
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/autopkgtest/+git/development/+merge/45716907:01
tsimonq2TIL KLed14:39
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> Is everything with the installer broken? My email filled up overnight with bug reports.14:43
tsimonq2There was a grub2 upload yesterday..........14:44
tsimonq2Also, arraybolt3 has been fighting those fires iirc14:44
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> Oh, that makes sense14:44
lubot[matrix] <kc2bez> Next image might fix it too14:45
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> I like KLed ;) : https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/b8149097/file_10207.jpg15:03
-ubottu:#lubuntu-devel- Commit 38bb3a7 in Lubuntu/installer-prompt "Move to using KLed instead of manually specifying a unicode button."15:15
tsimonq2            statusIndicator = "<span style=\"color: red;\">❌</span> " + statusText;15:16
tsimonq2            ui->connectionLED->setColor(Qt::red);15:16
tsimonq2            ui->connectionLED->setState(KLed::Off);15:16
tsimonq2First line is what was removed, last two was what I replaced it with.15:16
lubot[telegram] <kc2bez> Oh nice! That is pretty cool.15:17
tsimonq2https://api.kde.org/frameworks/kwidgetsaddons/html/classKBusyIndicatorWidget.html should document setVisible unless I'm just reading too quickly17:20
tsimonq2I have some nice UX now included with the language switcher. And, it works.18:19
tsimonq2I just have some error handling to add, then I'll be tagging/releasing/uploading to Noble.18:20
tsimonq2Since I *think* our daily was spun already, this is major enough where I'll respin it again.18:20
tsimonq2Will keep you all posted in the coming hours.18:20
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> @Roberalz What's your vote on adding LibreOffice translations as well?18:22
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> It wouldn't be bad if it's not a lot of disk space. (re @tsimonq2: @Roberalz What's your vote on adding LibreOffice translations as well?)18:26
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> About 4-5 megs per language (re @Roberalz: It wouldn't be bad if it's not a lot of disk space.)18:26
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Does that seem reasonable on your end?18:27
lubot[telegram] <Roberalz> If the installer does that, I think we can save that space18:31
lubot[telegram] <Leokolb> 2 quick installs @tsimonq2 Lub Noble ISo 20231209.1 - all good - no grub errors19:24
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (re @Leokolb: 2 quick installs @tsimonq2 Lub Noble ISo 20231209.1 - all good - no grub errors)19:37
tsimonq2Doing a final build, then installer-prompt hits the archive. When it migrates, I'll be respinning again. Please test the absolute heck out of both the language and WiFi support in that.19:38
* tsimonq2 does lesigh at XDG vars not being picked up correctly on this thing...19:53
* tsimonq2 consults the Ancient Scrolls...19:55
tsimonq2I am SO happy I documented that. Fixed, will push out a
tsimonq2casper upload soon to follow.20:00
Eickmeyer502 Bad Gateway20:44
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: Yeah, teward has it under lock and key right now.21:22
tsimonq2RikMills, Eickmeyer, arraybolt3: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/casper/1.48821:22
tsimonq2Removed some old KDM and LXDM garbage that we don't need anymore.21:22
Eickmeyertsimonq2: Please tell me you at least pushed the commit to the repo otherwise I know a certain AA/RM/TBm/SRUTm who is going to be very annoyed.21:24
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: Since I shouldn't have permissions but I do, and I JFD this upload without a review, yeah: https://git.launchpad.net/casper21:25
Eickmeyertsimonq2: As a core dev, you do (and should, aiui now.)21:25
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: Makes sense. When we start talking Wayland sessions next cycle, we're likely going to have to revisit this part of casper.21:26
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: I doubt Wayland sessions will be in a directory called XSessions. :P21:26
tsimonq2Anyway, at least it's much more manageable to read now.21:26
tsimonq2If you ever forget it is, you can just grep for "Ubuntu Studio" in the source ;)21:27
EickmeyerUh... read XSessions not as X11Sessions, but XDGSessions.21:27
tsimonq2*where it is21:27
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: Still... we'll have to have some kind of tetris here.21:27
EickmeyerXDG != X11 but Freedesktop Guidelines21:27
EickmeyerWayland falls under XDG21:27
tsimonq2TIL, but if *I'm* confused, what will the average sysadmin think? :P21:27
tsimonq2*shrug* bikeshedding21:28
tsimonq2Everything for the installer prompt should be all set.21:28
EickmeyerTherefore, session management definitions for wayland *absolutely* are in XSessions. (I know because plasma wayland has one)21:28
* tsimonq2 throws them all in SDDMSessions out of spite :P21:28
tsimonq2Anyway, I hope that makes everyone's Noble install boot a couple milliseconds faster. :P21:29
* tsimonq2 has no idea how long Bash loops actually take...21:29
tsimonq2er bash conditions in this case21:29
tsimonq2holy man I need a break XD brb21:29
EickmeyerUbuntu Studio has been installing Plasma Wayland by default for two releases, but not setting it as default, mostly because that's been set by Kubuntu. Kubuntu is too scared to take the leap despite guidance from KDE.21:29
Eickmeyer<tsimonq2> Anyway, I hope that makes everyone's Noble install boot a couple milliseconds faster. :P > Spoken like a true engineer. (Star Trek Lower Decks reference)21:30
tsimonq2Before I go real quick, the only real regression potential with this upload is if Kubuntu or Ubuntu Studio don't ship /root/usr/share/xsessions/plasma.desktop in their live install.21:31
EickmeyerHighly unlikely.21:31
tsimonq2Eickmeyer: Well, at least you're aware of the slight risk now. :P21:31
EickmeyerJust means I have to change casper if I change desktop environment. Thanks, you locked us in. :P21:32
tewardEickmeyer: phab is under lockdown.  I can retrieve specific pages but Simon and Dan need to help migrate wiki data out21:35
tewardjust an fyi ;)21:35
Eickmeyerteward: No worries. I was just going to compare that page to info that may or may not be available on freedesktop.org.21:41
EickmeyerSo, not urgent at all, and completely unnecessary.21:42
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Whoops, now that I'm thinking back, I think I forgot the runtime library for the extra KDE widgets when doing that installer prompt upload.21:53
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> That's literally a theming issue though, so if you haven't seen it before it won't be obvious that it's missing ;)21:54
lubot[telegram] <tsimonq2> Home now just to grab some food, I'll be headed back to the office soon to look over Aaron's rough draft and flesh out a good blog post21:54

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