
cahootsWaV, where are you in my time of need00:03
semcahoots: were you able to boot up in safe graphics mode00:49
cahootssem, i can boot to a console if that's what you mean00:55
semNo there's a way to boot into a Fail-Safe graphics driver00:56
semIt will let you use the GUI tools at least somewhat00:56
semHopefully that will let you sort out the drivers a bit easier00:58
cahootssem, what troubleshooting tips do you recommend at that point00:58
cahootsbecause i tried hitting esc and shift at startup but neither worked. but i'm quite comfortable with the terminal00:58
semIf I were you, I would first get a ububtu live USB and see if it correctly auto detects the right drivers and works00:59
semIf it does or doesn't that gives you good information00:59
semAre you able to see the grub boot menu at all? I would mash esc or shift or whatever key you think would bring it up until you get the menu01:01
cahootsi'm not able to see the grub boot menu, but i am able to see the console with ctrl-alt-f3. from there, i can get it to show me that nvidia-driver-535 is installed01:02
Bashing-omcahoots: EFI system ? Then it is the escape key that grub looks our for - spam it soon as the bios screen clears - a 3 second window of oportunity.01:06
semSo if I were you I would try the live boot, and next I would get grub and boot into failsafe graphics. I love the commandline but for graphics driver problems I would want to use the drivers gui01:07
cahootsBashing-om, i don't see a bios screen when it boots, even when i don't press anything01:09
semDepending on your system it might have a quiet bios screen -- just start tapping escape as soon as you turn it on until you see something... You might want to look around in bios too and see what it says about which graphics card it's using before the OS loads01:11
cahootstty3 gives me console, tty2 shows me a login screen. so the graphics work there, but if i log in to my usual account, the screen goes black01:11
cahootssem, if i make a live USB would that maybe cause it to boot to the USB and i don't have to figure out the shift vs. esc thing?01:17
semThe reason you would boot from USB is to see if everything automatically works correctly, and if so, see which driver "Additional Drivers" says it's using01:18
semThen you could boot back up into your installation and use that driver01:19
semIf it doesn't work automatically in the live USB then you have to troubleshoot more01:20
semYou could try sudo apt install nvidia-driver-470 and just see what happens01:21
cahootstrue that... but why 470 specifically?01:22
semThat's the one WaV suggested?01:22
semYou can always change it again if it doesn't work01:22
semOne possibility is that by doing a manual install earlier, something complicated your system depending on what you did... That is why I recommend the live USB to verify that it _does_ work in a vanilla environment01:25
=== travisghansen3 is now known as travisghansen
mBodoMihi all02:12
cahootssem, so i made a new user account, same os install, and the graphics work for this account with the nvidia driver installed. any ideas what to do next?02:23
semcahoots: you have to configure the old account to use the same driver the new one is using02:25
cahootssem, both use the same driver. i actually installed it when i was on the old account, and on this new account it's using the same newly installed driver02:26
semOut of curiosity how do you see which driver it is using, or trying to use02:27
cahootssem, i go to "Additional Drivers..." and i see it uses nvidia-driver-535. although fyi, i removed the blacklist for nouveau's driver (chatgpt said it might help)02:29
semI thought you didn't have a GUI for the first account still ?02:30
cahootswhen i uninstall the nvidia drivers and reboot, i can log into the first account. from there i reinstalled the drivers, and when i rebooted, i was once again no longer able to log into that account without hitting a black screen02:31
cahootsdo note that my display's hdmi cable is plugged into the motherboard's hdmi port. i plan on only using the nvidia gpu for gpgpu02:32
semJust don't reinstall the drivers then? Use the ones that work02:32
cahootswell it "works" in that i can log onto the new account i made. but my old account still hits the issue02:34
cahootsso either i have to move all my stuff over from the old account, or fix whatever difference there is between the two accounts02:34
semI think the old account is configured to use a driver that's not working or not installed maybe02:35
cahootswhen i run nvidia-smi for the old account, i get what i expect, nvidia 53502:36
=== chris14_ is now known as chris14
semMaybe it is the right driver but the wrong settings02:37
cahootssem, you mean maybe the settings differ between the two accounts? how would i check this02:37
semAnd if you could delete or reset the settings it might recreate them with the working defaults02:38
semSee if there is a way to log what happens when you try to login and it fails02:38
semIt might give a clue02:38
cahootssem, which logs would i check02:38
mBodoMii got a quite rare and strange problem02:40
semI'm not sure? Login logs, graphical driver logs? Wayland, or Xorg. You could look in /var/log/syslog first and see if anything jumps out at you, or try dmesg02:40
semTry to figure out how to get a log of the login process... I think it is called gdm or lightdm02:41
cahootsok tt02:41
