu thing?08:58
Unit193We?  Someone here might, I do not.  All I know is "Flutter"08:58
knomehmm, right08:59
knomethis doesn't tell much though09:00
Unit193I could show you what it basically would look like for us, Calamares at least.09:01
knomeit does mention feature slideshow.09:01
knomehere it is.09:01
knomeusing subiquity as a backend09:02
Unit193I know my preference, but... :309:06
knomewhat is it?09:07
Unit193At this point, leaning towards calamares.  Though of course there's downsides.09:07
knomei'd like to see some kind of practical example how the ubuntu one could be ported to xubuntu09:07
knomeor not ported, but customized09:08
knomeminimal effort gets points09:08
Unit193Running through the install process to take a look at the current version of C.09:12
Unit193vbox doesn't want to work with me, oh well.09:21
knomevbox, that thing i one day have used09:21
Unit193https://salsa.debian.org/live-team/calamares-settings-debian/-/commit/34e6385374cb0a9fcf6bbe62a6761b585bb709a8 someone else cares about Xfce, nice.09:30
-ubottu:#xubuntu-devel- Commit 34e6385 in live-team/calamares-settings-debian "New release"09:30
Unit193knome: Did you actually want the ISO?09:39
knomeerr, not necessarily, just wanted to get some actual idea of the alternatives11:09
knomejust (bitmap) images are fine as well11:09
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce-announce:: ANNOUNCE: tumbler 4.18.2 released @ http://www.mail-archive.com/xfce-announce@xfce.org/msg00899.html19:09
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-power-manager 4.18.3 released @ http://www.mail-archive.com/xfce-announce@xfce.org/msg00900.html19:09
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-power-manager 4.19.2 released @ http://www.mail-archive.com/xfce-announce@xfce.org/msg00901.html19:09
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-settings 4.18.4 released @ http://www.mail-archive.com/xfce-announce@xfce.org/msg00902.html19:09
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce-announce:: ANNOUNCE: parole 4.18.1 released @ http://www.mail-archive.com/xfce-announce@xfce.org/msg00903.html19:09

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