[00:00] In the xfce4-notifyd preferences I have all applications unblocked (show). [00:02] IIUC, notifications should display messages. Like wpa_gui connection, bluetooth obex transfer, ... [00:04] I have toubles with keeping application icons in the panel. Like wpa_gui, bluetooth, diodon, ... [00:32] I'm not on Xfce right now, but the indicator stuff is exclusive to Ubuntu [00:33] 'Status try plugin' (partially) solved the problem. icons of started apps (hexchat, claws-mail, ...) appear in the panel. But, already started apps (diodon, bluetooth, wpa_gui ...) are missing after logout. I have to restart the panel 'xfce4-panel -r' to get already icons of already runnings apps. [00:33] Maybe you could create a new user and restore the default Xfce/Xubuntu panel config [00:34] Thank you! This was a fresh installation of 22.04. I strted with default configuration. [00:38] What is the proper way of restarting a panel `xfce4-panel -r` after login? [00:42] For the record: 'Indicator Plugin' and 'Status Notifier Plugin' are no-go. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === worm`_ is now known as worm` === mnepton is now known as mneptok [21:02] Hi, just installed xubuntu. I'm trying to install new software, but "software" app categories is very slow showing the available apps. Is that normal?