[00:04] how do I request a package is removed from Ubuntu? [00:06] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PackageArchive#Removals [01:15] plugwash: What package are you wanting removed? I might be able to help. [01:16] (I can file bugs, or possibly fix whatever's wrong with it if it doesn't need removed but does need a fix.) [01:16] the package is rust-rustls-0.20, it was removed from sid some time ago but is hanging around in Ubuntu for some reason and is blocking the migration of the new rust-ring out of proposed. [01:23] I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rust-rustls-0.20/+bug/2045596 [01:23] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2045596 in rust-rustls-0.20 (Ubuntu) "rust-rustls-0.20 should be removed." [Undecided, New] [01:29] plugwash: Ah. sounds like you have it taken care of already then. [01:45] i subscribed ~ubuntu-archive to the bug btw === Unit193 is now known as JackFrost [08:39] lua-nvim and nvim have a cyclic build dependency leading to not building for riscv64. On the lua-nvim side the build dependency: "neovim ". How can we set build profile nocheck when uploading to proposed? [08:41] xypron: I'd just upload a version of lua-nvim with `neovim [!riscv64]` and the tests disabled on riscv64 (not even sure that's needed though?) to break the cycle, and then revert that once it's bootstrapped. [08:43] schopin: https://wiki.debian.org/BuildProfileSpec describes that an environment variable DEB_BUILD_PROFILES is used to control the build. [08:45] xypron: yes, and that's very useful when you build stuff locally or do archive-wide test rebuilds, but I'd wager you can't use a custom profile for a single package in the archive. [10:56] schopin: see LP #2045634. A ppa build worked fine. [10:56] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2045634 in lua-nvim (Ubuntu) "Missing riscv64 build due to cyclic dependency" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2045634 === sudip_ is now known as sudip [12:07] Hi everyone, just wondering - is it common to resubscribe sponsors if they were unsubscribed but the bug report went stale? [13:34] kjerome1: if the sponsors were unsubscribed it's usually because there were some actionable feedback on the debdiff/branch. Resubscribing them without any other change to the bug status is probably not the right thing to do :) [13:34] what's the bug on question? [13:49] schopin: this is the bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups-browsed/+bug/2028172 [13:49] -ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2028172 in cups-browsed (Ubuntu) "Cups-browsed cannot bind to port 631 as non-root user on Ubuntu 23.04" [Undecided, Confirmed] [14:04] kjerome1: As far as I can see Simon's comment still applies: this is a raw patch, not something that's readily uploadable, so out of the scope of ubuntu-sponsors. Till will likely handle this in time, but please be patient. His last comment is not even a week old, it's a bit premature to call the bug "stale" :) [16:30] dbus 1.14.10-3 in Debian added a dependency on usr-is-merged (>= 38~). While src:usrmerge is in main in Ubuntu, usr-is-merged is currently in universe. How does that work? And also, would moving usr-is-merged to main mandata a MIR of some sort? [16:31] s/mandata/mandate/ [16:35] It sounds like usr-is-merged should be seeded. [16:35] I defer any judgement on usr-is-merged, but if you're looking to move things forward and not have this merge hung up on a MIR process, I'd revert that in Ubuntu. [16:36] (No idea if it's a merge or sync, didn't look yet. :)) [16:36] My guess is we're talking merge. [16:36] Right you are: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dbus/1.14.10-1ubuntu1 [16:37] * schopin vaguely remembers having a dbus merge assigned to him in a previous cycle. And pawning it off somehow to someone else. [16:37] Version: 1.14.10-3 Changed-By: Simon McVittie [16:37] We've reached Peak Simon. :P [16:41] tsimonq2: I don't think it's critical to rush the dbus merge right now (especially because 1.15.x is already in experimental). We would need to merge usrmerge 38 to make dbus 1.14.10-3ubuntu1 installable anyway. [16:42] schopin: you mean seeding usr-is-merged would automatically move it to main? [16:43] ogayot: I mean that it would make sense for us to seed this to have it installed on all our systems, since this is true on all Ubuntu systems. [16:44] schopin: that's fair. [16:45] ogayot: for your immediate problem, I'd remove the dependency in our delta, and consult the elders ;) [16:46] ogayot: I'd open a new bug on dbus and tag it rls-nn-incoming to discuss it in our thursday meeting. [16:47] schopin: good idea, I'll go ahead and do that. [16:47] @pilot in === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: dbungert [16:48] slyon: with your MIR hat on, have a look at the last 15mn backlog ;) [16:51] schopin: ogayot: usr-is-merged seems to be an empty meta-package. It's source package src:usrmerge is already in main [16:52] does that mean we can just ask an AA to promote it, no paperwork? [16:52] so I'd say this doesn't need a MIR, as there is no new code. Maybe this new binary was added after the source package got promoted. You should not block on this. [16:52] I don't think paperwork would be involved. It might show up as a component-mismatch, but should be resolved on the fast-path, by asking an AA. [16:53] slyon: excellent, thanks! [16:53] I had assumed it was a new source package, I should have checked. -_- [16:54] schopin: I should have made it more obvious :) [16:54] ogayot: schopin: thanks for taking care of those details! [18:24] :q === amurray_ is now known as amurray [21:09] bdmurray: If you're around, do you happen to know where to download the britney-indexes-ppa script referenced in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration/LocalSetup ? The download link in the wiki no longer works and I need that script for testing a package update. [21:10] @pilot out === ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Focal-Mantic | Patch Pilots: N/A [21:15] arraybolt3: nobody knows. What exactly are you trying to do? [21:16] bdmurray: Set up a local Britney instance in a VM that uses a PPA as if it were the -proposed pocket so I can get a list of autopkgtest links so I can make sure a new version of a library doesn't clog up an entire network of reverse dependencies once it's uploaded. [21:17] arraybolt3: just query the autopkgtest.db for the package as a trigger? [21:17] From my conversation with tsimonq2 I thought I'd need to test every reverse dependency of the package in question against a PPA, and the Britney setup would help me know what all needed testing? Perhaps he misunderstood me or I misunderstood him. [21:18] It would probably be best to test the entire dependency network (all rdeps of the new package (several libraries in signond + all rdeps of those + all rdeps of those and so on). [21:19] The new version of signond I'm hoping to sync from Debian is a lot newer and may or may not have API/ABI breaking changes, thus my desire to test everything before having a sponsor upload. [21:20] bdmurray: how would I do that querying you're mentioning? [21:25] arraybolt3: something like this https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/fSYvhRYxFf/ [21:29] although that result is a false positive b/c by regex was too general and caught signon-kwallet-extension [21:32] bdmurray: and is there some place where the autopkgtest.db is publicly available for download? [21:32] nvm found it [21:32] oh grief it's huge :P [21:32] alrighty, thanks for the advice!