[06:48] hey its been a cojple years, can i get unbanned from joining from matrix? [06:48] i cant even remember why i got banned in the first place, but likely it was from swearing or arguing with an admin [06:56] the matrix bridge is gone, how would you be planning to join from matrix? [06:58] Ah, well I guess that would make my request mute. [06:58] so umm forget i said anything [07:01] well yeah you're totally right, interesting. i guess it's been a while. how bout the matrix ubuntu channel, aoone op there wanna unban me? [07:02] http://www.enlightenment.org/ss/e-656c27f0a25ea8.37502288.png [07:05] I was banned by Nils for disprectul behavior to admins and users. [07:05] I am sure I was disrespectul to them. [07:09] but no hils here :( [07:09] or nils for that matter [07:10] and it really has been years... how long is this supposed to last? === popey0 is now known as popey [07:21] you're asking the wrong people, we manage irc, not all the comms === A_Dragon is now known as Festive_Derg