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soloslingerHas anyone tried to move the /var/log/journal directory to a different volume?  Is the only option to stop systemd-journal, mv the dir, symlink, and light things up?  I was kinda hoping there'd be a config option instead of the symlink move.01:16
rboxlooks like it MIGHT respect a LOGS_DIRECTORY environment variable on journald01:19
rfmsoloslinger, if you're just running low on space an alternative might be to adjust the size limits in journald.conf down.01:38
soloslingerrfm: Eh.  My devs have very verbose logs and my usage on the / volume is taking it to the face.  Hoping to move logs off to it's own volume to free up some of that.01:39
soloslingerNaturally the system is hot so I can't repartition or do anything more fancy at the moment.01:39
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leftyfbsoloslinger: just do a bind mount on top of it02:07
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kotgcCurious about installing VMM. livbirtd is running, however error on first VMM launch: Unable to connect to libvirt qemu:///system. Verify that the β€˜libvirtd’ daemon is running.02:38
kotgcI find a reboot of the machine removes the error, however for a smooth install and start, there must be some command or step missing?02:38
bray90820So when run mount -a I get an error "mount: /etc/fstab: parse error at line 14 -- ignored"02:42
bray90820Here's my fstab02:42
rboxso fix line 14...02:44
bray90820I can't figure out what's wrong with it tho02:47
rboxwell line 7 gives the format...02:48
rboxand it looks nothing like the other lines...02:48
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bray90820So I'm having an issue with samba on ubuntu  any time I try to conenct to my 22.04 samba server it says "faield to retreve share llist from server Invalid argument"04:05
rfmbray90820, no real idea, but in the past I've found it helpful to run up the log level on the server and check the logs after running the failed command. https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Setting_the_Samba_Log_Level05:59
bray90820rfm: The issue has been resolved I was wentering the wrong server name in smb.conf06:01
rfmbray90820, I was just about to say a stab would be to check the server entries in smb.conf.  Glad you got it fixed.06:02
bray90820Well I sorta got it fixed06:03
bray90820I still can't brows it from within Nautilus06:03
bray90820But entering it in Manually does work06:04
Bashing-omHello Peppi - your support question ?06:06
PeppiI'm looking to do some development and thinking of creating an Ubuntu VM machine and using that to develop on. How bad of an idea is it and how much space should the VM be?06:06
PeppiHello Bashing-om06:06
Bashing-omPeppi: Can not address you specifically, but a determinaing factor is the amount on ram on the host system.06:09
Bashing-omPeppi: 64 gigs - one can go hog wild :P06:10
PeppiI'm more concerned about disk size to be honest06:11
Peppieverything I'm reading is tellimg me the size needs to be 25gb but looking here: https://www.osboxes.org/ubuntu/#ubuntu-23-10-vmware I see a 2gb vm machine06:13
PeppiWell I guess I better just try it06:15
vuipuhGood morning!07:01
lotuspsychjewelcome vuipuh07:02
vuipuhWe cannot get DNS to work on xunbutu-22.04 with PXE boot+nfs07:02
vuipuhsystem works fine, but to enable resolving we have to use network manager change "manual" to dhcp, every time we boot. Or call sudo dhclient, IIRC07:03
vuipuhit did not even work to use dhclient instead of internal via the dedicated config switch. I am sorry to not be able to provide any configs, since I don't have that system now at hand, and our firewall at work blocks IRC :-( . Does anybody have any howto to follow installing (x)ubuntu + PXE which addresses why DNS does not work?07:05
vuipuhDoes nobody have any experience with ubuntu + network boot?07:18
rfmvuipuh, not for a long time (and was Solaris not ubuntu). But it sure sounds like the image is configured wrong.  What I'd try is logging into the server that has the image, chroot'ing into it, and using nmcli to set the connection to dhcp..07:22
vuipuhimage is just a plain new installation + make bootable via nfs. So we need overlayroot of cause. nothing else done afaik, we restared from scratch, to be sure07:23
