
Code_Bleumeena: you have any suggestions on what it might be that it's still not including the new class I added?  This error looks like it isn't even searching that class. - https://dpaste.com/GNEGPUL26.  Just tying to fix one issue at a time from the logs until I get a clean run on this instance in CloudStack.15:02
Code_Bleugonna be afk for next ~5hrs though...but thought I'd drop this here for when i get back 😄 15:02
meenaIm doing some housework, I'll try to get this reproduced15:07
minimalinit: did you check /var/log/cloud-init.log to see if an update does or does not occur?17:15
initof course 17:24
initthis was the culprit 17:24
init2023-12-02 18:24:33,364 - util.py[WARNING]: Failed to install packages: ['gnupg', 'apache2', 'gcsfuse']17:24
initin particular the gcsfuse package 17:24
minimalinit: I'm referrring to when you said "I suspect this is because $ apt update isn't ran after the source is added"17:30
minimalthe logs will show if it is run or not17:30
initright, it's being ran prior to the source being added 19:14
initanyways, I have to use packer to build a new vm img anyways 19:15
initstartup time is way too slow 19:15
minimalinit: package_update_upgrade_install should run later (in 'final') than apt_configure (in 'config' stage) as defined in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg19:28
minimalso I don't understand how you're seeing an update run first19:28
initI am 20:01
initI have the logs to show it 20:01
initas mentioned this is only happening on the ubuntu minimal minotaur gcp vm images 20:02
initI tried the same configuration with a different image and it worked!20:02
=== meena3 is now known as meena
minimalinit: so then check /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg (or additional /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/ files) so see if they changed the apt_configure and package_update_upgrade_install ordering21:45

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