[00:13] that isn't what I'd call it [00:13] something something gtfo canonical [00:14] #debian-us-mi then? Oh LOL [00:14] I say we just use #mugorg for this since it's not getting much other use anyway and already exists. [00:15] Also, one less line in my server/channel buffer. [00:16] Speaking of, when can we start doing in person meetings again? I miss those :( [00:20] "error: cannot remove "core20": snap "core20" is not removable: snap is being used by snap firefox." No, no it is not, let me do the thing, why won't you let me do the thing? [00:20] I also just removed Firefox [02:03] Unfortunately I'm not in the position to do in-person anymore [02:05] And our last meeting had more folks outside of the area than in the area [02:05] I think there's still someone supporting Firefox as a .dev [02:17] oof [02:18] .deb, rather [02:30] Found a thing. Starting apps as root is much faster than as my user account for whatever reason. [02:30] Also if they start under an already running app like Steam [02:30] Terminals start up instantly too [02:33] Yeah, once things are cached it's fine [02:33] but it's that first start [03:01] But why is it so slow? [03:02] Takes like 20 seconds to start the app [03:27] If it's a snap then it's having to start the container [10:33] Well it's not since I ripped that system out as much as I possibly could. [15:37] starting a linux container takes microseconds unless there is more going on. [15:37] tis just a few function calls. [15:37] syscalls I mean