
semWhat did your sources.list and sources.list.d/ files look like00:19
semOh that message was from Nov 1500:19
lubot[telegram] <lqlarry> @tsimonq2 @kc2bez 05:52
lubot[telegram] <lqlarry> I installed Lubuntu 22.04 and it is behaving as it should, letting me resize my monitor resolution.  For grins and giggles I also installed Kubuntu 23.10 and had the same problem.  I also installed Ubuntu on this machine and did not have the same problem, but Gnome 45 is causing me heat problems.  I had that problem with Fedora 39 also.  On Gnome 44 I didn't have any problems with overheating. (re @lqlarry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ub05:52
TestinghjHi, I need Lubuntu 18.04.108:14
TestinghjHowever, when you go to https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/08:14
Testinghjthe 18.04.5/ and 18.04/ both point to the same release, Lubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver)08:14
Testinghjhttps://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/18.04/ should presumably point to Lubuntu 18.04.1 rather than 18.04.5 LTS08:14
TestinghjDoes anyone have the correct download link for 18.04.1? Thanks!08:14
guivercTestinghj, Lubuntu 22.04 LTS is the oldest release of Lubuntu we support.08:14
TestinghjI don't want any support, I just need to get the install file for 18.04.1 :-)08:15
TestinghjI need Lubuntu 18.04.1 to get a laptop with SiS 771 graphics working, as detailed at08:15
Testinghj"So Core finding for me is that you have to stick with 18.04.1 Ubuntu/Xubunut/Lubuntu versions if using above ZIP. If using newer > 18.04.1 the script made by @fevangelou will not work , also Portuguese blog posts will not work."08:16
guivercflavors of 18.04 are no longer supported by Canonical either; 3 years only with older ISOs replaced with the newer ones. You can find supported ISOs there, but not flavors as they were dropped (except the latest which for now is kept b/c of ESM)08:17
TestinghjI tested it with newer versions and, as they said, it doesn't work. But if I can get the 18.04.1 iso I'll be able to back it up, and hopefully have Linux workign on the laptop (otherwise my only option is to go back to Windows XP on it ...)08:17
TestinghjYep, I don't want support, I just need to install it as an offline laptop. I need that version as it's the only one where teh drivers work to give the full screen resolution.08:18
guivercthe older ISOs get moved to http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ but flavor ISOs are dropped (not moved)... You're seeking support now Testinghj 08:18
TestinghjYep, I'm not after Ubuntu (directly), just Lubuntu.  https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/ has a link to 18.04 but it doesn't point to the correct version.08:20
guivercLubuntu doesn't support anything older than 22.04 so you're off-topic here asking for support (asking for ISOs is asking for support).  Refer back to your original URL and look again and a GA stack kernel ISO is there!08:21
guivercthe web site is working correctly; you've not understood how it works (re-read what I've said and you may work it out a little more)08:22
TestinghjOkay, apologies. I was just pointing out the https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/lubuntu/releases/ has two links to 18.04 isos but they both end up at the same version. I spent three days installing nine different lightweight Linux distros, then various scripts, and it looked like I was at the final stage and just needed that particular version of Lubuntu.08:28
TestinghjI'd hoped someone would have a working link to it (i.e. just another user who'd stored it, not necessarily anyone working for Lubuntu). If that's not the case then sorry for wasting your time, I'll just go back to XP and never let ti connect to the Internet. I'm a full-time author and just preferred using Linux to write drafts on my08:28
Testinghjstanding-desktop OLD OLD laptop (since I use Linux as my main desktop PC too), so I can include "proudly written on Linux!" in the author ntoes of my books. :-)  Sorry if I wasn't meant to ask about whether Lubuntu still host the old files.08:28
guivercthe links on the web site are working correctly; you just don't understand how they're intended to be used (Lubuntu is a flavor don't forget; older ISOS are found at the other site I mentioned with flavors not being moved across there; thus links won't work as you want them to intentionally)08:29
guivercTestinghj, you realize the only difference is the GA kernel stack is default for older media (original + .1), and that can be changed post-install anyway.  Once upgrades are applied; only kernel stack will differ for any media of a release.08:33
lubuhello world09:00
Testinghjguiverc "you realize the only difference is the GA kernel stack is default for older media (original + .1),"09:31
TestinghjSorry, I don't know what that means! I probably count as a beginner in many ways - I can install, know a few terminal commands, know about distros and versions, but don't udnerstand stacks and so on. Are you saying I can get a Lubuntu iso 18.04.1 somewhere?09:31
TestinghjI found what I need: Lubuntu 18.04 mirror.datto.com/ubuntu-releases/lubuntu/releases/18.04/release/10:26
TestinghjI also found Xubuntu 18.04 which should work equally well https://archive.org/details/xubuntu-18.04-desktop-i38610:26
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Thanks for the update. (re @lqlarry: @tsimonq2 @kc2bez 15:09
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> I installed Lubuntu 22.04 and it is behaving as it should, letting me resize my monitor resolution.  For grins and giggles I also installed Kubuntu 23.10 and had the same problem.  I also installed Ubuntu on this machine and did not have the same problem, but Gnome 45 is causing me heat problems.  I had that problem with Fedora 39 also.  On Gnome 44 I didn't have any problems with overheating.)15:09

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