[01:40] hmm... houston, we have a problem: https://i.imgur.com/CyVUj1s.png [01:41] Why. On earth. Is Calamares popping up LXQt sudo? [01:41] Also Oxygen icons seem to have entered the chat [01:42] (note Back, Next, and Cancel buttons in Calamares itself) [01:44] The LXQt sudo thing seems to have been transient? I rebooted my ISO in QEMU and now it's not happening, so Idk what it was doing. [01:45] oh, I see how LXQt sudo started being used. [01:45] tsimonq2: Any particular reason you (I assume you did it) changed the installer to be launched with lxqt-sudo rather than just plain-ol sudo? It broke theming and is making a strange window pop up. [01:48] guiverc: I think I found a hint about the issues you noticed with being detected as being in New York. [01:49] 20:48:15 [2]: void Config::completeGeoIP() [01:49] WARNING: GeoIP returned invalid result. [01:49] So something's making Cala think it's getting invalid data. Either a Cala bug or a problem with Canonical's GeoIP service I guess. [01:52] thanks arraybolt3, I suspect temporary internet issues thus we can ignore (I've noted 50x issues on a few ubuntu sites recently for whatever reason(s)) [01:56] arraybolt3: The theming looks *better*, you'll have to show me a specific example of where it's *broken*... :P [01:57] arraybolt3: As for this popup, yeah let's patch lxqt-sudo to not prompt at all on the live session... we could move that to like a pkexec -E though. [01:57] tsimonq2: I mean the colored icons don't fit with any other app in Lubuntu that I know of. :P [01:57] arraybolt3: I mean, if Xubuntu is going to be using this, I don't see why not. [01:57] arraybolt3: Well, we should make it fit with those icons, instead of just using the default Qt ones. :P [01:57] pkexec -E is a thing? [01:57] * tsimonq2 *thinks*, yeah [01:57] I didn't think pkexec had that feature [01:57] Or at least sudo -E [01:57] One of em does :P [01:58] yeah, it's sudo [01:58] `man pkexec` `/-E` "Pattern not found" [01:58] Literally, lxqt-sudo just calls one of those on the backend and wraps it in a GUI. [01:58] So maybe we *should* move it back, but ensure the theming is set right. [01:58] sudo -E seems to give me consistent theming. [01:59] lxqt-sudo -e is doing *something* (no clue what) that causes the wrong icon set to be used, which looks out-of-place. [01:59] s/-e/-E/ [01:59] (capitalization matters :P) [01:59] sudo -E uses *our* icons, not the default Qt icons? [01:59] Correct. [01:59] pkexec is the one that uses the default Qt theming which is all broken. [01:59] (well, not broken, just... different) [01:59] sudo -E does the theming right [02:00] and lxqt-sudo -E does something between the two for [02:00] Can I see a picture, pretty please? :) [02:00] Posted it up above. [02:00] 19:40 hmm... houston, we have a problem: https://i.imgur.com/CyVUj1s.png [02:00] No, of the *right* theming. [02:00] With sudo -E. [02:00] ah, right. https://i.imgur.com/EKKvzUj.png [02:00] WOAH, I like that MUCH better. [02:00] JFDI :) [02:01] kk, will change it. [02:01] Thanks. [02:01] Also, side note, the installer prompt uses a different invocation of Calamares. [02:01] Might want to either create a helper Bash script that both point to, or just update it to use the same command. [02:01] re different invocation of Calamares:. Nice. Ugh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c32oIb0ESZs [02:02] hah :D [02:09] Whoa, Calamares provides LVM management buttons? [02:10] Don't remember seeing those before, either I just went right past them or they're new [02:17] Must be preliminary support, as it's glitchy :P [02:18] All partitions on the disk disappear the moment you try to make a new volume group. [02:18] That... should probably be fixed. [03:20] Good catch! [05:34] Whew, finally landed that code today for $dayjob, diffstat says +/- something like 350/200 :P [05:34] * tsimonq2 EOD o/ [18:01] [telegram] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares/+bug/2045410 cc mkukri guiverc arraybolt3 [18:01] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2045410 in calamares (Ubuntu) "calamares install (grub-install?) issue - jammy" [Undecided, New] [18:02] [telegram] mkurki: You're very popular here this week, thanks again for idling here :) [18:06] [telegram] Look at @Roberalz go :D this is amazing! https://github.com/lubuntu-team/lubuntu-update-notifier/pull/7 [18:06] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Pull 7 in lubuntu-team/lubuntu-update-notifier "Update es.po" [Open] [18:07] [telegram] @kc2bez All I'm doing to merge this is cloning the Gitea repository, adding the GitHub remote and fetching it, merging the changes into my local branch, then push right to origin which automatically claps back to GitHub [18:07] [telegram] Feel free to give it a try, otherwise I'll JFDI later/tomorrow and write instructions :) [18:08] [telegram] Good to know, thanks for the information. Not sure I will get to it before you but I will try to keep an eye on it better than I have in the past. [18:09] [telegram] Either way, thanks for the +1 on the review! Translations don't *need* it, but I always love a good +2 before merging :) so keep that up if you can! [18:10] [telegram] Sure thing. [18:14] Not quite "clocking in", but this is more-or-less my plan for today: [18:14] * Finish the blog post draft I started yesterday about Cala vs. Flutter Installer [18:15] * Finish an upstream Calamares pull request I accidentally left undone, redoing the Cala patch for encrypted installations accordingly [18:16] * Universe maintenance / MOTU changing [18:16] er, training, not changing [18:16] * Maybe cram in some lubuntu-connection-editor coding (though sadly I don't expect this to be production-ready until 24.10) [18:21] [telegram] Sounds like a great plan! I have to knock out 8 hours of $dayjob sometime today, otherwise I want to get to some of those rejected source NEW packages, maybe do a little piloting, and follow up a bit on the installer prompt since I think that's one of our next bears to really tackle. [18:21] [telegram] If you need help just let me know - otherwise I'll be floating around as usual. [18:23] I just realized it's Friday, I probably will only be able to tackle two of the items on my list. [18:23] hmm, which two... [18:23] I'll start with the Cala PR since it's the most important IMO. [19:31] Testing new patch. [19:33] hrm, patch fail. [19:35] gah, missing parentheses [19:42] and now I'm trying to read from a string. Great. [20:10] tsimonq2, no worries, off for the weekend tho, so might be worth subscribing me to the LP bug otherwise the possibility of it being forgotten is quite high [20:16] alright, hopefully last patch iteration :P [20:16] nope [20:17] lol, I *may* want to be using print() instead of write(). [20:17] since I made the entire /etc/default/grub file one massive comment XD [20:23] [telegram] @Roberalz Hey! Feel free to provide further translations updates in other PRs. Otherwise, we can get you access on git.lubuntu.me to push those directly. :) [20:25] [telegram] @Roberalz We can make exceptions as necessary, but in general I think our target date for getting things fully translated is April 18th, so if you or anyone else see something missing, please say something: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/noble-numbat-release-schedule/35649 [20:26] [telegram] The Lubuntu Manual is exempt from the Documentation String Freeze, by the way. I mean, in general @lynorian should work towards getting the vast majority of the changes done for the next release by that time, but it's in no way a "hard deadline," since it's not actually a package we ship by default. [20:27] mkukri: Ack, will do. [20:29] Anyway, one other thing before I forget. The Lubuntu Manual icon uses help-browser, and it actually calls Firefox directly. Looking for suggestions on a new icon, and for what the replacement command would be to just call the default browser. [21:08] Fixed. [21:09] I think you all will be very happy with it. :) [21:22] https://twitter.com/LubuntuOfficial/status/1730698463669583989 [21:22] tsimonq2: Sounds like you're hard at work :) [21:22] >:D [21:22] (I'm learning that I don't know Python :P) [21:22] Oh NICE I love that icon! [21:23] [telegram] CC @lynorian ^^^^^ :) [21:27] you should have seen some of the mistakes I've made trying to rewrite a Python function in Calamares - first I forgot a parenthesis, then I tried to read lines from a filename rather than a file, then I was looping through the file in question one character at a time rather than one line at a time, and I may have even been doing writes in such a [21:27] way that they didn't have newlines in between them. [21:28] So... yeah, took me a while to get things just right, but