[00:28] Code_Bleu: first draft, https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4654 [00:28] -ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4654 in canonical/cloud-init "dmi: support OpenBSD native reading" [Open] [00:28] needs tests… and, well, testing. [00:28] also, that uname patch is really lazy and doesn't really work [05:00] meena: I pull those changes from your branch and tested without having dmidecode and it did install just fine, but there are still execution issues. I noticed in the logs that it errored on missing 'wget', so that is another package that is needed. Also, I see in the logs network issues and is prob related to me losing connection when cloud-init runs. I have to down and up the interface after [05:00] to get it to work again. [05:01] also, I believe this is where we need to make changes for OpenBSD. It can do the get_device_list() because it doesn't have this path in OpenBSD - https://github.com/igalic/cloud-init/blob/9662a8791e53bac40a3a37aa3f5bee3076f7d447/cloudinit/net/__init__.py#L19 [05:04] I also assume we will need a file like this for OpenBSD, or maybe have one BSD file with logic in it for the different ones - https://github.com/igalic/cloud-init/blob/9662a8791e53bac40a3a37aa3f5bee3076f7d447/cloudinit/distros/freebsd.py [05:06] meena: when you're awake 😄 👆 [05:35] meena: disregard about the last couple comments and links. I was still on your fork and was looking at wrong branch commit some how. [11:48] Code_Bleu: the grand plan is to get rid of most of cloudinit.net [14:44] meen: The next error in my logs I think needs addressed is the net/activator. I attempted to add changes, but for some reason the error still doesn't show the new class I added that it should be iterating throught - https://dpaste.com/GNEGPUL26 [14:45] Here is my changes - http://sprunge.us/Oc8Y4U and http://sprunge.us/bJZcjd [14:45] sorry - meena ^ [17:45] Code_Bleu: that's weird. on FreeBSD we don't have an activator either, just the renderer, and it works just fine [17:46] the difference between rendering the network config on BSD and bringing it up is vanishingly small, so we combine it [17:50] your activator looks good, but i don't think the Linux people will like the priority you've given it ;) [18:33] I have a simple configuration -> [18:33] https://paste.rs/V2Qub.yaml [18:34] package installs are failing however with the following error: [18:34] E: Unable to locate package gcsfuse [18:34] 2023-12-02 18:24:33,364 - util.py[WARNING]: Failed to install packages: ['gnupg', 'apache2', 'gcsfuse'] [18:35] I suspect this is because $ apt update isn't ran after the source is added [18:35] has anyone ran into this and/or have any tips/suggestions? thanks [18:36] I suppose I could add runcmds that do this but something tells me I might have just configured things wrong (left an option out) [20:02] oddly this configuration works as expected in a local lunar vm [20:07] hm I am using mantic minotaur minimal on gcp [20:07] I wonder if that has something to do with it? [20:39] that is so odd... [20:40] /usr/bin/cloud-init 23.3.3-0ubuntu0~23.10.1 [20:44] interesting [20:45] I hate computers [22:00] init: same, friend, same.