[00:21] any developers here involved with the live distro boot parameters ? [00:21] i don't know, but if there were any, what would be your question? [00:22] want to know if there would ever be support for the boot-live package which debian uses [00:23] is it corrept way to replay terminal interrupt shortcut ctrl+C to ctrl+I (stty intr ^i -> Ctrl+I) | https://askubuntu.com/a/620647 ? [00:54] webchat47, I bet you want to be able to set the timezone as a boot paramater for live? [00:55] If so, I spent some time trying to figure that out myself, unsuccesfully. Works with debian tho, yep. [00:56] So even if that's not webchat47's question, does anyone know how ot do that, boot live with a certain timezone set already? [00:58] that is correct [01:00] it has to do with the boot-live package which debian uses, whereas ubuntu and mint use casper which does not have that ability [01:03] if the option was available you could use your own boot config with ventoy and never have to worry about changing the timezone manually [01:22] hey folks, I've got a shell script which is intended to call another executable. However, I can't get it to just cd properly without getting a permissions error. I've used chmod etc to try to resolve it with no luck. Any ideas? [01:23] I'm using Ubuntu 22 LTS on a fresh install btw [01:58] mountainDewRocks, what is the error running the script or trying to change dir? [01:58] usuallythe user needs +X permission to cd into a dir i think [01:58] +x [02:01] I had to give up nvidia - installed a old radeon express2 ram 3 to get things to work with out any errors - any ideas ?? [02:06] new install 22.04 [02:17] rocker: I would imigine that the open source nouvea drivee for a Nvidia late card would our perform an old AMD card. [02:17] driver* [02:19] i used 535 and went to 470 - made no difference [02:20] I am now using an old radeon card that works - nvidia - unless its new - is in sufficient [02:20] i completely un installed anything nvidia [02:22] with the last firmware update - it started giving errors [02:22] I avoid nvidia on linux as much as possible but then I do not need much in the grafics area to use a terminal and light web browsing [02:22] well said [02:22] im done with nvidia [02:23] i have a intel i7 9700 [02:23] clocked @ 3.5 [02:23] works very well [02:24] anything nvidia - is broke [02:24] temps range @ 95F [02:26] I have one laptop with a nvidia I used the recommended driver in the addl drivers list it works ok for what I do [02:26] i guess i am going to go purchase a new radeon [02:26] my radeon temps under load are 95F [02:27] express2 ram 3 [02:28] i also have a msi 550 with a 5600 chip and nvidia broke constantly [02:28] tomahawk [02:28] with crappy bios [02:30] what gets me is - i have hp g500 machines that run flawlessly [02:30] g600 [02:30] with intel [02:30] @ 3,4 g [02:31] with 95F on all fronts [02:31] cant beat them [02:32] I guess A.I. is in the mix now [02:34] from what i see - nvidia is giving ubuntu a run for its money. [02:34] the "blob" no longer cuts the mustard [02:35] open vs closed source [02:35] ya [02:35] A.I. [02:35] !nvidia | rocker [02:35] rocker: Drivers for Nvidia graphics cards: (A) No gaming/CAD/CUDA needed or legacy hardware? Use "nouveau" (open source, lacks many features). (B) Otherwise, "nvidia" (proprietary driver, fully featured). Install using "ubuntu-drivers" CLI or apt - not from nvidia.com. Driver series, hardware support (release notes): https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/drivers/unix/ - Latest drivers !PPA: https://pad.lv/ppa/graphics-drivers [02:35] I already get it - long ago. === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [02:36] we cannot fix or improve their drivers [02:36] right [02:36] no more nvidia as of 2 days ago.. thanks toddc [02:37] nvidia will make your head hurt. [02:38] thank you for your time and efforts people [02:38] toddc, how can i get rid of errors on boot [02:39] "report problem" [02:39] rocker: depends on the errors? [02:39] kernel blah 37 [02:40] I defer that to others that are better in that area [02:40] it started with up-down udate [02:41] update [02:41] rocker: if you want help with errors, please pastebin the errors. Do not summarize with "blah". [02:41] ok [02:41] help me out with finding errors - var says marco.1000 [02:42] what? [02:42] thats what they say [02:42] pastebin or screenshot please [02:42] does nv still exist as a driver [02:43] no i completely uninstalled it anything nvidia [02:43] hang on lefty [02:43] give me the paste bin lonk thanks [02:43] link [02:43] !pastebin [02:43] For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [02:44] interesting that ubottu doesn't recommend paste.ubuntu.com [02:45] https://imgur.com/a/6xQxkHX [02:45] rocker: those are crash files, not logs [02:46] exactly [02:46] lefty - what do we need here [02:48] which file exactly [02:48] for what? [02:48] can you share your syslog? If you are getting errors when you boot they might be in there [02:49] a report as to why i am getting errors on boot [02:49] rocker: what errors? [02:49] point me to the correct file and i will post it [02:49] "report problem" [02:50] cat /var/log/syslog | pastebinit [02:50] rocker: no, point to the errors you are seeing that you want to report [02:50] you might need to be sudo [02:50] rocker: I would suggest deleting what's in /var/crash and rebooting [02:50] lefty - thats all that comes up on boot no explanation [02:51] rocker: ok, delete all the files in /var/crash and reboot [02:51] ok, lemme try that - thanks [02:51] then worry about it if it happens again [02:51] out === webchat77 is now known as Nicol [02:57] that did the trick lefty - thanks buddy === wsc3 is now known as gchound [02:58] out [03:05] leftyb is one of my heros, fyi. [03:06] like if i had to write a paper on a hero, i'd think of leftyb [03:26] how to search a literal hash (#) in a bash script if it is in a directory name ?  ie.  Path/Folder/#   ? [03:26] i tried escaping with \# but it didnt work [04:37] put the path/command in "'s? [04:53] mybalzitch: i tried it but ti didnt work.  here is my script   https://dpaste.org/vJjg1 [05:06] if you don't declare your interpreter at the top of the script, linux will use whatever your current shell is [05:07] mybalzitch: you mean the shebang ?  i just didnt include it in the sample [05:07] ah [05:07] have you tried it without having a # in the variable name? [05:07] no [05:07] hang on [05:10] yeah works without it in the variable name [05:10] i tried to escape the variable without success [05:10] like this         "FOLDERSSTARTINGWITH\#"="/FOLDER/SUBFOLDER/#" [05:13] don't escape it, literally don't use # in your variable name [05:13] the hash is not possible in there ? [05:14] webchat47: put the whole string in single quotes [05:15] like this ?              '"FOLDERSSTARTINGWITH\#"="/FOLDER/SUBFOLDER/#"' [05:15] no " [05:15] no escape [05:16] just 'the/path/you/want' [05:16] this  ?    'FOLDERSSTARTINGWITH#=/FOLDER/SUBFOLDER/#' [05:16] if thats what the path is, then yes [05:16] rbox, did rascul tell you that? [05:17] find: cannot search `': No such file or directory [05:18] what command are you running [05:18] https://dpaste.org/vJjg1#L1 [05:19] and where are the single quotes? [05:19] also dont put # in a variable name [05:20] ok i will remove hash completely except for the variable [05:21] yeah it works fine without hash in the variable [05:21] must be a way around it though [05:22] i changed hash to 0    i will just have to remember 0 is hash [05:22] what? [05:22] my hash folders contain all folders starting with numbers [05:23] ive always used hash for numbers or anything that is not A-Z [05:23] huh? [06:10] hello guys [06:10] !discuss | jason [06:10] jason: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks! [06:17] ecapi: thats not really the way to greet new users [06:18] just thought non support sentences didnt belong in a support channel [06:19] ecapi: its ok for users to say, hi to the room, after that we can see what they are up to, need a chat or support, agree? [06:20] ecapi: We try to keep the channel on topic, but we aren't so strict that even a "hello" is unwanted. [06:44] hello [06:45] arraybolt3: are you a moderator/admin by any chance? [06:45] it only shows someone named drone as a chanop [06:46] and they never talk [06:46] enigma9o7: the operators have a seperate room, if users need them [06:47] Is it a secret? Maybe I could ask them to unban me? [06:47] Its been a couple