=== wsc3 is now known as gchound [02:27] Bashing-om, I'm not a fan of "-" in "plus JACK - what they offer" ; you normally use a ":" i think which I prefer (I think), or my original " in " [02:29] not a fan of the "and more"x2 + "for more" in multipass one... (ideally reduce one 'more' [02:31] guiverc: looking :D open to edit for me ? [02:32] yep.. i list ^ first as I read... s/and more of/in/ maybe for multipass one [02:32] opening [02:34] i suspect just removal of first 'and more' (as per ^) and I may not have noticed anything [02:47] guiverc: rewrote the multipass article - could not rest leaving a dangling phrase :P [02:53] guiverc: Save what is now ? [02:54] i haven't seen a change yet... you probably need to save for me to see [02:54] yup sving :D [02:54] saved [02:56] was "ts" in "ts cross-platform" intended to be "its" or ??? [02:57] Bashing-om, ^ [02:58] its - fixing ( I still not comfortable with this reduced sise keyboard - I push wrong) ! [02:59] ouch.. yeah typos are so numerous on reduced size keyboards for me too... [03:00] thanks Bashing-om ; looks great ! [03:02] guiverc: One of these times I am going to get aggravated to the point I tear down and try and fix my ole mechanical keyboard (one more time). [03:02] :) Yep, understand ! === wsc3 is now known as gchound [03:37] https://9to5linux.com/lubuntu-24-04-lts-to-ship-with-optional-wayland-session-improved-installer [03:37] https://lubuntu.me/noble-alpha-featureset/ [03:37] :) [03:51] tsimonq2: Looking ^ see what we can do :D [03:52] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Lubuntu Blog: Noble Numbat: The Next Generation of Lubuntu @ https://lubuntu.me/noble-alpha-featureset/ [03:53] guiverc: Updated https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-link-suggestions/40055 // What wiklk it take to migrate our portal, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/, to Discourse as well ? [03:54] busy currently sorry.. [03:59] * guiverc was still playing with discourse version of what Simon mentioned ^ [04:00] blimey... disappointed I'd not noticed/removed phone news ! [04:02] No idea... I'd prefer to think about that one (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/) or just play (ie. grab source, paste into discourse & see what it looks like; adjust tables & such to make them convert etc is probably what I'd do.. [04:03] * guiverc going to walk pup... he's aware I put socks etc on ready to go >60 mins ago... [04:16] Bashing-om: Would be nice to see 9to5Linux get covered in this one too :) [04:47] tsimonq2, we've bullet-point listed Marius' under https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-817/40802 ; (Billy did anyway; I was walking pup).. were you hoping for more? [04:48] Bashing-om, I don't mind the 9to5/Marius' getting his own summary later though; his post mentions his own "mockup that I created for the Lubuntu team" so contains more than just what the Lubuntu team posted.. [04:48] * guiverc can do summaries in a bit [04:57] guiverc: Great - as I am still looking at what all needs yet to be migrated to Discourse - we have yet a lot of work to do. To tired now to think well so will cease looking for the night. [05:02] ack, me busy writing reply to something.. [05:04] Bashing-om, how do you feel about Marius' being moved down though? [05:05] (I know Simon hasn't replied; but he reported 'Bye' ~40 mins ago in Lubuntu rooms thus not expecting reply (today) [05:05] guiverc: When you get to it - can move the bulleted 9to5 to Bloggo and do it nice too. [05:06] * guiverc off outside with birbs awhile.. [05:26] first summary done; rather long.. (will see when pasted how long it looks like there) [05:31] guiverc: Good man :) -- I forgot to work up my sour dough - Got to do that ! will catch up :) [05:33] * guiverc going to edit doc (in a min).. summaries may need tweaking [05:39] summaries are a little long; I also used "release(s)" which may not be ideal (another quirk of my writing)... i've stressed the 'no snap' option in each, which I wonder if 'duplicate & thus should be dropped (but I suspect it'll create future press next week etc). I ignored the 'exclusive' of Marius' [05:40] given I'm in Lubuntu team, you should read & confirm okay Bashing-om [05:42] (one summary that long would be okay; 2x on same topic makes me nervous... but it's only the middle sentence ("Marius covers expected Wayland and Xorg support by the Lubuntu team, as well as the new ‘Customize’ page the Calamares installed allows as used by Lubuntu (including no snaps).") that I felt I could 