
=== Rochvellon is now known as Guest7936
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
itu  hi05:26
ituhow to detect others IPs in my LAN  ?05:27
ituwie kann man alle anderen IP-adressen in seinem LAN anzeigen lassen?05:33
itunmap -A -v -v 05:43
itugehts auch schneller?05:44
xcje nachdem was du willst, arp table anschauen06:30
itukonkreter befehl?07:06
=== IchabodCrane is now known as Kuraokami
ituhab auf asus-laptop ein ubuntu 22.4 frisch installiert08:21
itujetzt startet firefox einfach nicht  "snap-confine has elevated permissions and is not confined but should be. Refusing to continue to avoid permission escalation attacks Please make sure that the snapd.apparmor service is enabled and started.  "08:22

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