
xu-irc41wok my xubuntu laptop has gone totally haywire02:33
xu-irc41wit doesn't retain any changes made to the desktop background or workspaces02:33
xu-irc41wfirefox is totally garbled02:33
xu-irc41wit keeps resetting my theme to the default from the config that i copied from another user directory02:34
xu-irc41wi also can't change resolution without getting a black screen02:34
xu-irc41wwhat happened was i imaged this install from another disk02:35
xu-irc41wat first it worked fine02:35
xu-irc41wbut then i updated it02:35
xu-irc41wlooks like a permission issue02:36
xu-irc41wi started firefox through the terminal and it says the config directory is denying access02:36
xu-irc41wcan someone help?  i really don't want to have to do a reinstall02:42
xu-irc41wi'm guessing that when i imaged the disk using the live usb it didn't set the ownership properly03:01
xu-irc41wwhat do i do?03:02
=== keypushe- is now known as keypusher
=== IchabodCrane is now known as Kuraokami
xubu23is thsi mirc?11:17
=== eletrica is now known as eletric

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