
Scary_GuyWe're still lied to00:01
MooncairnUpgrading to 23.10 was a mistake.22:01
cmaloneyoof. whay happened?22:02
MooncairnGNOME 45 gets into a really weird state after the computer has been sitting idle for a while.22:02
MooncairnIt's in the activities view with a single dock icon for the activities view (yet recursive!).22:03
cmaloneythat's handy22:03
MooncairnThe only thing I could do was log out and log back in.22:03
cmaloneyhoping there is a fox soon22:04
cmaloneyfix too22:04
MooncairnI'm not holding my breath.22:04
cmaloneywell no, you'd pass out22:04
MooncairnI had issues with GNOME 44, but the worst was that it'd sometimes go out to lunch and not register mouse clocks or keyboard presses for any window until I opened a new program.22:05
MooncairnThis tops that, easily.22:05
MooncairnI may consider other desktop environments (not KDE, though; *looking at you Akonadi*) and/or a move back to Debian.22:07
Mooncairn... if I can't figure out the current issues.22:07
jrwrenpopos is good22:10
MooncairnI considered popos before going to Ubuntu. I don't like that they're stuck on 22.04.22:12
cmaloneyI tihnk that might be a feature, in retrospect22:13
* Mooncairn considers that thoughtfully.22:16
MooncairnOkay, I'm encouraged that when I google popos and snaps that I find instructions on how to install the Snap Store, meaning that popos doesn't install snaps by default. :-)22:18
MooncairnI'm going to try locking my screen to see if I can get GNOME to crap the bed again. (That would be the reason if I suddenly drop out of chat.)22:20
MooncairnYes, it's reproducible, but not consistently.22:24
cmaloneyTime for a bug report if you can22:29
MooncairnLovely, when I went into settings to try disabling automatic locking, settings froze up and then crashed.22:30
cmaloneyYear of the Linux Desktop, folks.22:30
cmaloneyThis is why I'm still on 20.0422:31
jrwrenno snaps is why i like popos22:32
jrwrenjorge's ublue is nice too.22:32
jrwrenweird, but nice.22:32
cmaloneyYeah, we've got him talking about it in January IIRC.22:34
MooncairnI'll have to check that out.22:34
cmaloneyShould be fab.22:40
MooncairnI think this may be a problem with an extension. Disabling all of them seems to make the problem go away.22:41
MooncairnNot so much for Settings crashing, though.22:42
cmaloneyWhich extension, do you suspect?22:43
cmaloneyAlso, it could be that you need to start fresh with your GNOME settings22:43
MooncairnNot sure, yet. I just mass disabled them all.22:43
MooncairnNow I'd say Dash to Dock is likely.22:44
MooncairnAfter mass enabling, I was starting to disable individual extensions.22:45
MooncairnWhen it came to Dash to Dock, the dock went away, and when I re-enabled it, the dock came back with just the activities icon.22:46
MooncairnI'm going to try entering Activities now and see if things lock up again.22:46
cmaloneyGood luck22:47
MooncairnWinner winner, chicken dinner.22:47
MooncairnSo, now I know which extension. Question is, is this one provided by Ubuntu or is it third party.22:48
MooncairnOkay, I though Dash to Dock was an Ubuntu thing, but apparently not unless I'm missing something.22:49
MooncairnThe answer is apparently yes to both. (I had a 3rd-party plugin overlaid over Ubuntu's somehow.)22:51
MooncairnGot rid of the 3rd party version.22:51
MooncairnYup, that solved it.22:52
jrwren3rd party stuff ... ugh22:53
cmaloneyYeah, that's always been an issue22:56
cmaloneyStuff changes and the third-party stuff breaks in novel ways22:57
MooncairnSettings keeps crashing.22:58
MooncairnI'm not alone. It's a known issue that Ubuntu won't fix. :-(23:07
cmaloneyDo they at least recommend a work-around?23:10
cmaloneyTime to apply pressure then23:10
MooncairnWon't fix because it's a "random issue".23:10
cmaloneyNot random if you can replicate it23:11
cmaloneyHave you tried the "make a new user and see if it still does it" trick?23:11
MooncairnI'll give that a try.23:11
cmaloneybecause it sounds like settings config is causing issues23:11
cmaloneyand that may be something that can be uploaded so folks can poke at it23:11
MooncairnCan't get gnome-control-center to crash under new user, but it does sporadically lock up.23:21
MooncairnAnd both lock up and crash do seem to be completely random.23:21
Scary_GuyI like Mint, maybe try that.  I hear PopOS is good too which was also mentioned.23:24
MooncairnThat's a thought. I prefer the GNOME-style interface and Cinnamon seems like a throw back, but I like that Mint is a little newer.23:34
Scary_GuyWell Mint has other flavors to it.  Mate is nice as is XFCE.  You can also stick Gnome on it yourself if you really want.23:37
MooncairnMint sits on top of Debian, I gather?23:37
Scary_GuyNo, LMDE sits on top of Debian.  Mint proper sits on top of Ubuntu (which sits on top of Debian.)23:38
MooncairnAh, okay.23:38
MooncairnGot a random crash under the test account.23:58
Scary_GuyUnder what?  What did the log say?23:59

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