
minimalmeena: well if you look at that busybox link it also says "was re-ported from NetBSD and debianized"01:08
minimalso it seems to be UCB -> NetBSD -> Debian -> Busybox01:12
holmanbDid all of them benefit from smoser's grep optimization last cycle? Or did any of the non-debian almquists acquire the ability to read more than a character at a time?03:18
meenahttps://github.com/NetBSD/src/blob/trunk/bin/sh/miscbltin.c#L73 character by character 07:52
meenasame here, https://github.com/freebsd/freebsd-src/blob/main/bin/sh/miscbltin.c#L15007:55
meenasame here https://github.com/openbsd/src/blob/master/bin/ksh/c_sh.c#L250 (also, didn't realise OpenBSD sh was ksh under the hood)08:01
meenaholmanb: so, yes, they all benefited08:02
holmanbmeena: huh, thanks for checking that 15:50
minimalholmanb: my earlier reference to ds-identify changes needed for Alpine wasn't ash vs dash related, rather the need to make use of udevadm conditional (as Alpine doesn't use udev by default) and also need to verify that for any external programs called (such as blkid) that both the options and expected output is compatible with Busybox's versions or whether the "full fat" versions are a dependency19:06
loser123I'm adding docker and k8s.io sources using the apt config, and those files are created in sources.list.d on the VM, but package update (package_update: true) in cloud-init-output.log doesn't list them, and installation of containerd.io/kube* fails.  When logging into the VM from vagrant and running apt update manually, the sources are listed and I19:55
loser123can then install those packages.  It seems that package_update is run before the sources are created. What am I missing?19:55
meenaloser123: only if you changed something about the ordering20:54
loser123meena: didn't do anything about the ordering.  How would I handle that or inspect out it's ordered on the VM?20:55
loser123inspect how*20:56
meenaloser123: cloud.cfg should tell you about the ordering, the log files should tell you about what happened20:56
loser123meena: (for some reason I can't upload a file here, so I'll keep it short):  Here is some info from the log:21:13
loser1232023-12-10 20:29:41,050 - helpers.py[DEBUG]: Running update-sources using lock (<FileLock using file '/var/lib/cloud/instances/i-bf7816b90d424023a2255369dc5b7609/sem/update_sources'>)21:13
loser1232023-12-10 20:29:47,970 - util.py[DEBUG]: apt-update [eatmydata apt-get --option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold --option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io --assume-yes --quiet update] took 6.919 seconds21:13
loser1232023-12-10 20:29:48,221 - cc_apt_configure.py[DEBUG]: adding source/key '{'keyid': '9DC858229FC7DD38854AE2D88D81803C0EBFCD88', 'keyserver': 'https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg', 'source': 'deb [signed-by=$KEY_FILE] https://download.docker.21:13
loser123com/linux/ubuntu mantic stable'}'21:13
loser1232023-12-10 20:29:48,514 - cc_apt_configure.py[DEBUG]: adding source/key '{'keyid': 'DE15B14486CD377B9E876E1A234654DA9A296436', 'keyserver': 'https://prod-cdn.packages.k8s.io/repositories/isv:/kubernetes:/core:/stable:/v1.28/deb/Release.key', 'source21:13
loser123': 'deb [signed-by=$KEY_FILE] https://pkgs.k8s.io/core:/stable:/v1.28/deb/ /'}'21:13
loser1232023-12-10 20:29:48,907 - helpers.py[DEBUG]: update-sources already ran (freq=once-per-instance)21:13
loser123looking into cloud.cfg now.  This is ubuntu/mantic64 vagrant image.21:14
meenaloser123: this is IRC, we don't upload stuff here, we use a pastebin21:15
meena(preferably one without ads)21:15
meenawe don't seem to have one in the /topic 21:15
loser123meena: I'm on here through kiwiirc which does some sort of file upload (from the cloud init docs).21:16
meenaah, yeah. I'm on The lounge, which uses Kiwi as library, and it has filled upload, too. but it doesn't catch a paste to transform that into an upload21:18
meenaanyway, the log already says that upload happens first, which is rather nonsensical21:20
loser123meena: ok, here is the cloud.cfg from the VM, which looks like it have the correct order:21:20
loser123  - apt_pipelining21:20
loser123  - apt_configure21:20
loser123  - package_update_upgrade_install21:21
loser123yeah, I don't get it.  it's as if the order isn't respected.21:21
loser123I wonder if vagrant if going something.21:22
meenathat hopefully is found in its own logs21:25

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