semGood luck!02:41
cahootsthe devil's operating system02:41
mBodoMithe c64 wifi modem can telnet into Ubuntu PC // Raspbian but cli programs lack02:41
mBodoMia terminfo descriptor02:42
leftyfbmBodoMi: what is your issue with ubuntu?02:43
mBodoMiits not ubuntus problem its just the telnet program on mz  C=64 is not really02:44
leftyfbmBodoMi: this wouldn't be the place to get help with that02:44
leftyfbwe can only support ubuntu here02:44
mBodoMiits a general  linux telnet on Commodore problem02:45
leftyfbmBodoMi: then try #linux02:45
semleftyfb do you know what would cause the GUI to stop working once you login on Ubuntu? Or where that gets logged?02:46
leftyfbsem: 1 user works and another user does't?02:46
semYeah I think, according to cahoots02:47
leftyfbcahoots: ?02:47
semI thought maybe if you could start gdm from the virtual console, you could see where it is going wrong?02:47
semgdm is the gnome session manager right?02:48
semNot lightdm02:48
lagunaloire123say does anyone at ubuntu know why chromium-bsu game mouse doesn't work right with gnome on wayland but works fine with gnome classic on xorg02:56
lagunaloire123this kind of garbage is exactly why people pay money for a decent final fantasy 7 game that just works...and did i say works02:56
leftyfb!bug | lagunaloire12302:58
ubottulagunaloire123: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.02:58
leftyfblagunaloire123: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-bsu02:58
leftyfbsorry https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-bsu02:59
lagunaloire123leftyfb hey guy i never could even figure out how to file a bug with bugzilla on old mozilla stuff many many years ago and you are asking me that02:59
leftyfblagunaloire123: the link ubottu gave you tells you exactly how to file a bug03:00
leftyfbthough it does look like the source code hasn't been touched in over 6 years. That might be why it doesn't support wayland03:01
lagunaloire123leftyfb...well when they quit trying to make it some impossible to comprehend rocket science....SCIENCE...the enemy of HOLY and HOLY Matrimony like AERIS gift that her mother gave her03:01
leftyfblagunaloire123: random rants are offtopic here. Try #ubuntu-offtopic03:02
lagunaloire123lagunaloire123...spare me the lectures on decency man...i don't give a fuck about that damn shit...especially after these bastards murdered my wife and still have not answered for it....03:03
leftyfb!op | lagunaloire12303:03
ubottulagunaloire123: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - CarlFK, DJones, el, Flannel, genii, hggdh, ikonia, krytarik, mneptok, mwsb, nhandler, ogra, Pici, popey, sarnold, tomreyn, Unit193, wgrant03:03
lagunaloire123leftyfb..if you have a language phobia...don't try to play final fantasy 7 where people try to get real03:04
leftyfblagunaloire123: trolling is offtopic here. This is a support channel. Go troll elsewhere03:05
lagunaloire123leftyfb...yea yea..out a here...just a note to say chromium-bsu doesn't seem to play well with gnome on wayland03:05
=== twice6 is now known as twice
=== root is now known as Guest4295
JoeLlamawhat is the name of the power manager under LXQt?  The process?06:11
Bashing-omJoeLlama: tlp ??06:13
JoeLlamaI look thanks06:14
JoeLlamahow do I work with processes?  GUI interface?06:15
jasonhello guys how are you doing today06:21
=== NewtonTrendy is now known as NewtonStivities
CoOlGhOsTSomeone around with dkms experience to help setting up a simple module to be handled automatically on each kernel update? Its getting tedious to do each time and my sound is not working unless done (imac)...10:21
=== Guest0 is now known as spionkop
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest93
Guest93I'm receiving a strange error. I made a screencast and all I do is 2 backspaces? https://dpaste.org/i77h912:54
Guest93Invalid YAML: inconsistent indentation12:54
FilohuhumGuest93, probably the line with   "stp: false" is the p'roblem13:06
Guest93Filohuhum, how, as the error says line 10:7:, which is enp3s0?13:16
=== rocker is now known as rocker22
rogelhello im having troubles to install nodejs can somebody help me13:24
rocker22New install - was nvidia 1650 - boot errors - "report error" - changed to old radeon - works good now - still - "report problem"13:26
rocker22completely un installed anything nvidia13:27
rocker22the whole team is experiencing a hangover - back later.13:29
BluesKajHi all14:20
CosmicDJBluesKaj: state your business ;)14:20
jscript_or face cosmic judgment :D14:22
BluesKajheh, same goes for you guys14:27
CosmicDJBluesKaj: I'm just here to have an excuse to let my machine run 24/7 ;)14:28
BluesKajCosmicDJ, you don't need irc for that :-)14:29
BluesKajmine's on all the time unless there's a power interrupt14:30
=== Szadek7 is now known as Szadek
Moejranyone here?17:04
Moejrwanna talk?17:04
Maik!topic Moejr17:05
Moejrhey Maik!17:05
Moejrcan you read my messages??17:06
=== Guest0 is now known as spionkop
=== Guest0 is now known as spionkop
=== GreenRio- is now known as GreenRiot
=== Guest0 is now known as spionkop
fribwhen running my application through systemd, it fails to listen on interface with external IP. what am I doing wrong?19:29
fribare some permissions required?19:30
rboxwhat is failing19:30
rboxwhat is the error19:30
rboxhow are you running it "through" systemd19:30
rboxhow do you run it not that way19:30