vuipuhnmcli on server, ok, we will try, thank you!07:24
rfmvuipuh, since dhcp is default for a new install, I don't know how it could have gotten reset... but good luck07:25
rfmvuipuh, ah, overlayroot (something I've never dealt with) but that explains why changing the config in the client isn't persistent...07:27
vuipuh18.04 worked great, no need to handle network configuration besides telling the nfsroot ip. overlayroot must be concerned, but is not the problem, since we can always put new files to the server as soon as we realize they are needed. We watched /etc/NetworkManager and /var/lib/NetworkManager without success07:30
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Parisxbox did you try to install ubuntu on your console? lol11:30
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xboxis anyone online?11:52
xboxwhat kind of chat is this, what is going on?11:54
lotuspsychje!support | xbox11:55
ubottuxbox: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:55
CosmicDJxbox: this is a support channel, ppl come in here and ask questions about ubuntu, if you just want to chat try the social/offtopic channels https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:55
TomyWorkI don't see this snap on ubuntu 18.04, even though I see most other snaps12:10
TomyWorksnap info/search prismlauncher yields no results, snap search prism yields two unrelated results12:11
Mandem0110TomyWork: pretty sure 18.04 is EOL...12:14
zniavrehello i can't find an offical way to uninstall snap package on my ubuntu12:16
TomyWorksnap remove doesnt work?12:16
Mandem0110sudo snap remove *package*12:16
zniavreyes but there is no documentation on ubuntu.org website12:16
TomyWorkhave you tried "man snap"?12:17
Mandem0110!eol | TomyWork12:17
ubottuTomyWork: End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades12:17
zniavrethere is onmy a canonical webpage with how to installa and use snapd but no comment about how to unistall it12:18
zniavreis it intentional ?12:18
TomyWorkMandem0110, so that's the reason why some snaps dont show up?12:20
ograzniavre, what exactly do you want ? do you want to remove a single snap package or do you want to remove snap support altogether ?12:20
ogra(this isnt clear from your questions above)12:20
ograTomyWork, unlikely ...12:21
ograTomyWork, snap packages have the ability to exclude their snaps from searches (the feature in the store for them is called "unlisting") ... this is often done for snaps that are not ready for user consumption yet ... snap find will not find it ... but since the snap actually exists, snap info will still give you the metadata12:23
ogra(and you will find its page on snapcraft.io ... which is essentially equivalent to "snap info" )12:23
zniavrewnat to understand why there is not a word on official documentation about how to uninstall snapd12:24
ograzniavre, you uninstall snapd like any other package: sudo apt purge snapd12:24
zniavrenot snap application but snapd12:24
ograthat commend should uninstall snapd and all snap packages ... (but note that snapd on ubuntu is a dependency of various metapackages, so it might come back since it is considered a part of the default OS)12:25
ice9I purged "wine" and "wine64" packages but doing a filesystem search, still shows theses dirs https://pastebin.mozilla.org/ypVQSKC2  so why they were not removed by apt purge?12:25
zniavreok ( not satisfied but ok)12:26
ograice9, some come from libwine, some from other packages ... you can install the apt-file command to do a reverse search for these paths and it will give you the package names12:27
ograpurge only purges the package, but not necessarily the dependencies it pulled in at install time (they might be used by other packages, so apt is careful about this)12:28
ice9ogra, thanks, also in snap, uninstalling programs doesn't remove some filesystem dirs, how to clean that?12:33
ograice9, which ones ? (also see "snap help remove" ... there is a --purge option to it)12:34
ogratypically all non-clssic snaps remove all their dirs at uninstall ... (classic snaps are different though, since they run unconfined and could create files and dirs on the OS) ...12:35
ograif you dont use --purge they will take a snapshot of the user data though ... so in case you re-install it will simply pick up where you left it before12:36
