
meenaaciba: i don't think raw ctypes can parse C Header files to extract constants from12:15
meenaaciba: looks like NetBSD's kern.boottime uses 1, 83, not 1, 2112:53
acibameena: good catch, I thought ctypes could load any symbol exposed in the header file, but C constants are preprocessed, so no luck there.12:56
acibameena: I guess we have to somehow specify the second value depending on the specific BSD version to make it really compatible with all12:57
meenayupp, about to do that13:04
meenaaciba: thanks for making me test this on NetBSD ;)13:08
acibameena: thank you!13:09
meenaaciba: i think the boottime patch is ready, I'll try to fix the DMI unittests now, unless i fall asleep before13:26
acibameena: sweet, thanks13:29
Code_Bleumeena: o/~  To be able to have my PR just work, I would like to have the updated ds-identify included, and I would also add that first in the list of /etc/rc.local ( already tested ).  I can go ahead and add the call to it in /etc/rc.local... but was just wondering if you think that will be implemented soon?14:16
meenaCode_Bleu: i just pushed unittest fixes and extra unittests!14:16
Code_BleuOnce updated in repo, I'd have to just re-run the build-on-openbsd to get the new file...I guess14:17
Code_Bleu👍 14:17
meenaCode_Bleu: yeah, the boottime stuff just got merged by aciba 14:19
meenaand it works on NetBSD now too :O14:20
Code_Bleu💥 14:21
meenaBut i had to make the code a little uglier.14:21
Code_BleuI just pushed up the ds-identify inclusion into the build-on-openbsd file in my PR14:21
meenaNext time i have to do this, I'll just send a patch to OpenBSD to add sysctlbyname()14:21
meenatime for some upgrades.14:32
=== meena1 is now known as meena
Code_Bleumeena: I had looked up the mypy failure you have on your PR and some quick google searches show this is/was a bug with mypy and some put a comment in the code to ignore false positive. There is still the shell lint issue too - https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/actions/runs/7115635902/job/19372249769?pr=4654:14:36
meenaCode_Bleu: fixed tests. Thanks for pointing those out14:47
* meena works better in peer-to-peer kinda setups14:48
meena"pair programming" i think it's called.14:48
Code_Bleu👍 14:50
meenaneed to fix up the commit messages to say (#4654)14:51
Code_Bleumeena: Now with the updates to the sysctl_field, you think we can add the board_name, and chassis_asset_tag to this and get rid of the ERRORs with ds-identify? That would just leave the blkid one - https://github.com/canonical/cloud-init/pull/4654/files#diff-8e27dfc14b3ffceee1e29d3cf58dc25309c0ac070879febd47c578de04ea2dddR21914:57
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4654 in canonical/cloud-init "dmi: support OpenBSD native reading" [Open]14:57
Code_BleuERROR: Unknown field board_name. Cannot call sysctl.14:58
Code_BleuERROR: Unknown field chassis_asset_tag. Cannot call sysctl.14:58
Code_BleuERROR: failed running [127]: blkid -c /dev/null -o export 14:58
meenaCode_Bleu: good enough.15:06
meenabut the blkid stuff needs to be fixed15:06
meenaI'm gonna add OpenBSD DMI tests and then declare this done15:07
meenadone. At least I think so. Let's see what CI says15:12
meenaokay, caught all the mypy issues now, i think15:25
Code_Bleumeena: I updated logic in build-on-openbsd again.  I noticed on a fresh install of OpenBSD using ISO and no extra stuff from the build tool I was using with QEMU, it did not have /etc/rc.local file.  So, I changed the logic to append if exists and cloud-init is not in the file, or create if doesn't exist with making sure the 'export PATH' is included -16:48
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4660 in canonical/cloud-init "fix(openbsd): services & build tool" [Open]16:48
meenaCode_Bleu: I'm working on disklabel support for openbsd/netbsd17:10
meenaand not FreeBSD, because we don't have disklabel. We only have bsdlabel, which works differently17:11
Code_Bleumeena: cool17:20
Code_Bleumeena: hey, the ctype thing is broke for me again :(17:20
meenagood thing it was merged before you noticed17:20
Code_Bleusorry, I only noticed after running through this on a new install in CloudStack.  I didn't realize there was changes after it worked before for me17:22