ecapirbox, are those your questions or rasculs?19:31
fribI created a simple config following this: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/478999/how-can-i-make-an-executable-run-as-a-service19:36
fribrunning #systemtl start myservice19:36
fribtrying to check output via journalctl -u myservice but there doesn't appear to be any error output19:37
leftyfbfrib: pastebin the error19:37
leftyfbfrib: also, aren't you using sudo to enable and start the service?19:37
fribthere is no error # = sudo right?19:37
leftyfbfrib: if there's no error, then how do you know what is wrong?19:38
fribI'm checking ss -tlnp and I See the port is not being listened on, and the thread that would normally listen is not started, so there was an issue listening/binding19:39
fribThe thread that listens on starts without issue19:40
fribbut yeah if I run it through terminal simply as ./myapp it has no issue listening on
fribLISTEN     0          5            
morgan-u2I would like to complainthat the "software update information and request window/dialog box does not come to the front/ontop.  It kills chrome instead. I dont even get a notification "up there". It would be nice if this were attended to. = Not ready for average OS user = Not ready for Prime Time (is an expression that totally dates me to Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In way back int 'was it 60's - I cantlookit up19:50
morgan-u2because my chrome is lying on the ground bleeding, waiting for the Jesus process.)19:50
morgan-u2Yes, I intended to be funny.19:50
morgan-u2I want to be able to recommend Ubuntu and not have some silly little thing like this frustrate people right back to WinMac.  --  What about a variant called Automated Ubuntu.. given one ocnfiguration, it works.  -- oh yes, that's what Gnome should be.19:52
morgan-u2Maybe this belongs in "offtopic"19:52
rboxwell complanining on irc doesn really do much19:52
rboxbesides annoy people19:53
gordonjcpmorgan-u2: if people are likely to be put off by Chrome restarting when it updates, they're unlikely to be happy with any OS19:53
gordonjcpmorgan-u2: generally people using Linux are doing so because it is a tool for a job19:54
gordonjcpI use Linux because I've been using it since before Windows was really a thing, because I'm old19:54
gordonjcpso my views on it may be skewed by that19:55
gordonjcpbut I've been installing Ubuntu on non-technical people's computers for probably about ten years now19:55
gordonjcpparticularly as people turn to things like Office 365 on the web rather than "local" apps, it just gets easier and easier19:56
morgan-u2gordonjcp, that was not my issue. It freezes chrome for a while. I have gotten smart. I checked the Anarchy icon in the dock and chrome was killed. It would have happened eventually.  --- People expects that the system will request a restart. That is polite and good process. imho19:57
leftyfbmorgan-u2: I've been using ubuntu since 2007 and have never come across your stated issue. On my machine or the hundreds of other workstations I have setup for other people including the 50+ on my team at work all running Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.0419:57
leftyfb!bug | morgan-u219:57
ubottumorgan-u2: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:57
morgan-u2well I have a Acer and a dell that both do that. (I will have to recheck the dell as it has been off for over a year.)19:57
leftyfbmorgan-u2: btw, google chrome is not a supported application here. Though I will say it is my primary browser and have never come across your issue. The software center should have no affect on chrome19:58
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest9422
morgan-u2It used to be much worse. I would much rather have Chrome be killed than have it freeze up the compute like it used to (oh that was the Dell) and I would have to do a hard reboot. Yes yes, I had mentioned that with 20.0419:59
morgan-u2Is FF the supported brower?  I had it happen once with FF.   II am kind of addicted to my chrome bookmarks.) If it is the supported browser then I will make another effort to switch to the firefox.20:00
morgan-u2leftyb ^^20:01
rboxyou can export bookmarks...20:01
morgan-u2leftyfb, thatnks for the ubottu bug reference.20:01
leftyfbmorgan-u2: to be clear, you clearly have other issues with your machine that should be addressed20:02
morgan-u2OK thanks.20:02
morgan-u2leftyfb, rbox gordonjcp  _>Something good I didnt expect. For the first tiem after being killed (by the OS?) chrome did nit abend. (does that word date me?) I clicked on a browser link and chrome came back with all the open tabs. - Thanks team.20:14
morgan-u2respell - time, not20:15
=== mthal is now known as mthax86
friblooks like the thread is just not receiving the signal to the condition variable to resume when run through systemd, but when run through cli it does?20:49
=== joe is now known as Guest1791
morgan-u2Please how do you minimize all windows (to see the desktop) or go to the next workspace (which accomplishes the same thing visually)23:01
morgan-u2gnome 22.0423:01
zniavremorgan-u2,  super+d23:08
zniavreand ctrl+alt+right/left arrow23:08
morgan-u2thanks, I forgot about the d.   zniavre  WHAT IS THE KEYSTROKE TO GET THE LIST OF SHORTCUTS. (HOWSOON i FORGET...)23:16
morgan-u2oops. I type looking at keys23:16
morgan-u2but use the right fingers.23:17

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