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webchat93does anyone know why when piping the sort command when searching  a directory with thousands of folders, not all folders are shown in the output ?01:25
rboxwebchat93: for example...01:26
webchat93for example it will output Folder/Subfolder1  ... subfolder 2....  Subfolder 4   ... Subfolder 6  .... Subfolder 7    and so on01:27
webchat93the output misses some01:27
rboxsort doesnt eat output...01:29
webchat93it will actually search all folders, its just the stdout printed on the screen which does not display everything searched01:29
webchat93maybe the command fits everything into the screen buffer ?01:30
webchat93i mean fits what it can01:30
rboxthere is no buffering01:32
rboxthere is no fitting01:32
webchat93hmmm something else then01:32
rboxif you take the output of find and put it into a file01:33
rboxand then sort the file01:33
rboxdoes it do the same thing?01:33
webchat93idk havent tried01:33
webchat93what do i put after sort to do that ?01:33
rboxwhat do you mean after sort?01:35
webchat93found it...  -o --output=filename01:37
webchat93filename output is the same... missing folders01:37
webchat93i know they are scanned because i can choose a folder not in the output and it will give different results01:38
rboxwhat command are you using01:38
rboxhow are you running find01:38
rboxhow are you running sort01:38
webchat93find $SOURCEFOLDER -type d -print -name $name -exec cp -rv {} . ; -quit  sort -o --output=abc123.txt && find $name -exec touch {} ; && rar a -ep1 -m0 $name.rar $name;01:41
webchat93there is a variable on a previous line01:41
webchat93and yeah sort is piped.  dont know why the pipe didnt paste01:42
rboxmake it simple01:42
rboxfind, save to file01:42
rboxthen sort the file01:42
rboxthen add in extra fancy stuff01:42
rboxyou dont know what...01:43
webchat93nevermind.  it still does the job.  its only the stdout which is the issue01:44
lxcangGood evening, does anyone know what is a D state on /sbin/init splash and [kworker/u64:3+phy0] ?01:53
rboxhwo do you see t hat?01:54
lxcangI still have ps aux served out on HTTPS after the SSH is no longer responsive on the server.01:55
lxcangHow to trigger this, is to have a Samba server crashing, then the cifsiod on multiple clients would go D states on cifsiod, then kworker/u64:3+phy001:56
rboxthe ps man page explains its output01:57
lxcangThen ultimately nail in the coffin for Ds on /sbin/init splash01:57
lxcangrbox: wrong question then, I meant to ask how to solve the D state issue, and what is the cause.01:57
rboxwell first you'll have to start with figuring out what D means...01:58
lxcangrbox: that is uninterruptible IO01:59
rboxwell, yo ucould google it...01:59
rboxor i could google it and just copy paste what it says...01:59
lxcangrbox: I know that. The problem is all the clients have cache=none,noserverino,soft flags set on mount.cifs, but why would Samba server crashing still causes a hanging state.02:00
topcat001Interesting. I have shut down my windows machine while its shares have been mounted many times and it never caused a hang.02:08
topcat001In case it helps, I usually do it as needed using the following command: `sudo mount -t cifs //machine/share /mount/point -o credentials=/dev/stdin,iocharset=utf8,vers=3.1.1,uid=1000,gid=1000`02:11
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kotgcI have 3 x 120 GB SSDs connected to my 240 GB SSD Ubuntu OS. What's the best way to make these 3 SSDs as storage?06:08
kotgcEg: Ubuntu  Disks app -> format as Ext4 -> transfer data via Ubuntu to disks? Or maybe some Rsync command or some RAID setup?06:10
kotgcEg: I just formatted and erased /dev/sdb with the Disks app, but the old data is still there?06:13
matsamankotgc: not RAID anyway06:15
matsamankotgc: most applications for repartitioning & reformatting have a big 'confirm' button or the like that you press last, so you don't mess up06:16
matsamanand then there's reality: the data is basically still there, always, unless you have explicitly written new data over it06:16