years... [06:48] enigma9o7: #ubuntu-ops if you want to discuss bans/unbans [06:54] enigma9o7: Also, I am not an operator of this channel. I'm just a member of the community who likes to help. [06:54] drone is a bot. [06:56] no worries. i just saw the way you responded to last message made me think you might be official. and i kinda remember seeing your username around so was hoping you were and admin and also saw my username around and loved me [06:56] It kicks in when someone floods the channel, and helps make the real operators' jobs a bit easier. The ops themselves only "op up" when necessary. There is a command to list the real ops, but I don't remember it at the moment, and joining #ubuntu-ops is easier anyway. Not everyone there is an op on every channel, but all of them are ops. [07:04] yeah turns out there is no more matrix bridge to here so it matters not. although, i'd be happy to get back on the ubuntu matrix channel too, you happen to be admin there? === freakyy856 is now known as freakyy85 === popey0 is now known as popey === isnessness is now known as ugjka === Xlusive_ is now known as Xlusive === Dieu is now known as yuta [09:57] Merry Christmas! (Hail Satan!) [09:57] not here enigma9o7 [09:57] here is no joy? [09:58] no happiness? [09:58] here is Ubuntu support [09:58] Woops! [09:59] I don't think I've ever managed to get an Ubuntu support question answered in here [09:59] Ask now. [09:59] I know lots. [10:00] I mean if your questionis gunna be full of three letter abreviantions, I might be confused.... [10:01] I tried to install abc but when i run xyz it says error:efg ? [10:02] you can stop trolling now enigma9o7 [10:02] ok [10:02] when cna i restart? [10:04] lotuspsychje: that's not trolling, fwiw [10:04] i nver k now if such warnings mean like the immediatereply, the rest of the conversation, an hourthe rest of the day, or the rest of my entire life [10:04] lotuspsychje: the term has become hideously misused [10:05] im trolling for support requesets, c',on [10:05] cmon [10:05] gordonjcp: if you want to discuss aynthing please do it in the discuss or offtopic channel [10:06] yeah damnit you sob [10:28] ravage: tell lotuspsychje that [10:28] no [10:30] !coc | enigma9o7 [10:30] enigma9o7: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is the document that spells out etiquette in the Ubuntu community | http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/conduct | For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct | Watch http://static.screencasts.ubuntu.com/videos/2010/12/22/004-SigningCoC.ogv === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [10:34] can someone please ask an ubuntu related question? im pretty sure i know the answer.... === zniavre_ is now known as zniavre === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [11:48] Hi, does anyone know how to configure Libreswan/Strongswan to connect to FortiGate via IPsec IKEv1, PSK, xAuth (TOTP as client secret)? With the configuration suggested in this guide the connection fails: https://community.fortinet.com/t5/FortiGate/Technical-Tip-IPsec-connection-between-FortiGate-and-Ubuntu-via/ta-p/207149 [11:50] oleander: why dont you use openfortivpn for example? [11:55] Does openfortivpn support the IPsec protocol? [11:56] it supports fortigate vpn [11:58] default seems to be SSL VPN [12:19] I need an IPsec VPN client. [12:26] I had already looked into openfortivpn and I read that IPsec is not supported. [12:44] oleander: IPsec is integrated in NetworkManager, I think? [12:45] if you install network-manager-strongswan [12:49] is there any way to delete '~' folder? gerrit created '~' directory under homedir [12:51] rmdir '~' [12:53] it says the directory not empty and I can't wipe the subfolders, what a mess [12:57] why would you not be able to delete the contents of that dir? [12:57] cd '~' [12:57] delete all [12:57] cd .. [12:57] rmdir '~' [12:58] I have no idea what gerrit does, going to try reboot, it may open file handles [12:58] or just 'mv '~' delme' and 'rm -Rf delme' [12:58] i have no idea who gerrit is [12:58] must be a bad gzy [12:58] guy [12:59] it is a code review tool [13:00] ravage: thanks, reboot and rm -r '~' worked [13:02] \o/ [13:50] Hi all [13:56] I tried that, and 1) if I'm not mistaken it supports only IKEv2, I need IKEv1. 