
santa_good afternoon everyone12:34
santa_RikMills: fw 5.113 completed, at the moment, I don't plan to change more things in the packaging12:34
santa_so please go ahead with the riscv experiments12:35
santa_also, misc news/info:12:35
santa_- oxygen-icons tarball was renamed, just updating one file ka-metadata made KA work fine; the metadata is in the frameworks_staging branch btw12:36
santa_- I have pushed another fix for ppa-build-status, now it should work both with recent and ancient versions of Ubuntu12:37
santa_- for breeze-icons, I changed the package to not install arch specific cmake files, we were having a lintian warning for a while; if these files are actually needed for anything, they should go to a separate arch-specific package12:38
RikMillssanta_: I have conformed it is the riscv64 builder change, rather than any other change in noble, by no change rebuidling the manic kconfig package12:39
RikMillsit fails in the same way12:39
santa_ah, I get it, I was going to ask about that12:40
RikMillssanta_: ack on breeze-icons12:40
RikMillsI will have to open a ticket with LP admins to get this looked at12:40
santa_have you tried the new fw 5.113 package on riscv, does it fail in the same way?12:40
RikMillssanta_: not yet. I will try in the next few days when I can free up a PPA12:41
RikMillsor I gues I could pathc in the the 5.113.0 changes to a 5.112.0 build12:42
santa_sure, but imagine the segfault comes from one of the deps12:43
santa_but it's a good start if you don't have a proper PPA available yet, so please go ahead and experiment12:43
RikMillsci-train PPAs cannot be created now since bileto seems dead. but there are dozens on existing PPAs that the creators don't look to be using. so what I need to do is find one that I am sure I can steal ;)12:45
RikMillssanta_: and yes, rebuilding the fw stack is the best test12:46
RikMillshopefully will get to that by the end of the week12:48
santa_so the change in the buildds was:12:50
santa_qemu buildds -> non-qemu buildds12:50
RikMillslooks that way12:50
RikMillsI recall seeing something about them getting real boards etc a while back12:51
RikMillsidea is to get riscv64 towards a real release architecture12:53
RikMillsif you are going to do that, then you can't acre flavours who use KDE things12:54
santa_ack, I have seen now all the #launchpad messages12:57
santa_in case the issue persists, things interesting in case we request help from KDE fellows12:57
santa_- confirm if the change in the buildds is non-qemu -> quemu12:58
santa_- a shell in a riscv server where someone can reproduce the issue, rebuild and try to fix12:58
BluesKajHi all13:23
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> so far so good upgraded fw 5.113 (re @IrcsomeBot: <santa_> RikMills: fw 5.113 completed, at the moment, I don't plan to change more things in the packaging)15:40
santa_ack, thanks for testing15:59

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