matsamanwhich is rarely worth spending time on, really06:17
kotgcmatsaman, looks like the 3 partitions need individual formatting with Disks. Filesystem 511MB Ext4, Swap 8.2GB, Filesystem 111GB Ext4.06:22
kotgcI'm reading this, but nothing to do with Disks https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-add-new-disk-to-existing-linux-system06:22
matsamankotgc: based on your original question, I wouldn't think 511mb ext4 & swap would be involved06:23
matsamankotgc: ext4 is a sensible choice, you would at the very least format one large partition on each of the 3 drives to use ext406:24
kotgcmatsaman, the 3 SSDs were test Ubuntu OS disks, but I"m finished with testing, so I want to make them simple storage disks.06:24
matsamankotgc: then there are myriad ways to use them long term06:24
matsamanthe very simplest, "dumbest" being just mounting them06:24
matsamankotgc: ah okay06:24
kotgcmatsaman, so, I could make 1 large Ext4 partition.  No need for the swap thingy?06:24
matsamanyeah you'd want to repartition as one partition and format as ext4, yes, just be careful, be sure you're doing it to the device you think you are06:24
matsamankotgc: yeah you only need one swap per OS06:25
matsamanper running OS, even06:25
kotgcmatsaman, I just deleted all partitions, so there's Free Space 120 GB, but now the Disks app won't let me partition?06:26
kotgcmatsaman, ok, the Disks app Settings was greyed out, looks like the + sign is now adding a partition.06:26
matsamanyeah + sign06:27
matsamanI would use commands myself, can be a bit foreign to some06:27
kotgcmatsaman, yes, I'm gravitating towards CLI, but unsure on the commands for now, so thought I'd try GUI.06:27
matsamansgdisk -Z /dev/foo; dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/foo bs=1M count=100; parted -a optimal -s /dev/foo mklabel msdos; parted -a optimal -s /dev/foo mkpart primary ext4 0% 100%; mkfs.ext4...; e2label...06:28
matsamanjust don't get the wrong /dev/foo06:28
kotgcCLI is like a lolly shop, with so many good choices. I now it will take a while to work out the most efficient commands.06:28
kotgcmatsaman, lol, wrong disk would be bad.06:29
matsamanwhat I usually do is06:29
matsamanonce I'm certain of the /dev/foo I want06:29
matsamanI either copy it into GNU screen's paste buffer and re-use it over and over06:29
matsamanor even more paranoid: hit up arrow and replace all the other parts of the command06:29
kotgcmatsaman, sgdisk is a new command I'm seeing. I guess there's opinions on what commands are best.06:30
matsamanthere are a lot of options06:30
matsamanthose are the ones I've used for a while with good results06:30
kotgcmatsaman, yes, I like the up arrow, for less typos.06:30
mosfethistory | grep "string"06:31
kotgcmatsaman, thanks. I've used dd (destroy disk) before. You're formatting to msdos in that command right?06:31
kotgcor it's the label msdos06:32
matsamankotgc: well, with the 'parted' part it is using an 'msdos' disk label06:32
matsamanwhich is just the more traditional one06:32
kotgcformatting to ext406:32
matsamaneven then, you're not really making it ext4 till you get to mkfs06:32
kotgcmatsaman, ok, so a few command steps. I'll try that when I'm more focussed.06:33
matsamandd in this is just to make sure your working OS isn't confused about what's there06:33
matsamanyou wipe the beginning and it has no choice but to think it's empty06:33
matsamanbecause it really is empty then =)06:33
pouchyCorpis anyone there ?07:01
ecapijust a whole lot of no ones07:02
tiohhello guys07:03
tiohis there someone07:03
arraybolt3tioh: Heya! This is the official Ubuntu tech support channel. Is there something we can help with?07:10
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spinningcat_can i use compiz in ubuntu?08:34
ecapitry and see08:36
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thisguyzzhey guys i am trying to understand what exactly vmtouch command is for ?  i specify a directory and it puts all files into virtual memory or just the directory names ?09:21