ogra(but that snapshot is stored in a different place and there should definitely not be any dirs left behind)12:37
ice9thanks a lot ogra12:39
BluesKajHi all13:01
Mandem0110Pretty sure you're a bot saying hi in random channels!13:02
Mandem0110!offtopic | BluesKaj13:03
ubottuBluesKaj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:03
ogralol, BluesKaj is surely not a bot πŸ™‚13:04
Mandem0110ogra: why would they keep saying hi every day in a support channel then? I checked logs, it's ahi every day and disappears...13:06
ograto be friendly `13:07
Mandem0110Not needed in a *support* channel13:07
mirtec001Morning everyone13:08
Mandem0110ogra: that's why we have off topic...13:08
Mandem0110Honestly never saw BluesKaj help anyone and always an hi lol13:09
* Mandem0110 will be quiet 🀫13:09
ograwell, i'm actually adjusting my clock after BluesKaj's hi ... since about a decade πŸ˜‰13:16
BluesKajhey ogra13:19
mirtec001HI ogra13:29
TomyWork<ogra> TomyWork, […] snap info will still give you the metadata14:07
TomyWorkbut it doesn't :/14:07
TomyWorklemme find a 22.04 box and check if it's available there14:08
ograit does for me here ... "snap info prismlauncher" clearly gets me info14:08
ogra(note that this snap also only had a release to the edge channel yet)14:09
TomyWork"snap info prismlaucher" doesn't14:09
TomyWorkok so the fact that it didnt show up in a search for "prism", compounded with that typo, led me to believe it couldnt be found14:10
ograthat is expected14:10
TomyWorkI didnt know they could exclude themselves from search14:10
ograbut info (without typo) shoudl work14:10
TomyWorkand i didnt notice the typo earlier :D14:10
ograinstall should also work if info works ... but the point is the devs dont want it widely available yet (so they could give you the name and tell you to snap install it to help them testing etc)14:11
TomyWorkyeah i need --edge14:11
TomyWorkit told me that. all is well :)14:12
TomyWorkjust one thing. i wanna isolate the crummy minecraft mods from the rest of the machine a bit. jailmode should do that, but I also want to prevent certain connections. what do I do? can I firewall the snap and only let specific network connections out?14:15
ograte snap is already strict so you dont need any extra jailmode ...14:17
ograregarding networking, there is sadly no fine grained network mgmt for snaps yet, it is either on or off (you can make sure to disconnect "network-bind" that will prevent it from opening any sockets though14:18
ograbeyond this you can surely firewall somthing on a host level somehow ..14:18
ograbut there is no snap feature that would help here14:18
ravageogra: do you know anyone who could help with an electron snap? i tried to help the guys of deltachat with their desktop client. but electron really does not like me at all :D14:19
ograravage, heh, i'm probably one of the most experience guys for electron snaps ... point them at my GH pages, there are a lot example packages14:19
ogra(GH name is ogra1)14:19
ravagei can point myself there :P14:19
ravageit works in general. it just does not quit properly and the tray icon does not work. probably because of missing dbus permissions14:20
ravageit works find in unrestricted mode14:21
ravagei just dont know what permissions i could give it really14:21
ogradbus stuff for tray icons is in the unity7 plug IIRC (not very intuitive πŸ˜›)14:21
ravagei think i even saw that but let me check if that would solve it14:22
ravageim almost sure that was attempt 124 of 250 or so.14:22
ograhttps://github.com/ogra1/mattermost-client is using the tray icon (but i think i just used the gnome extension fo that one that brings along all the fonts/plugs/themes etc)14:23
ravageunity7 as plug should be all i have to do right?14:23
ravagei will check that example. maybe i find something useful14:23
ograin general using the gnome extension is the easiest for any desktop snaps ... so you dont get issues with fonts, mounse pointers, themes etc14:24
ravageyep i did some in the past14:26
ravageall working great14:26
ravagejust this one really gives me headaches :)14:26
ravagenot sure what fixed it. maybe the extra environment stuff i added from your example14:54
ravagebut the tray icon works now :)14:54
loswedsededare packages deliberately kept back due to phased upgrading?15:08