Code_BleuTraceback (most recent call last):¬17:22
Code_Bleu  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cloud_init-23.4+16.g41e02f1c-py3.10.egg/cloudinit/util.py", line 2118, in uptime¬17:22
Code_Bleu    uptime_str = str(time.time() - boottime())¬17:22
Code_Bleu  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cloud_init-23.4+16.g41e02f1c-py3.10.egg/cloudinit/util.py", line 2093, in boottime¬17:22
Code_Bleu    libc.sysctlbyname(¬17:22
Code_Bleu  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/ctypes/__init__.py", line 387, in __getattr__¬17:22
Code_Bleu    func = self.__getitem__(name)¬17:22
Code_Bleu  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/ctypes/__init__.py", line 392, in __getitem__¬17:22
Code_Bleu    func = self._FuncPtr((name_or_ordinal, self))¬17:22
Code_BleuAttributeError: Unable to resolve symbol¬17:22
Code_Bleusorry for spam...17:22
meenaCode_Bleu: looks like cache issue17:23
meenadelete the .pyc17:23
Code_Bleuah..ok :fingerscrossed:17:23
meenaCode_Bleu: here: 🤞17:24
Code_Bleuyeh, apparently I don't know the code for that ...or my weechat plugin for emojis isn't setup for it 😄 17:27
meenaCode_Bleu: possibly: :crossed_fingers:17:31
Code_Bleumeena: ok, sike... I was kiding...no issue with the ctype stuff 😉 17:32
Code_Bleuremoving the pyc files didn't work the first time...so i just did a pip uninstall cloud-init and that did it17:32
minimalmeena: AWS Open Source director mentions FreeBSD AMIs in passing: https://www.theregister.com/2023/12/04/david_nalley_interview/17:33
minimal"FreeBSD is also an option. “I met with the FreeBSD release manager here, talking about AMI’s [Amazon Machine Images] for FreeBSD."17:33
meenaColin Parcival works on the FreeBSD AMIs, and on FIRECRACKER17:33
meenaand he recently took over FreeBSD release management17:34
minimalyeah I guess it was him being referred to17:34
Code_Bleuminimal: I guessing you're not an "above and beyond" type of person? 😉  😆 17:45
Code_Bleuyah know...minimal and all 17:45
minimaloi! I resemble that remark! ;-)17:49
Code_Bleumeena: I have some comments on my PR for ya when you get a min.19:10
meenaCode_Bleu: i think this has been the fastest bedtime in weeks, so I have time *now*19:19
meenaCode_Bleu: my comment was just a suggestion19:25
meenaI didn't mark it as Changes Requested19:25
Code_Bleumeena: ok, since I'm more of a n00b than you...I still would like to know if there is a better way, but my mind is on several things today at once and I'm multitasking like a fool.  So, since it's just a suggestion...I'll leave it as is for now and change later if needed19:28
meenaCode_Bleu: just add a comment and/or mark my comment as resolved19:30
Code_Bleumeena: will do. thanks again for all of your input19:31
meenaCode_Bleu: I'm great at hand-holding.19:31
Code_Bleumeena: well, I thought I was a bit better than "hand holding" , but ok 😄  19:33
meenaCode_Bleu: we all have great aspirations and then we spend four hours trying to find where the missing semicolon goes19:34
* meena certainly has done that19:35
holmanbI'm curious why the network activators / renderers code were made a configuration option rather than hard-coded in the distro22:23
holmanbCode_Bleu: I just sent you more questions by a clueless Linux user :-P23:07
meenaholmanb: and I answered two of them, kind of23:26
meenamore for Code_Bleu's benefit then yours, really23:27
holmanb+1 thanks meena23:34
Code_Bleuholmanb: I'll breifly looked over the comments. It's gonna take some time to get back with you. It's been one of those days.  I thought for sure this would have been a done deal this time :/ 23:49
holmanbCode_Bleu: it's looking pretty close23:50
holmanbCode_Bleu: there are just a couple of things that need to change, and a couple of things that I need to make sure that I understand before landing23:50
Code_Bleuholmanb: in a nutshell, the sysvinit tmpl files are not being used because we are using /etc/rc.local, but I left those in there anyway and they do work if you manually run them with rcctl.23:50
Code_Bleuholmanb: I do need to go for now...but I will try to update the comments on GH later tonight...or sometime tomorrow.23:51

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