thisguyzzi presume this makes the program perform better ?09:22
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tennisandersIs it non-advicable to set $PYTHONPATH pointing to my python installation (/usr/bin/python3) in ubuntu? I noticed it was empty when I echo'ed it. I'd like to set it because I use my VS Code profile on multiple PC's with different OS's, so everytime I load my profile on a new system, it crashes due to the python-path in the VS Code profile09:51
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ice9I didn't create these session, what are they? https://pastebin.mozilla.org/n8Musrtp10:26
flingWhich repo contains proper 5.15? -> https://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/10:46
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silv3r_m00nhi there11:48
silv3r_m00ni am running windows 10 on a asus laptop on lan with my ubuntu desktop machine, what is the fastest remote desktop solution that would allow me to open the windows desktop on ubuntu ?11:48
arraybolt3silv3r_m00n: If you're using Windows 10 Pro or higher, probably RDP into it using Remmina on the Ubuntu machine. RDP is faster than VNC.11:49
silv3r_m00nits windows 10 home single language11:50
silv3r_m00ncame preinstalled with the laptop11:50
arraybolt3hrm, that's a problem11:54
arraybolt3I think this is more of a Windows support question since you're trying to find a Windows remote desktop server. But it has an Ubuntu side to it since it needs a Linux-compatible client. You might find people with suggestions in #windows. I'd personally look into UltraVNC.11:57
flingUbuntu-unstable-5.15.0-9.9 is too old12:00
flingwhich repo/branch/tag to use for 5.15?12:01
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arraybolt3fling: You just asked this question in #ubuntu-kernel. The people here are unlikely to have the answer and the people in the kernel channel may be asleep or otherwise working. Just be patient, and if your question does get missed you can ask it again.12:09
arraybolt3(I guess you didn't *just* ask this question, sorry, my mistake.)12:11
arraybolt3in the kernel channel I mean12:11
ecapi!discuss | Drone12:29
ubottuDrone: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!12:29
sjf1913how can i succesfully connecy FTP to a android tablet within ubuntu-studio 23.1012:35
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sjf1913does anyone say anything in here lol13:17
sjf1913whats the common goal here13:20
Habbiethe common goal here is supporting people with problems13:20
Habbiedoesn't mean you will always get a response13:21
BluesKajHi all13:24
PeGaSuShelp! I swapped my disk to another machine (Intel CPU but previous machine had and AMD) and I'm seeing this on my dmesg: https://0bin.xyz/?bd1aaea427206c66#kKBcM5UdAkpzHGMY2qxKQUXGUPdueT74tMYyD5cejUr13:33
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PeGaSuSfwiw, complete dmesg output: https://termbin.com/jhvj13:45
thejpsterHi, I think I found a RISC-V kernel bug in 6.5. A bunch of rust people keep calling over it.13:55
thejpsterKernel 6.4 works and kernel 6.6 works (in QEMU, using kernel defconfig for RISC-V) but 6.5 crashes in the futex syscall when compiling even simple rust programs13:57
thejpsterI don't seem to be able to post links but it's issue 117022 in the GitHub rust-lang/rust issue tracker.13:57
leftyfb !bug | thejpster14:00
ubottuthejpster: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.14:00
thejpsterThat page said I should ask on IRC. I don't think you get a crash log - just some text on stderr about the VDSO.14:01
leftyfbthejpster: it said to ask for help if your issue isn't a bug, otherwise, it goes on to explain how to file a bug14:02
thejpsterOK but is this a rustc bug or a kernel bug? I think it's a kernel bug because changing the kernel makes it go away14:02
leftyfbFile the bug against either one and if it's wrong, I thnik the target package on the bug can be changed14:03