I think I probably have it right now. [21:30] Yesterday I was going between Ruby on Rails and JavaScript. I did that a few times (started including parentheses in Rails functions, no parentheses in JavaScript functions, etc. :P) [21:30] It comes over time. You can only kick yourself so much before you learn ;P [21:30] Also: https://twitter.com/LubuntuOfficial/status/1730700704040304797 [21:31] [telegram] Yes that icon looks really good [21:31] I'm glad :D [21:32] tsimonq2: lol at switching between language issues :P [21:33] for me I didn't forget which language I was using or get features confused, I just typoed all over myself and threw a smattering of logic errors in to the mix for me to solve XD [21:35] gah, and now I forgot the newlines! AGAIN! [21:36] oh my gosh because I accidentally reverted earlier changes [21:36] 🤦 [21:38] [telegram] https://github.com/Roberalz/lubuntu-update-notifier/commit/7e35fac160b1facf224d2b557f04063e0cf1bea5 [21:38] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Commit 7e35fac in Roberalz/lubuntu-update-notifier "Merge pull request #1 from Roberalz/Roberalz-patch-3" [21:38] [telegram] Do you have an account on git.lubuntu.me? (re @Roberalz: https://github.com/Roberalz/lubuntu-update-notifier/commit/7e35fac160b1facf224d2b557f04063e0cf1bea5) [21:39] [telegram] Ah yes you do [21:41] [telegram] Yes [21:41] [telegram] @Roberalz You now have push access here: https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/lubuntu-update-notifier [21:41] [telegram] [21:41] [telegram] Feel free to push translation updates directly to ubuntu/devel (which in this case is ubuntu/noble). For any other changes please use a merge proposal. [21:41] WOOHOO the install is working! Finally! [21:41] [telegram] Ok, perfect, thankssss [21:41] Only took me like six or seven tries. [21:42] [telegram] It's Best Practice to create a new branch for each changeset, and merge (with fast forward) onto ubuntu/devel. You don't have to push your new branch to your fork, you can push it to the main repo, just remember to delete it when you're done. [21:42] [telegram] If you have any questions, or need help with your Git-fu, please do let us know @Roberalz - thanks in advance for patience in yourself ;) [21:43] [telegram] GitHub works, but it's automatically overwritten with what's in git.lubuntu.me on push [21:43] [telegram] If you need access to any other repos for translations, let us know. :) [21:43] Alright, final test since I stumbled everywhere, then submitting to upstream. [21:43] arraybolt3: Hah nice :D [21:45] [telegram] Ahhh ok, perfect (re @tsimonq2: GitHub works, but it's automatically overwritten with what's in git.lubuntu.me on push) [21:47] arraybolt3: Speaking of old branches needing cleanup ;P https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/lubuntu-update-notifier/src/branch/arraybolt3/upgrade_repair [21:47] nice :P [21:47] @Roberalz: If you do plan on creating separate branches, I'd suggest the scheme Roberalz/my-branchname-here [22:02] Alright, the patch works. [22:20] \o/ [22:21] [telegram] https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/lubuntu-update-notifier/commit/18afebb4df593c1b5d3e682d6250ebc48db6e262 (re @tsimonq2: GitHub works, but it's automatically overwritten with what's in git.lubuntu.me on push) [22:21] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Commit 18afebb in Lubuntu/lubuntu-update-notifier "Galician translate." [22:21] [telegram] Galician translate [22:21] [telegram] Perfect!!!!!!!! Feel free to add another bullet point under your name in debian/changelog :) [22:22] [telegram] Ok [22:22] [telegram] Thank you so much!! :) [22:22] [telegram] I'm really excited to see some momentum here :D [22:24] [telegram] Done (re @tsimonq2: Perfect!!!!!!!! Feel free to add another bullet point under your name in debian/changelog :)) [22:26] [telegram] The extra newline is not needed, feel free to append to your commit/force push or create a followup one :) otherwise I can fix it! [22:27] [telegram] Ok, thanks for the info [22:27] [telegram] Thank you for giving me permission to upload more translations [22:27] [telegram] No, thank *you* for your help! :) [22:29] [telegram] https://github.com/lubuntu-team/calamares-settings-ubuntu/tree/ubuntu/noble may also need it - if you find yourself wanting commit access to that one too, just let me know :)