2) We were provided with the following parameters, and these options are missing in the network manager plugin: Remote Gateway = host.example.com ; PSK = xxxxxxx ; IKE = version 1 ; Mode = Aggressive ; Phase 1 --> Encryption=AES256 Authentication=SHA1 DH group=2 Key life=86400sec LocalID=example, Dead Peer Detection=enabled, Nat Traversal=enabled, [13:56] Local lan=enabled ; Phase 2 --> Encryption=AES192 Authentication=SHA1 DH group=5 Key life=43200sec ReplayDetection=enabled; Also, we use TOTP as client secret with xAuth. The TOTP is generated by our company app. The secret key is a QR code. [14:12] is there any way to delete '~' folder? gerrit created '~' directory under homedir [14:12] ravage: thanks, reboot and rm -r '~' worked [14:12] Ah good [14:12] I was gonna reply! === Guest0 is now known as spionkop [14:32] I'm running ubuntu 22 LTS and I'm having trouble getting my permissions to work for a particular shell script. The file permissions show as -rwxr-xr-x, which seems a bit odd. The script is supposed to call another executable in another location, but even the cd command throws a permissions error. Any ideas what could be causing this? [14:34] mountainDewRocks: the permissions of the script itself are not relevant. the user you run the bash script has does not have the right permissions [14:35] so what can I do to fix that? [14:35] without knowing what that script nobody will be able to help with that [14:36] in general: make sure the user you run the script as has permissions to execute all the commands in the script [14:37] the user is a sudoer, what other permissions would matter? [14:37] putting a user in the sudo group does not fix magicially fix permission problems [14:38] -fix [14:46] SO I tried running the script as root and that's when it showed the "no such file or directory" error... so I've fixed it *facepalm* [14:46] Though why it would show a permissions issue instead of that in the first place is beyond me [15:32] When I paste in the terminal sometimes the contents are prefixed with the characters '^[[200~', tried a lot from SO but still same issue [15:32] can you pls guide me how to fix it? I copy to terminal with ctrl+c/ctrl+v, previously used ctrl+shift+c/ctrl+shift+v, same ~200 [15:40] Yakov, does typing 'reset' into your shell fix it? [16:39] I want to call kitty (3rd party terminal) with desktop file, it calls as requested, but it called by gnome terminal and if I close gnome terminal kitty closes too | 'nohup /home/supernova/Downloads/kitty-0.26.5/kitty/launcher/kitty &' how to ammend? [16:40] what does this desktop file look like [16:42] https://justpaste.it/dbe8o [16:43] well, you could remove terminal=true for one... [16:43] you can also not exec it in a gnome terminal if you dont want a gnome terminal [16:43] rofl [16:43] :) [16:44] what is funny:) [16:47] after I removed Termina=true it calls gnome too === kentucky4444 is now known as kentucky444 [17:23] I have a really weird issue. When i log into my ubuntu box with ssh, and type "bash ~/some/path" and press tab to autocomplete, it crashes the session or shell and im disconnected [17:25] sorry [17:25] don't know [17:26] okay i had a bad set in a script being loaded on login :) === A_Dragon is now known as Festive_Derg [18:39] using stty intr ^z to change interrupt command from ctrl+c to ctrl+z, before reboot works, after reboot it's not [18:40] how to fix it? === Andre is now known as Guest7891 === kvn_ is now known as kvn === Offsprin is now known as Offspring [18:56] Hello everyone === kvn_ is now known as kvn [19:01] Yakov, put the stty command in .bashrc (assuming you use bash.) [19:43] Hello room [19:45] I messed up while creating a dual boot system with Ubuntu / Windows 10. can anyone help? [19:55] MrNumber3IsMe, probably best to tell us what happened, what the current situation is, etc. === ishtar is now known as Iris_Persephone [20:02] When I format a partiton with mkfs I have to use sudo but that also has the effect that I have to use sudo to write to that partition. How do I format a partition in a way that doesn't require me to use sudo to have write access to the partition? [20:03] that's because of how you mount, not because of how you mkfs [20:03] huh? [20:04] ok, tell me about your steps. somewhere between 'mkfs' and 'i cannot write to the partition' you surely do more things [20:04] sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdx [20:05] I bought a Lenovo laptop with Win10 installed on it. I went to set up a dual boot system with Ubuntu, but during the install process, I found out there were some issues with UEFI compatibility, and now I cannot access Windows through GRUB. I also somehow accidentally installed GRUB to my external HDD, and I cannot boot my computer without it installed. [20:05] MrNumber3IsMe, what happens if you hit F12 just after powerup? [20:06] heya, not sure if this is the best place for this but will ask anyways [20:07] You're talking about forcing the BIOS boot menu? [20:09] It only gives me options for physical boot options such as internal HDD, External HDD, DVD, USB, etc... [20:09] so my friend and I have an Ubuntu 22.04 VPS we share, and I want to configure it so that we can send local mail (using mailutils) to each other, but I also want to point the MX record for the domain to my own personal Protonmail account (so that if someone sends mail to that domain, it is sent to my email account, but if my friend sends me mail using the mail command, it sends it to my local mailbox where I can see it the [20:09] next time I ssh in) [20:09] how do I configure that? [20:09] MrNumber3IsMe, yes, i meant the bios boot menu [20:09] hey - kubuntu here - the audio system tray icon says "No output or input devices found" & my I have no sound - how can I get sound? I have audio devices connected [20:11] even when I connect a bluetooth speaker & it says connected it won't show in the audio devices system tray icon [20:12] Habbie, if I use the BIOS boot menu, it lets me choose HDD, DVD, etc. if I choose HDD, it opens GRUB, but Windows is not one of the options. I can still access the Windows partition through Ubuntu, but I cannot boot into Windows. [20:13] Lakitu, what does your ALSA configuration look like? [20:14] how do I access it? [20:14] MrNumber3IsMe [20:17] open Terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T) then type alsamixer that will open your sound settings. [20:19] ok [20:20] lakitu, from there, you should be able to choose how to configure your sound settings. Unless you know what you're doing, I'd suggest switching everything to default. [20:20] ok... [20:22] I guess the confusing part here is the difference between the domain name (as in, the domain that I bought and pointed towards the VPS's IP address) and the domain name (what is returned when I type hostname --fqdn) because those are two different things and I feel they shouldn't be [20:23] MrNumber3IsMe: how do I set default settings? [20:23] what I'm worried about is the mail command trying to route it "the wrong way" towards my protonmail account instead of towards my local mailbox on the VPS, but it has to do with how it resolves domain names and I don't really understand it [20:24] apologies, I'm not being clear [20:29] Lakitu, I apologize, it looks like I was wrong. it doesn't seem like you can really change anything from that menu. But you should be able to press F6 to select your sound cards, and see what sounds are being sent through them. [20:30] yeah. I tried each of the 3 choices there, but still couldn't get sound nor see them in audio system tray icon [20:30] (dialog) [20:31] Lakitu, I apologize, it seems you've reached the end of my usefulness. I don't have much experience beyond that. I wish you the best of luck. [20:31] ok - thanks for trying [20:33] I get this error message from pulseaudio: "$ pulseaudio [20:33] E: [pulseaudio] module-udev-detect.c: You apparently ran out of inotify watches, probably because Tracker/Beagle took them all away. I wished people would do their homework first and fix inotify before using it for watching whole directory trees which is something the current inotify is certainly not useful for. Please make sure to drop the Tracker/Beagle guys a line complaining about their broken use of inotify." [20:41] test [20:41] failed [20:43] When I format a partiton with mkfs I have to use sudo but that also has the effect that I have to use sudo to write to that partition. How do I format