
=== fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away
user|43everytime I download a file it goes to all portal and the size is super small. In addition when I boot up the system it then the login screen resizes always to microscopic. How do I adjust these two things. Thanks01:19
user|43hi does anybody have some assistance01:55
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=== fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away
=== Unit193 is now known as JackFrost
IrcsomeBot<Infi> No its a dead community..nobody will answer any question.. Peace 🫡08:38
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
=== vcxza is now known as p4aoo
BluesKajHi all13:23
=== fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181
stuffandthingsis there any way to not have a context menu on drag-n-dropping files?17:41
=== fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away
=== fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181
=== humza is now known as humza__
mmikowskistuffandthings yes, I believe with modifier keys22:25
stuffandthingsother than that?22:25
mmikowskistuffandthings: To be clear, I'm talking about doing things like shift-drag to move, ctrl-drag to copy, shift+ctrl-drag to link.22:27
mmikowskiNot ctrl+c, etc.22:27
mmikowskiJust in case that's what you were thinking about.22:27
mmikowskiAs for setting a default action, I don't know off hand.22:28
stuffandthingsi know22:28
stuffandthingsi was just hoping to make it not pop up like other DEs22:29
mmikowskistuffandthings: if you do the modifiers, it *doesn't* pop.22:33
mmikowskiI just confirmed22:33
mmikowskiIt just silently does the correct action.22:33
mmikowskiAt least in Dolphin.22:33
mmikowskishift-drag of an item just moves it, no questions asked.22:33
stuffandthingsi know, im looking to not have it w/o the modifiers, like any other de22:34
mmikowskistuffandthings: So that may be possible, but I don't know off hand.22:37
mmikowskiI'd see dolphin or system settings. You might be able to set a default.22:38
mmikowskiProbably to move.22:38
stuffandthingsso far i havent found anything22:39
stuffandthingsi combed through the settings, maybe theres something in a config file though22:40
=== fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away
mmikowskistuffandthings: If you find something, please let me know. We can add it to https://kfocus.org/wf22:49
stuffandthingsok, will do22:52
-ubottu:#kubuntu- KDE bug 154804 in systemsettings "Add option for alternative Drag&Drop behaviour" [Wishlist, Confirmed]22:53
mmikowskiSee comment 6022:54
mmikowskistuffandthings: I think that could have been written by you 😃22:54
stuffandthingsheh, its not though22:55
stuffandthingsits a great idea for newer users but it can be a bit irritating when not using a standard kb/mouse22:57
stuffandthingswow ok, just lost lots of files23:17
stuffandthingsmoved stuff from one drive to another and some files and folders just poofed23:17
IrcsomeBot<ElGollemPepe> 7AHg23:29
IrcsomeBot<ElGollemPepe> Hey guys, I just installed Kubuntu. I have 3 monitors. Far left is in portrait, center and right monitors are in landscape. Center monitor is main monitor. I notice that in my center and right monitor, the screen starts a few pixels to the right of the actual edge of the screen.. How can I fix this?23:31
IrcsomeBot<Eickmeyer> @ElGollemPepe In the display settings, just drag the monitors until they snap to each other and that should fix it. Make sure to click apply.23:32
IrcsomeBot<ElGollemPepe> They are already like that. Apply stays greyed out if I separate and move them back together.23:42
IrcsomeBot<ElGollemPepe> https://i.imgur.com/swRLDOx.png (re @Eickmeyer: @ElGollemPepe In the display settings, just drag the monitors until they snap to each other and that should fix it. Make sure to click apply.)23:42
IrcsomeBot<Eickmeyer> @ElGollemPepe Separate. Apply. Put them back together. Apply.23:42
IrcsomeBot<Eickmeyer> (It's a workaround)23:43
IrcsomeBot<Eickmeyer> I have the exact same monitor setup and have no issues.23:43

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