
user|26how to install kubuntu on Dell pc00:34
=== fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181
mmikowskistuffandthings: Did you find your files?02:08
stuffandthingstheyre nowhere to be found02:09
mmikowskiIs it on a different file system?02:09
mmikowskiLike USB?02:09
stuffandthingsbtrfs to ntfs02:11
mmikowskiooohhh. Last I knew, there were two ntfs drivers out there, one or both with issues. Not sure about the current state.02:12
stuffandthingsfwiw, im using the one that comes on kubuntu 23.1002:16
mmikowskiI've gotta run back to work, but that should show you what you're working with. To wit, "22.04 doesn't use the new ntfs3 driver by default". That may have changed, and I02:18
mmikowskiam not sure which is better.02:18
mmikowskiyw. Good luck!02:21
=== Guest33 is now known as cycc
=== fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away
rtgIts 2023... Now lets install gnash i suppose, seems to be the only way04:00
=== stuffandthings is now known as stuffandthings_c
=== stuffandthings_c is now known as stuffandthings
=== vcxza is now known as p4aoo
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
BluesKajHi all13:01
=== fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181
user|78привет. Нужна помощь установить nvidia на 23.1013:36
diogenes_Vx15user|78, привет, тут только на англ, если хочешь приходи на мой канал помогу13:52
=== fadsterling is now known as fadsterling_
=== fadsterling_ is now known as fadsterling
Eickmeyerdiogenes_Vx15: In the future, please direct Russian users to #ubuntu-ru. You can even use the !ru command followed by | {username}. For instance:16:17
Eickmeyer!ru | diogenes_Vx1516:17
ubottudiogenes_Vx15: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.16:17
=== fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away
=== fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181
dogyX3Hello Kubuntu support, I would like to update or reinstall my graphics drivers, as I am having issues with Blender and have been asked by Blender support to do so. However, I am coming from Windows, so I'm very new to this on Linux.22:25
dogyX3My graphics card is an Intel integrated card: [Intel Corporation WhiskeyLake-U GT2 [UHD Graphics 620] (rev 02)]22:25
dogyX3I tried to update my graphics driver, but it seems like I am using the latest one. This is the link I used to check:22:25
dogyX3I reached the 'Additional Drivers' page, but I see nothing there except 'No additional drivers available.' and 'No Proprietary Drivers are in use.'22:25
dogyX3Q1) So am I right to say I have the latest graphics driver for my Intel Integrated Graphics Card? I haven't really messed with the repos I'm pulling updates from, so I know all the official repos are all available on my machine to get updates from.22:25
dogyX3Hi Kubuntu support, I am trying to update and/or reinstall my graphics drivers, and have done some research to try this, but I have a few questions:22:28
dogyX3Thank you22:28
=== fusion1181 is now known as fusion1181_away
=== fusion1181_away is now known as fusion1181

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