
jbichaEickmeyer: mutter 45.2 with the wacom fix is in mantic-proposed. Could you reach out to your contacts to ask if we can get help verifying that bug 2043027 is fixed?01:35
-ubottu:#ubuntu-desktop- Bug 2043027 in mutter (Ubuntu Mantic) "Wacom Intuos S stop working after upgrading to Ubuntu 23.10" [Medium, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/204302701:35
Eickmeyerjbicha: I can try, but it was a random support request in #ubuntu and they're probably not there anymore.01:36
jbichaEickmeyer: ok, I am following up with one contact I have who was hesitating to comment publicly :)01:54
KGB-Xgtk4 ubuntu/latest 7adf353 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 7 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/iQk9i01:57
KGB-Xgtk4 ubuntu/latest 22164a1 Jeremy BĂ­cha debian/ control rules * Build-Depend on dh-sequence-gnome * https://deb.li/6C6i01:57
KGB-Xgtk4 ubuntu/latest 668402a Simon McVittie debian/patches/ Revert-build-Drop-the-install-tests-option.patch series gsk-Always-use-RGBA-on-big-endian-architectures.patch * Add proposed patch to fix test failure on big-endian CPUs * https://deb.li/BuQy01:57
KGB-Xgtk4 ubuntu/latest 5134875 Simon McVittie debian/changelog * Release to unstable * https://deb.li/30Hv401:57
KGB-Xgtk4 ubuntu/latest 6085745 Simon McVittie debian/control * d/control: Remove pandoc build-dependency * https://deb.li/3qTC001:57
KGB-Xgtk4 ubuntu/latest 80d40bc Simon McVittie debian/changelog * Release to unstable * https://deb.li/3i92A01:58
=== Kilroy is now known as DarthKilroy
Eickmeyerfossfreedom_, jbicha, and (maybe) loose: We got the new installer on the Ubuntu Studio .iso, and vorlon made a test .iso, but it's getting stuck at a black screen where there should be the try/install. I assume this is related to the gnome-shell dependency. What can we do to fix or work around this?17:27
Eickmeyer(or who do we poke)17:31
jbichaEickmeyer: I don't know today who is working on that issue. You could check with seb12817:44
jbichaworking on Edubuntu for now like you're doing makes sense though17:46
Eickmeyerjbicha: Ok, might have to wait until Monday, nbd. 17:46
EickmeyerStill need to get it working for *all* desktops.17:46

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