[01:14] has anyone ever tried installing refind in place of grub as a boot manager? [01:17] i'd expect so as I've read a numerous things about it. but I took little notice -- maybe useful is https://askubuntu.com/questions/760875/any-downside-to-using-refind-instead-of-grub [01:33] sem: Yes. The Ubuntu Studio team lead does it personally and prefers it to GRUB. [01:33] I've never used it (GRUB is sufficient for me), but it should work. [01:34] arraybolt3: He's asking because we were in a conversation about it. [01:34] Eickmeyer: Gah, I forgot that, *and* didn't see you in this channel, otherwise I would have pinged you. [01:34] (Apparently my IRC client can't tab-complete nicks if there's a parenthesis in front of them.) [03:21] good morning [03:58] I'm curioius how many other people use it [03:59] I need to put some time into backing everything up and trying it out [03:59] use what? [03:59] refind, it is a new boot manager [04:00] refind is not new [04:12] I used to work with the guy who created refind, that was about 7 years ago === IchabodCrane is now known as Kuraokami [19:02] I'm a rEFInd user myself. I even messed around in a different distro to get it to work with Secure Boot and wound up making and issuing my own MOKs