[00:00] That looks so weird on Matrix :P [00:00] because the > turned into a blockquote [00:00] hah [00:00] anyway yes it will be in SDDM [00:00] time to throw er on extraverbose and kick it :P [00:02] [matrix] exit [00:02] [matrix] I really need to make an app that can figure out what goes in the chat and what's a terminal command. [00:03] [matrix] oh... sddm didn't do it? [00:03] [matrix] ok we have officially entered weirdville [00:03] [matrix] I just upgraded SDDM from Backports on a Lubuntu 22.04 machine and the bug doesn't reproduce [00:04] what about lxqt-session? [00:04] i mean, its a session problem ^^ [00:05] It's doubtful since Openbox reproduces it too. [00:05] oh, right, i forgot that srry xD [00:05] going to try lubuntu-default-settings next [00:07] ok, it's not that either [00:08] trying pavucontrol-qt, maybe it's somehow loading in the background and staying there [00:09] nope [00:10] what about checking 'jornalctl' [00:10] would be worth a shot [00:10] trying lubuntu-update-notifier next [00:10] in mine, last log, from loutout says: systemd-logind Session c1 logged out. Waiting for processes to exit. [00:10] so maybe log-out is ruled by systemd-logind, or the ubuntu equivalent [00:11] I GOT IT! [00:11] It is lubuntu-update-notifier! [00:11] congrats ^^ [00:11] LimeOn: Good hint about the "Waiting for processes to exit". [00:11] lubuntu-update-notifier must be refusing to quit on logout. [00:11] except... there's only one of them in my process list...? [00:12] well at least we know what package causes it now. [00:20] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/d7209069/Screenshot_20231205_181828.png [00:20] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/11feaaf1/Screenshot_20231205_181448.png [00:20] arraybolt3: It will likely be fixed with the systemd timer stuff currently sitting in ubuntu/noble. [00:20] Needs some kind of GUI to configure how often it should run. [00:21] [matrix] Ah. [00:21] Should communicate via dbus to systemd + change on disk and such [00:21] This will be complicated to implement but incredibly robust to use [00:21] tbh [00:21] Also, I'm done with the WiFi stuff, finally. I'll do a final rework at the end, separating it all out into different files. [00:21] In the meantime, on to locale updating and such. [00:22] [matrix] Really I'd like to rewrite the entire upgrader from scratch to use Qt/C++/Package kit. [00:22] +1 [00:22] But it's On The List :P [00:22] [matrix] The current version is messy, buggy, and uses an outdated, abandoned, and buggy backend. [00:23] https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/installer-prompt/commit/a757d5224499665f44d6a4f4ca8597208bfa3ddd [00:23] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Commit a757d52 in Lubuntu/installer-prompt "Correct the logic for incorrect passwords. Looks like spaghetti. 🍝" [00:23] XD [00:23] [matrix] whew you've been busy😀 [00:24] arraybolt3: Random grilling time: what's semver, why would someone use it, and what's your opinion on it? [00:24] Yes sir ;) [00:26] [matrix] Semver = Semantic Versioning. It's a versioning convention in which new major versions feature breaking changes, new minor versions have changes with new features that are backwards compatible, and new patch versions are compatible bugfix-only releases. It isn't followed nearly well enough in many major software applications, making developer's lives harder. IMO, it ought to be followed for any software that can reasonably use it [00:27] [matrix] There's a bit more to it, but all that can be found at https://semver.org/ [00:28] [matrix] (looking mainly at Python with my gripes about semver not being followed) [00:29] tsimonq2: lol you literally put an emoji in the commit message?! You mad. :P [00:30] s/mad/crazy/ [00:31] I think probably a new update notifier is probably a higher priority even than the network editor. The network editor is a long-term, difficult project that I wouldn't feel comfortable including in the LTS even if I had it finished feature-wise tomorrow. The update notifier, on the other hand, has a good chance of being doable this cycle and would [00:31] be a very nice QoL improvement. [01:04] arraybolt3: Do you really think it's worth it to rewrite it from scratch at this point? [01:05] [matrix] I really do. I think the changes required to port from aptdaemon to PackageKit are major enough that it will be more work to reuse the existing code than to start from scratch. [01:07] https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/installer-prompt/commit/24a20939a6b9b970c61b5e74f375c298fc939d05 [01:07] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Commit 24a2093 in Lubuntu/installer-prompt "Add a backend for the language selection menu" [01:07] Well, then let's do it. I'll let you take the lead. :P [01:07] (Since I'm already taking the lead on installer prompt, lol...) [01:09] I'm taking an extended break, this might mean EOD, not sure yet. [01:10] Sounds good. [01:10] (both w.r.t. taking a break and w.r.t. me taking the lead on the upgrader rewrite) [01:13] Sweet! [01:13] Yeah literally all that's left is UX [01:13] Functionality is totally there and works [01:13] So anyone realistically could knock out installer-prompt... [01:14] [matrix] Woohoo! [01:14] Anyway, o/ [02:56] !ping [02:56] pong! [04:26] [telegram] Did the sudo apt update plus non-existent app - all good (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) !ping) [04:27] Leokolb: On a fresh install? Or a machine that was updated? [04:27] (the !ping was just me testing my Internet connectivity) [04:33] [telegram] Fresh install .. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) Leokolb: On a fresh install? Or a machine that was updated?) [04:34] oh weird. [04:34] [telegram] got message - unable to parse section data — sorry just woke up [04:35] [telegram] and could not fine command-not-found database ..think I saw this a while back in Ubuntu [04:38] ah, then yeah, that's normal [04:39] [telegram] What did you expect to see? (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) ah, then yeah, that's normal) [04:39] What you mentioned is what I expected to happen, I was just looking for confirmation. [04:40] It does need fixed, I just wasn't sure if it was something unique to me or not. [04:40] [telegram] Ok tks .. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) What you mentioned is what I expected to happen, I was just looking for confirmation.) [04:41] [telegram] yeah ..same reply in Ubuntu Budgie (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) It does need fixed, I just wasn't sure if it was something unique to me or not.) [17:42] [telegram] today's ISO failed see bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/calamares/+bug/2045790 [17:42] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2045790 in calamares (Ubuntu) "Installation failed - external command finished with errors" [Undecided, New] [19:10] tsimonq2: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxqt-powermanagement/+bug/2045799 Filed and assigned to you as requested, obviously no hurry in fixing it. I may take a swing at it if things calm down (though I have Britney and some other things to fight with). [19:10] -ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2045799 in lxqt-powermanagement (Ubuntu) "Machines with a battery get a slightly annoying notification that a battery is present and charging" [Medium, New] [19:15] I guess in the mean time I'll see if I can somehow get Britney working with my PPA. [22:42] [telegram] Hey aaron do you think leo's failure today it's related to us removing mulan [22:42] [telegram] Please excuse my talk to texans [22:54] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/0cb2c142/be_beaman.mp4 [23:33] Mulan? [23:33] I dunno, been busy elsewhere most of today. [23:33] I'll try and look into it when I get a chance. [23:34] Oh, you mean Muon. No, I doubt they're related, but we'll find out I suppose. [23:42] [telegram] FYI guys to reduce our (and my) out of pocket costs at OVH I will be piecemeal migrating our infra over to my more powerful SSD-backed server in the Lubuntu segment I partitioned out for it. This is cost cutting but will also increase performance. [23:43] [telegram] so some stuff might go AWOL here and there. [23:43] [matrix] Nice!