=== fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away === fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181 === fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away === fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181 [04:33] I think I have found an important feature that I believe should be implemented for Kubuntu... After downloading an exe I missed the folder button (in Firefox) and clicked the item itself by mistake and firefox attempted to launch the app. This caused KDE to show the 'open with' dialog box. But because I opened it by mistake, I really just wanted to cancel that dialog box or close it and realized that there is no way to cancel it. I think it is an [04:33] oversight for cases such as mine not allow closing or cancelling that. [04:42] Which flavour will be the most suitable for a laptop dell latitude7470? [05:44] O1GR (re @join_captcha_bot: ) [05:44] Q1GR [05:44] Q7GR === fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away [06:25] Morning. Does anybody know what happens with the "Pro" access when you used all 5 slots and you re-install these machines? === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [13:11] Hello [13:11] Anyone here ? [13:20] XSWR [13:21] Hello guys am using kubuntu from past 6 months , i started with 23.04 and today switched to 23.10. Love the new update [13:24] Guys i need suggestion for onboard keyboard app which i could use after logging in to desktop. I saw "virtual keyboard" during logging in..but after i log in to desktop that virtual keyboard cant be found anywhere [14:19] Hi all === fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181 === fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away === szymon is now known as Guest5778 === fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181 === m00m is now known as m00m-_- [21:10] yGUX [21:11] Is anyone having problems with Spectacle? It seems like the calibration is off. Curious if it is just me. [21:21] If I run global scale at 100% it runs fine. If I change the global scale to 125% it doesn't calibrate the region correctly. === fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away === fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181 === fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away === fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181 === fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away