ravagephased updates is the most common cause for kept back pakages15:10
ravagecan also be cause by third party repos15:11
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warmach1nehi all16:29
lotuspsychjewelcome warmach1ne16:38
* warmach1ne wow16:38
warmach1nei don't use irc for twenty years16:39
lotuspsychjeyou joined the ubuntu support channel warmach1ne you can ask ubuntu related questions here16:39
warmach1necool good to know16:40
warmach1nei searching a good win emulator ... i remeber the wine... in this time nothing change here ??16:41
ravagewine is not an emulator. that is what it stands for :)16:42
ravagebut it is still the best tool to run windows apps on linux16:43
warmach1neok thx16:44
lotuspsychjewarmach1ne: or playonlinux, or search if your fav app has a snap16:44
warmach1nei encountered a proton ... but if i good understand this is only for games16:44
ravagethat is valve's fixed on wine16:46
ravageit works best by just installing steam really (for games)16:46
ravagemost of my steam library just works16:46
warmach1neok thx for info .. guys16:49
warmach1neso i install wine16:49
warmach1nehmmm u know command sudo apt-get wine ??16:50
RoadsterFLyou mean apt-get install16:50
RoadsterFLif wine is present in your repos16:51
warmach1nesorry i very long time don't use linux, last time i used mandriva distrubution16:53
RoadsterFLI guess wine is pretty much "old world" in terms of games... for programs I guess it is the best choice if you defineately want to run it on linux16:55
WeeBeyi read something recently about Steam's new x layer performing slightly better than win11 at running windows games.17:01
WeeBeyI forgot the name of their thing, funny enough.17:01
leftyfbWeeBey: feel free to discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss17:02
kachamrhi, does anyone use zathura (document viewer)?17:10
ravageis that your real question? because the answer is yes. im sure anyone does.17:13
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kachamri was not sure, my question is about document content index, can i somehow configure look of it (i want to set zoom level)17:16
lotuspsychjekachamr: can the documentation help you? https://pwmt.org/projects/zathura/documentation/17:25
kachamri am reading it now. I thought that someone have faced this problem (index is uncomfortably small) and came up with solution17:30
lotuspsychjekachamr: we usualy focus on ubuntu issues here mostly, specific apps on ubuntu might need some deeper search or specific channels17:31
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guest12398578196hi! how can I disable ubuntu server asking for "rich mode" when autoinstalling using serial port(virt-install)?19:06
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esvhey, folks I am troubleshooting a connectivity for a particular vm and not getting anything relevant, looking at the /var/log/dmesg file I found this one:20:03
esvaudit(1701321479.546:15): apparmor="DENIED" operation="exec" profile="/{,usr/}sbin/dhclient" name="/usr/bin/true" pid=630 comm="isc-worker0000" requested_mask="x" denied_mask="x" fsuid=0 ouid=020:03
esvapparently the server hasn't rebooted but wondering whether that would be causing the problem.20:04
charlesI hope to upgrade, but when I do, I receive s message and installation will not continue. something about 3rd party software20:08
iconoclast_heroI'm on https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ .. I wanted to get back to an actual release and I expected that clicking on the ubuntu releases would take me to a webpage.20:26
iconoclast_herois it supposed to go to a file-system directory listing? https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/  it's confusing because I'm looking for something web driven so I can get to e.g., the Jammy page: https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/jammy/source/current/source/20:26
iconoclast_heroare there no more .torrents to get .iso?20:27
akikiconoclast_hero: https://torrent.ubuntu.com/tracker_index20:33
michael_Hey, on Ubuntu LTS 22.04 I've got a notification of the Core 18 update, but neither the changelog nor the update itself seems to be available. Was it retracted but still noted in the update schedule log?20:39
CosmicDJmichael_: core18 sounds like a snap20:41
michael_@CosmicDJ - yup it is20:42
