
=== WaVeR` is now known as WaVeR
StormerI think Ubuntu should no longer include Firefox by default because Firefox has become spyware. Firefox maintains a connection to 'googleusercontent.com' the entire time its running and there is no way to stop it.05:52
LocutusOfBorg# vorlon, 2017-11-09: Ubuntu is upstream, package named differently (signon vs. signond), Debian version is behind06:49
LocutusOfBorgwe might want to remove it from sync-blocklist?06:49
vorlonI suppose so!06:50
vorlonLocutusOfBorg: done06:50
LocutusOfBorg(I'm reviewing and checking the merge)06:51
LocutusOfBorgarraybolt3, I made a review for it ^^07:22
=== sem2peie- is now known as sem2peie

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