[01:02] Finally getting to take a look at the recent install failures. [01:06] OK so it looks like it's not so much the removal of muon from Lubuntu as it is the removal of muon *from the entire Ubuntu archive*. [01:06] *Ubuntu Noble archive I mean [01:06] So, preparing an upload [01:09] * arraybolt3 thwacks tsimonq2 for not fully uploading his packaging changes to Gitea [01:32] Update pushed. [02:30] x [02:30] sigh, wrong window - now you know the root password for the VM I just spun up [03:11] [telegram] how fortunate its just for your vm :P [03:11] [telegram] i use a simple test pw too in devel-test VMs. [03:37] z is for users, x is for root, and qwe is for disk encryption :P [03:38] All sensitive VMs are stored on my encrypted SSD, and *that* uses a strong password, so it should be good. [05:30] [telegram] Thanks Dan and also for endorsement (re @kc2bez: Congratulations! @Leokolb) === IchabodCrane is now known as Kuraokami [11:39] [telegram] https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/708661 [11:49] [telegram] Yikes [11:49] [telegram] Subscribed [14:06] [telegram] Anyone with info about the QA testracker site downage 503 error? [17:46] @Leokolb: I pinged the appropriate people, they're aware now. [17:46] Thanks for the heads-up! [17:49] tsimonq2: what did I miss? IRC bouncer disconnected a few times I see. [17:49] arraybolt3: Well, when it rains, it pours. [17:49] arraybolt3: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/708661 [17:49] arraybolt3: And iso.qa.ubuntu.com is down [17:50] arraybolt3: And arm64 packages aren't updating on packages.ubuntu.com [17:50] arraybolt3: And I'm slowly running out of coffee.. :P [17:51] Yuck XD [17:54] Yeaaaaaaahp. [17:57] the coffee is really bad news! [17:57] Don't worry, I'll get some more over lunch. ;) [17:58] RikMills: Thanks for taking the lead on that Launchpad question. I hope we get it solved in a timely manner! [17:59] I'm told Eickmeyer is also aware. [17:59] tsimonq2: Rik specifically went to #ubuntustudio-devel to make us aware. [17:59] I did [17:59] Eickmeyer: Just making sure you're still around XD [17:59] * tsimonq2 remembers aaronprisk aaronprisk aaronprisk aaronprisk ... from yesterday.... :P [18:00] * Eickmeyer checks his IRC client, johntravolta-pulpfiction-wtf.gif [18:01] [telegram] https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/a06b5a4e/helix_travolta.mp4 [18:01] @Leokolb: I say, until the Ubuntu QA team fixes the ISO QA tracker, since you've done the tests so many times you probably have them memorized, just keep submitting your results in the Ubuntu Quality channel. :P [18:07] Gah, I forgot to fix theming last night while fixing the installer failure. [18:09] And yeah, versions are cheap, but I bet server build power isn't. tsimonq2: can I push an update to gitea but not to LP, leave it marked unfinished, and then whoever touches the package and uploads it next will also end up uploading a theming fix? I know Debian does something like that. [18:14] [telegram] Off for the evening but back in the A.M. as usual.. [18:14] Be well, @Leokolb :) [20:21] arraybolt3: installer> Yes, that works.