fwehtwhy do i have folders from my home folder on my desktop?  how can i remove them?14:17
leftyfbfweht: can you take a screenshot?14:17
leftyfbfweht: I'm guessing you dragged those there from your home dir14:19
leftyfbor created them14:20
fwehtno, desktop dir is empty14:20
leftyfbthey are not stock14:20
fwehtyes it was after some update14:20
fwehtthey appeared, they all live in my home dir14:20
fwehtmust be some gnome bug?14:21
leftyfbfweht: try gconftool-2 --set --type bool /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir false14:22
lotuspsychjefweht: did you install extensions of any kind14:22
leftyfbit's an old command so I'm not sure if it'll work14:22
fwehtlotuspsychje: no extensions14:22
leftyfbfweht: wht does this give you?  echo $XDG_DESKTOP_DIR14:22
fwehtgives me nothing14:23
fwehtempty line14:23
fwehtit seems14:23
leftyfbfweht: look in ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs14:23
leftyfbspecifically ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs14:24
leftyfbsorry, specifically XDG_DESKTOP_DIR14:24
fwehtah yes i tinkered with this one!14:24
fwehtaaah thanks so much14:24
leftyfbthat would be your self-induced problem14:24
fwehtbecause i wanted to change the directories in the windows14:24
fwehti dont need videos and stuff14:25
fwehttoo much clutter14:25
fwehtin the sidebar i mean, the default shortcuts14:25
leftyfbnone of that determines what shows up in the sidebar14:26
fwehtso apparently you need to set the stuff you dont see to `$HOME` and i did that with the desktop as well because i dont use the desktop and dont want it in my sidepanel14:26
fwehtyes it does14:26
fwehtno music, no videos, etc. it doesnt show stuff if the dir is set to `$HOME`14:28
leftyfbjust comment them out. Setting it to $HOME is just going to cause confusion14:28
fweht@leftyfb just tried, it didnt work14:31
fwehti regenerates the file on login and removes the commented out lines and resets them to the default (e.g. `$HOME/videos` for `XDG_VIDEOS_DIR`)14:33
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thejpsterLooks like my bug was fixed in 6.5.0-14 which came out today15:57
mirtec001Hello everyone16:12
lotuspsychjewelcome mirtec00116:13
mirtec001I'm working on a liveCD and was looking on the correct channel to post a question.16:13
mirtec001The liveCD is based on Mantic and I'm having an issue with time16:14
ash_worksiso, I had a power outage and now my server, which is 22.04 give a file not found message when starting NetworkManager. Should I reinstall ubuntu?16:38
daftreinstall the package16:39
mirtec001See if it's still in your cache16:39
mirtec001If not, boot from a live USB and chroot to your install, and install the package16:40
ash_worksiok, thanks for the advice!16:44
ApostleInTriumphHi. I'm trying to implement the solution mentioned here: https://www.dell.com/community/en/conversations/precision-mobile-workstations/precision-7540-will-only-boot-linux-if-charger-is-connected/647f85b9f4ccf8a8de4a2334?commentId=647f8992f4ccf8a8de93ca79 for the issue mentioned on the top. can someone please tell me where do I edit this from?16:53
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ApostleInTriumphP.S : I don't know where to edit this file from. Currently I'm unable to boot16:55
ApostleInTriumphI can instead boot from a live USB, then mount the drive and edit. However, how do I "update" grub in that case?16:56
dark-manyou can re install the image or you can update it from the command promt by typing sudo apt update and sudo apt upgrade16:58
ApostleInTriumphdark-man sorry was that message for me?16:59
ApostleInTriumphno when I do update/upgrade it does for the live boot and not the OS on mounted drive, no?17:00
CosmicDJApostleInTriumph: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#via_the_LiveCD_terminal17:01
dark-manwhat is your purpose to update the grub?17:01
dark-manyou can try sudo apt update-grub17:03
g1familyhi everyone and Ez18:33
