
barney86yo uh chat active?17:58
barney86what happening17:58
barney86anyone else in here?17:59
barney86ded chat :agony:18:00
vbotkaHi! I have problem with xfce4-indicator-plugin (2.4.1) in Xubuntu 22.04. I can keep indicators (diodon, bluetooth, ..) in this panel area only if I save the session of logout.23:27
vbotkaI can't see indicators of started applications. For example hexchat. Is this a known problem?23:28
vbotkaTo clarify the problem, indicators of running applications appear in this panel area only when xfce4-indicator-plugin is added to the panel.23:31
xanguaDon't know about hexchat, but transmission (gtk) no longer uses a notification icon (for example)23:48
xanguaCan't you just add the Xfce notification area?23:48
vbotkaThank you! What is the 'notification area'? I have xfce4-notifyd 'notification plugin'. But this is just an icon (bell) showing nothing.23:58

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