a partition in a way that doesn't require me to use sudo to have write access to the partition? [20:44] su === wsc3 is now known as gchound [20:46] zeratul, you asked that question before. I asked you things about it. You did not answer them. [20:50] Habbie, I did answer [20:50] that's because of how you mount, not because of how you mkfs [20:50] huh? [20:50] ok, tell me about your steps. somewhere between 'mkfs' and 'i cannot write to the partition' you surely do more things [20:50] sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdx [20:50] that's the first step [20:50] what are the other steps that lead to your problem? [20:50] please show us the problem [20:51] the problem is that I don't have write access to the partition after formatting it [20:51] ok, show us [20:51] so Habbie want to know how you mount it [20:52] Habbie, show how? [20:52] you see a problem on your screen [20:52] show it to us [20:52] put it on a pastebin, or take a screenshot, or even make a photo and post it online somewhere [20:52] or just explain, if it's easy to explain [21:03] What's the difference between the fully-qualified domain name you get from "hostname --fqdn" and the actual domain name you have set up in the DNS records? [21:03] hello, so i have been booting a live xubuntu usb using toram option but now that i installed it on the same usb the toram option doesn't work [21:05] hi, I am looking for a package which contains any of these files: Qt6Config.cmake, qt6-config.cmake, Qt5Config.cmake, qt5-config.cmake . Any idea how to find them? I tried `sudo apt search ...` but could not find them [21:05] is there a website I can use to search this things? I assume this has to exists in a repo I don't have [21:08] masber, there's the apt-file tool [21:09] what's the difference between apt search and apt-file search? [21:11] apt searches names and descriptions; apt-file searches file names in packages [21:17] Habbie, "cannot create regular file : permission denied" [21:18] after running cp ~/Desktop/filename ./ [21:18] what is ./ in this case? how did it get mounted? [21:19] zeratul: no, we need to know what you did between creating the filesystem (mkfs) and trying to copy files [21:19] Habbie, I mounted the partition with Thunar [21:21] i think you should chown the mount point, with sudo, once [21:21] could you be a little more specific? [21:26] something like: sudo chown zeratul:users /mnt/whateveritis [21:28] how do I display the current permissions? [21:29] ls -al [21:29] hello, so i have been booting a live xubuntu usb using toram option but now that i installed it on the same usb the toram option doesn't work [21:30] "installed it on the same usb" ?? [21:32] lowden: If it is installed on the USB, why would you need to use toram? [21:35] sry on different usb [21:36] jeremy31: bcz i don't want to use write to usb frequently [21:36] and when i would need to actually change stuff i'll boot the usb otherwise just ram [21:37] thing is i dont have a hdd temporarily [21:43] lowden, the toram option isn't necessary when installing [21:44] and I'm sure you have more than one usb ports [21:45] i already have it installed on the usb [21:46] i just want to load that particular install into ram [21:50] That is not supported with an installed system [21:52] rip ig [21:55] thanks guys, I really appreciate you helping me [22:28] I have ubuntu server running headless. when I connect to it with RDP to run xfce then log out, "free -h" shows about 120mb extra still being used. why is it still being taken up? [22:57] is there a negative side effect of having configuration files be symlinks? I'm wondering if converting my entire system to a git repo with gnu stow is feasible [23:13] noarb: some applications might not follow symlinks, so you will have to check for that... [23:18] JanC: OK, thanks. I'm gonna go for it. Is following symlinks part of POSIX? would them not following it be a bug to report or just an app choice? [23:24] noarb: it might be an app choice, e.g. security-related [23:24] following symlinks is also slightly slower, so that might also affect things [23:24] and there might be other side effects [23:25] what you describe also sounds a lot like 'etckeeper' [23:25] or maybe that would be the reverse :)