g1familyhow to get to jungletrain from here?18:33
Habbiethe radio station? their irc channel?18:34
g1familyyep right18:34
Habbiewhich one?18:34
g1familyor what U mean?18:34
Habbieah! you're on the wrong server. you need to be on irc.jungletrain.net / irc.paranode.net18:34
echelonhow do i check if ikev2 is supported in strongswan?18:35
g1familyHabbie: how to make it?18:35
Habbiei don't know anything about kiwiirc, sorry18:35
g1familyhow can i found server18:35
g1familyok not kiwi18:36
leftyfbg1family: your question is not related to ubuntu. Please try #libera for general help.18:36
Habbieyes, true18:36
g1familyi see cool thank U anyway18:37
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WeeBeyhi frens.21:25
WeeBeyLol, i love it when i come here to ask a question and then solve it immediately before i ask.21:26
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andyman1Hello, having issues with a dell laptop with ubuntu 22.04 (kde). i suddenly have no audio devices at all. restarting pulseaudio didn't work, rebooting didn't work, modprobe for snd-hda-intel didn't work. lspci doesn't seem to even show a sound device21:35
andyman1intel chipset, and to my knowledge i haven't been doing anything funky with audio recently21:37
arraybolt3andyman1: If you have no audio device in lspci, that's probably a hardware issue.21:40
arraybolt3Even without drivers, the thing should at least be there.21:40
kostkonandyman1, looked in lsusb as well? might be using the usb bus internally21:41
kostkona long shot or possibly completely wrong suggestion21:42
andyman1lsusb doesn't have anything obvious for audio. bluetooth, webcam, and some roothubs21:42
mirtec001What's your output of lspci | grep Audio21:44
andyman1just connected some bluetooth headphones and those work. so at least there's that.21:45
mirtec001Could be your internal speakers21:46
andyman1lspci | grep Audio returns nothing at all (after disconnecting bluetooth)21:46
andyman1one thing i wasn't explicit about: the laptop should have both speakers as well as internal microphone. the microphone is also gone21:48
mirtec001What's the model?21:49
andyman1latitude 742021:50
mirtec00111th gen21:50
andyman1yeah, i7-1185G721:51
mirtec001Are you running the hardware enablement kernel?21:51
mirtec001Board might be too new for an LTS21:52
andyman1that i'm not sure. whatever's default21:52
mirtec001Try this command21:52
mirtec001sudo apt install linux-generic-hwe-22.0421:52
andyman1already newest version21:52
andyman1next idea is to try making a liveusb and booting off that, that might determine hardware vs config21:53
ravageIs the internal audio device enabled in the bios?21:54
andyman1it _should_ be but that's a good idea to double check21:54
andyman1will take a few minutes to try both the bios and live usb21:59
metanoia_I need help for manage partitions on my computer because i have many problem22:29
metanoia_I need to clean the computer22:30
metanoia_if someone can to help me in frnch that will be perfect =) thank you22:31
andyman1I lost whoever suggested the bios settings after the reboot. So whoever that was, thank you! Audio is working again. no idea how i managed it, but speaker/mic was disabled in bios. quick setting flip and i'm a-ok22:31
leftyfb!fr | metanoia_22:42
ubottumetanoia_: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper «/join #ubuntu-fr» ou «/join #ubuntu-qc». Merci.22:42
leftyfbmetanoia_: other than that, in English, what is the issue you're running into exactly?22:42
metanoia_hi leftyfb22:52
metanoia_I don't have enough space, I can't access linux mint anymore (MDM error) which is still installed normally, then I added a hard disk, then reinstalled ubuntu mate (I don't think I took the best version for my old pc), then another linux but I'd like to clean the partitions because I have too many I think and it creates conflicts22:56
metanoia_thanks ubottu for advis !22:57
bray90820Anyone know of a graphical LVM manager for ubuntu23:18

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