=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [14:04] ubuntustudio 23.10 oem-prepare end user wants to remove aptdeamon, but this package is essential [15:24] ubuntushop: File a bug against ubiquity [15:24] 'ubuntu-bug ubiquity' [15:25] And I hate to say it, but it probably won't get fixed as it would require a respin of the .iso image and we're moving to an entirely new install process for 24.04 [16:15] removing aptdaemon (which also removes oem-config and oem-config-gtk) and installing oem-config again before running oem-config-prepare fixes the error. [16:16] will the new installer has oem install? [16:17]  so installing oem-config, but not oem-config gtk [16:18] no problem in ubuntu 23.10 legacy [17:12] ubuntushop: We didn't define anything for oem-config, so I don't know what to tell you. [17:12] ubuntushop: New installer *must* have an OEM install, otherwise Ubuntu Desktop won't be using it. [17:13] ubuntushop: But please know, you're barking up the wrong tree here. [17:14] ubuntushop: There's literally nothing we can do about it. This is the kind of thing we wish we knew *before* release, not nearly two months later. [17:14] ubuntushop: Testing oem stuff is something usually reserved for LTS releases, and we don't have any OEM partners for Ubuntu Studio currently. [18:41] Ok, thanks.