
MooncairnOk, tried to install popos, but it couldn't deal with my LVM setup and the install log had nothing helpful.18:14
MooncairnLinux Mint warns me against installing because I don't have a EFI bootloader.18:14
MooncairnAlso, the Linux Mint live disc locked up on me.18:14
cmaloneyYou have a Mac, right?18:14
MooncairnMy desktop is an ancient Lenovo ThinkStation.18:15
cmaloneyYou might have EFI turned off18:15
cmaloneysince I have that turned off on my laptop18:15
MooncairnI installed Debian (which I'm in right now) okay, but hexchat crashed on me the first time I opened it.18:15
MooncairnI think I have hardware issues.18:15
cmaloneyYeah, memtest time18:16
MooncairnI'm not sure my computer support EFI. It's has an old BIOS.18:16
MooncairnThat's just it, memtest is coming up empty.18:16
MooncairnI'd like to figure out what's going on, but OTOH maybe it's time to hunt for a replacement desktop. :(18:17
MooncairnThis computer is 14 years old.18:17
MooncairnLooking in the logs, the hexchat crash is associated with kernel error in the nouveau driver and a stacktrace leading to Xwayland.18:19
MooncairnSo I now have Wayland, with an NVidia card. This is not helping matters.18:20
cmaloneyAh, OK18:20
cmaloneySo there is a cause, and it's NVidia18:21
cmaloneyand Noveau drivers18:21
Mooncairnyeah :-(18:21
MooncairnI'm going to switch drivers and then try to switch back to xorg.18:21
cmaloneyMight be time to buy a refurb desktop as well18:21
MooncairnThe weird thing about all the crashes in Ubuntu lately is that they've all been GNOME apps.18:22
Mooncairn(Oh, and somehow my Ubuntu install got messed up in all this. It takes minutes to boot because it's searching for Btrfs and ZFS disks.)18:22
MooncairnOkay, this is horrible. Lots of screen artifacts. Gonna have to bail out of hexchat for now.18:23
MooncairnOk, proper NVidia drivers. Let's see how this goes. Also, back on Xorg. No option to even run Wayland with the proprietary drivers. Interesting.18:32
cmaloneyWelcome to nvidia18:32
cmaloneyPart of the reason I went to AMD (not Wayland but the whole "thou art stuck, and oh, btw, here's a crash for you"18:33
MooncairnDebian also locked up after I logged out and logged back in with Xorg. I'm hoping this was also graphics related as I'd already installed NVidia drivers but hadn't rebooted yet and was still with the nouveau kernel module loaded.18:36
MooncairnSo far I don't see anything in the logs.18:37
jrwren14yo computer? try a 13yo linux distro version.18:38
MooncairnOk, I do see nouveau tossing its cookies right around the time of the lockup.18:39
Mooncairnjrwren, I'm hoping Debian stable will be sufficient.18:41
cmaloneyHonestly I'd trust a 14 y/o computer to be more supported by a modern version of Linux. ;)18:46
jrwrenYes, I wasn't being very serious.18:46
jrwrenI did find it funny last week when someone on twitch chat insisted that linux ran on 286. lul.18:47
jrwrenI know that there was a project 25-30yrs ago, but to think that it would be easy to just run on an old 286 made me lol.18:47
jrwrenlinux dropped 386 and 486 support a long time ago18:47
MooncairnI was going to say...18:48
cmaloneyLinux never ran on a 28618:50
cmaloneyMinix, yes; Linux no18:51
MooncairnGNOME under Debian is a little different. Going to take some getting used to.19:19
jrwrenhave you tried universalblue? ;) 19:20
MooncairnYea, I don'19:21
MooncairnI don't know about that. ;)19:21
MooncairnNaw, the biggest difference is that the dock isn't omni-present, so I need to adjust my workflow if I do things like minimize windows and come back to them later.19:21
Scary_Guyhttps://puppylinux-woof-ce.github.io is a distro specifically built for older hardware.19:58
Scary_GuyBut really, what is the usecase of your computer?  What do you DO with it?19:58
Scary_GuyAlso, swap out that card for a new AMD/ATI one.  Should solve 1/4th of issues right there.19:59
Scary_GuyI used to run hardware from 2009 with an AMD FX chip and 8GB of ECC RAM.  Didn't have EFI and still ran an older Mint just fine.20:04
MooncairnDebian still works fine on legacy hardware. Unless I have further issues, I'll probably stick with it. (Every time I explore other distros, I keep coming back to Debian eventually.)20:05
Scary_GuyAlso now I can't figure out why Seahorse wont let me unlock it.  I may have to actually call it and reinstall everything but I am NOT looking forward to that.20:05
MooncairnAlso, new GPU == $$$.20:05
MooncairnScary_Guy, take it from someone with a lot of "reinstall everything" going on over the last year: It sucks.20:06
Scary_GuyOkay, I did say new, but I didn't mean "new".  You can get an older one for $20-$60.20:06
MooncairnAh.. Okay. I was wondering. ;)20:06
Scary_GuyI know, my phone froze during an update, so now I get to reinstall that on my PinePhone too :/20:07
Scary_GuyBut at least it will be upgraded.20:07
MooncairnYea, if I have more issues that might be hardware and memtest isn't showing anything, getting a used AMD card might be the next step (with a new refurb desktop the next step beyond that).20:07
Scary_GuyWhat model card do you have now?20:08
MooncairnGeForce GTX 66020:08
MooncairnI had a less powerful hand-me-down before that, and before *that* it was the NVidia Quadro 4000 that came with this computer.20:09
MooncairnThe Quadro cooked itself to death.20:09
Scary_GuyThey do tend to do htat20:09
Scary_Guyhttps://www.microcenter.com/product/673904/powercolor-amd-radeon-r7-240-single-fan-2gb-gddr5-pcie-30-graphics-card If you literally just need something for video this is $30.20:16
Scary_GuyWTF?  I just hit download and within a few seconds I have downloaded 732.1 MB of data.  That's a nice surprise.20:22
jrwrenfast internet?20:22
Scary_GuyNot that fast, makes me think there was something wrong with the download, checking the file20:24
Scary_GuySeems fine20:26
jrwrenhttp gzip compressing a lot of it?20:26
Scary_GuyIDK, but the other file of around the same size took a more expected time to download.20:27
Scary_GuyNow I just have to decide whether to put Gnome or PhoSh on my phone.20:27
Scary_Guy(so, Gnome or Gnome but less official)20:28
MooncairnYay, evolution doesn't work on Debian. It's a known issue going back to Oct 2022 and no response on bug report from maintainer.23:46
Scary_GuyWhat about on LMDE6?23:47
MooncairnHaven't tried it yet. Don't really want to try installing my fourth distro today.23:48
MooncairnI guess for e-mail I'll be using Thunderbird (assuming that works).23:49
Scary_GuyWell it's basically Mint's version of Debian, and I used LMDE 4 (and then 5) for quite some time.23:49
Scary_GuyThunderbird should work fine, it's just annoying to export the emails if you decide to switch.23:49
MooncairnI now remember that packages going without active maintenance for years is one reason I keep trying to leave Debian.23:52
Scary_GuyI just left because it wouldn't do PPAs.  Now there's a way do do them securely so I'm hoping they got reimplemented.23:53
cmaloneyHonestly if it were me I'd leave all of the email in a dovecot server and use it that way.23:56
cmaloneybut I also swap between mutt and Thunderbird23:56
Scary_Guymutt is old and rock solid.  I should go back to terminal email.23:57

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