michael_Snap 20231027 is the one giving problems20:43
akikmichael_: what's a snap 20231027 ?20:44
ioriamichael_, mount | grep core1820:44
michael_Sorry, probably phrased that badly, but meant to give the version number I notice in the update status @akik20:45
michael_@ioria - /var/lib/snapd/snaps/core18_2796.snap on /snap/core18/2796 type squashfs (ro,nodev,relatime,errors=continue,threads=single,x-gdu.hide)20:47
michael_Same for core18_281220:48
ioriait's ok... what's the probelm ?20:48
michael_Can't update the Core18 at all. 'Unable to update "Core18" - snap has no updates available". While the system tries to push version 20231027 on me as an update20:50
ioriait's already updated20:50
ioriayoou can remove 2796 if you want20:51
michael_... Huh. Misread it then. Still not sure why it tries to push an 'update', but idk. Thanks at least, I can then ignore that 'update'20:52
ioriamichael_, if you want to remove old snaps you can use this script (it's safe): https://termbin.com/0z93620:53
armadefuegoHello all,20:59
armadefuegoI am having some issues with my mouse. They appear after my machine wakes from sleep. 23.04, latest updates.20:59
armadefuegoHi Charles21:00
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FossilAny way of figuring out which process is accessing a CIFS share (on the client side)? fatrace doesnt show anything but on the server I can see with fatrace that this client is opening files21:55
leftyfb Fossil lsof21:56
Fossillsof doesnt seem to show anything accessing smb either21:56
leftyfbFossil: then nothing is being accessed21:56
FossilI can see it on the server21:57
FossilOr its too fast of an operation for lsof to see21:57
leftyfbFossil: lsof -r121:57
FossilSomething is scanning the entire dir. Its mounted on an Ubuntu client as CIFS but not a single tool seems to be able to see reads/writes to it22:02
leftyfbFossil: you realize being mounted is network activity right?22:02
FossilYes but since its mounted on /mnt somewhere I figured it would also show up as FS activity. How would I see which program is accessing it22:03
leftyfbFossil: lsof22:04
Fossiltcpdump just shows source/dest which I already know22:04
FossilDoesnt show up in lsof for some reason22:04
leftyfbFossil: then nothing is accessing it22:04
FossilWell I can see it on the server and using tcpdump on the client22:05
leftyfbyou can see what exactly?22:05
FossilTraffic when I hear the array going plus I see files being read with fatrace on the server22:06
Fossilby this client22:06
leftyfbFossil: it's more than likely just because it's mounted22:07
FossilI can see the exact files its reading22:07
leftyfbindexing maybe?22:09
Fossilnope cant be it22:09
leftyfbwhy not?22:10
jonowhen I'm running flash-kernel in a chroot, recently it's started exiting without any action, without any error, and an exit code of 0. --- I'd like to file a question or a bug on launchpad, but that's really not a lot of information to provide to help diagnose the problem. --- I've tried running `strace /usr/sbin/flash-kernel`, but all I get is a "test_ptrace_get_syscall_info: PTRACE_TRACEME: Function not implemented" which isn't super helpful. --- can anyone22:48
jono suggest any other suggestions for figuring out why the flash-kernel halts immediately so I have a better chance of troubleshooting or filing a bug report?22:48
bobdobbsHi. If I plug in either a microphone or a midi keyboard into my machine running ubuntu, then I can't detect them with software tools. I'm hoping that someone here can give me a hand with diagnostics.22:59
bobdobbsI suspect that I might have a hardware issue. Like maybe a problem with usb? I don't know.22:59
bobdobbsOh yeah - I've tried with two mics. One of then via usb, one of them via a normal audio socket23:00
Habbiedoes lsusb show the usb devices?23:01
bobdobbsThis is the output of lsusb: https://hastebin.com/share/jetozerabu.yaml23:02
bobdobbsline 3 is interesting. That looks like the midi controller that I've got plugged in23:03
bobdobbsoh no. maybe that's line 423:03
bobdobbstbh, I'm not really sure how to read this output23:03
JanCbobdobbs: line 4 is obviously the MIDI controller23:16
JanCline 8 is another USB audio device23:16
JanCline 8 is an USB audio device from MSI23:19
rootgoogle chrome23:20
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