
BluesKajHi all13:01
RikMillssanta_: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/498214:05
RikMillskconfig already FTBFS14:06
santa_good afternoon everyone14:07
santa_RikMills: ack and ugh14:07
santa_çwhat do we do with this? did you already filed that ticket?14:08
RikMillsnot yet. wanted more evidence which we now have14:08
RikMillsso will get on with that14:08
RikMillsgot to go now as I have an online interview shortly14:09
santa_alright, thanks for the efforts14:11
IrcsomeBot<myfenris> any target when will 5.27.10 land in ppa?15:54
santa_hey RikMills, do you mind if I take care of the latest releases of plasma & apps?16:10
RikMillssanta_: you can try with pleasure16:11
santa_RikMills: one thing, there's a recent FTBFS in kdevelop because of clang-17 being the default in noble, I have a patch here to build it with 16 again, would you like me to push it to git before the apps .4 release?16:44
santa_RikMills: the FTBFS in question: http://tritemio-groomlake.duckdns.org/build-status/buildstatus_ubuntu-exp2/ubuntu-exp2_status_applications.html16:44
santa_I also have patches for akonadi-search missing file + libkomparediff2 acc test (this last one is not important as acc tests are disabled by default now)16:46
RikMillssanta_: please do what you think is best. I trust your judgement16:47
IrcsomeBot<tsimonq2> santa_: You don't happen to have a particular script/rhyme/reason for the KDE language packs, do you? :)17:07
santa_tsimonq2: I don't even remember very well how lang packs work in Ubuntu :|17:08
santa_shame on me17:08
RikMillstsimonq2: https://community.kde.org/Kubuntu/Packaging/L10nOperatorGuide17:16

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