'play' with to shorten.. [05:53] guiverc: Back - ready to tweak away :D [05:54] * guiverc currently editing (playing with??) https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter/40911 [05:56] guiverc: Links need fixing --- and knocking my head how to replace the WIKI header quick links - at the top of the pages. [05:58] some links fixed.. a few words added too "and find the current issue at" (I think) ... yeah header detail differs somewhat [05:59] I think we'll need to add a table to replace the 'header'... [06:02] most of the detail in 'header' exists below; template is missing (can be added lower), IRC & launchpad also missing (can be added too) [06:07] the three links I noticed missing are now added @ bottom [06:07] (missing as were hidden in wiki header) [06:08] ie. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Header/ page [06:11] guiverc: As you did say - the pages need some love : I did look at the header file to see about a migration path - not enough brain power left to deal with that now.// 817 "of Lubuntu in media." rubs me wrong - but I do think it is gammerically correct. Light tweaking done. [06:13] i :( when I see installed/installer (i often make brain-farts like that) [06:19] s/links of Lubuntu in media/posts covering Lubuntu/ maybe, or just drop... OR maybe better to shorten sentence "Some insights of plans for 24.10 & beyond are also revealed." (Wayland & Qt6 get mentioned In Marius' .. [06:20] Bashing-om, ^ [06:23] guiverc: What we have is good - just a personal rubbage on "in media;" if we were to go "the media" then becomes a single instance - rather than the list as Simon places it. I can make myself live with it as is :D [06:24] The one advantage of 'brain injury' is whatever rubs me wrong, will soon be forgotten... [06:27] guiverc: Silver linnings :P [06:39] detail in the page you created could also exist [here](https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter/40911/) [06:47] guiverc: We clean away - then see what we can do - is my plan of attack. [06:49] guiverc: Maybe I am going to have to get off my high horse and learn Json :( [06:50] Years ago I knew as Jason... probably a different person though :) [06:54] guiverc: Aaron has shown us the possibilities :P menues ! [07:01] :) [11:12] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::ubuntuonair:: PyKubeSlurm: A Python Operator for Efficient Job Scheduling in Slurm using Kubernetes @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zCKt7byWTw [11:12] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::ubuntuonair:: Building the largest working set of AppArmor profiles @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GK1J0TlxnFI [11:12] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::ubuntuonair:: New Intel HW and OpenSource innovations @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPVOhOLerrE [16:40] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Linux Mint 21.3 Beta Released, Available to Download @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/12/linux-mint-21-3-beta-released [20:04] UWN: Accessing 817 - adding the stats/reports. [21:12] UWN: Issue817 now up for review and final edits: https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-817/40802 :D [21:13] ack & thanks Bashing-om [21:14] guiverc: :D Awaits your sharp eyes :P === wsc3 is now known as gchound === wsc3 is now known as gchound [22:47] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Mission Center Now Shows Intel GPU Usage, Available as AppImage @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/12/mission-center-intel-gpu-monitoring-linux [23:18] * guiverc wonders if "Lubuntu Team" should be "team" (I think case was used by original source) [23:21] guiverc: Good thought ^ checking. [23:22] * guiverc also irked at "(including no snaps)" but it fits Marius' post (I don't see reference to no snapd in Marius' so summary fits what is written) [23:26] guiverc: "Team" as the author has it --- and "(including no snaps) reads well to me and yes as the author meant. to my undertanding. [23:27] Bashing-om, I think we need to drop first four jammy changes; those appeared at bottom of issue 816 (jammy changes) as I see it; please check [23:28] maybe not 4; 3??!! [23:28] checking :( [23:29] 26706 was last on issue 816, but is out of order; thus the reason for inclusion I suspect in 817 [23:30] guiverc: sounds resonable. editing ^. [23:32] that was all I saw; looks good Bashing-om [23:34] guiverc: You do to good - some one should give you a pay raise :P [23:41] :)