
schopintsimonq2: that would have worked but ravikant_ added me as a separate reviewer so I can't claim. And in any case, that's a stopgap since semantically the ubuntu-sponsors wasn't necessarily needed in the first place (added automatically by git-ubuntu)10:11
schopincjwatson: obscure knowledge is better than shining ignorance, I guess :). I won't bother actually doing it this time, but I'll try to carve out some time to write a script for this in the future, thanks!10:12
=== graber1 is now known as graber
rbasakschopin: FWIW, I wrote the bot to try and not step on others' workflows. If you add a different team as a reviewer to the MP, then ~ubuntu-sponsors shouldn't automatically get added. Suggestions to change the criteria appreciated.14:55
rbasakschopin: here's the bot: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+git/ubuntu-helpers/tree/rbasak/lp_auto_sponsor.py15:08
schopinrbasak: would that work if it's not a team but a person?15:08

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